Disclaimer: I own nothing

This is a response to the Feel Bad for the Bad Guy Challenge. It's a reflection by little Red.


The Grimms were so nice to me now. Miss Relda had accepted me into her family with out a seconed thaught. Daphne was nice. We were friends- I think. It's hard to tell with nothing to compare it to.

Sabrina was another story altogether. She doesn't trust me, I can tell. Whenever I'm I the same room wit hher she tenses up, but besides that it's fine. Unless Puck is there. Whenever Puck is there she doesn't stop watching me. I don't know why, but I don't blame her.

I talked to the wolf once, or should I call him Tobias? Whichever. Any way. I talked to him once. He described the madness well. I don't know what happened. But I know it has horrible. I was terrible. Sometimes I have flashes of what happened though.

Once me and Daphne Climbed a tree. I was sitting on a branch and leaned over to look at Puck and Sabrina, who were under the tree, and I had a flashback. I don't remember exactly. But I remember looking down at them, and Jake and daphne, from a great height before.

And then, sometimes I relapse a lttle. We were shopping once, and a baby cried. For just a seconed I was back in the madness.

…I left the store crying. And that night my dreams were plagued with a brother, almost forgotten, that I would never see again.

I told Sabrina about this later. I don't know why, but something told me to go to her. She said she understood, because she used to think she would never see her parents again, that they were lost.

And I think we bonded, but I can't tell. I can never tell.

That's it! Please review!