A/N: This is a pretty short chapter, but since it's the holidays, I'll try to update sooner :) Hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I obviously don't own anything related to the Twilight saga..

Chapter 27- Girlfriend

Ari's POV

After Nicole and I meticulously arranged the food and drinks in the kitchen, there wasn't much left to do. I decided to excuse myself on the premise of going home to change, and Nicole half-heartedly waved as I rushed out her door.

I had called Shane from Nicole's house phone, and he was sitting in his Mercedes at her driveway, waiting for me. I jumped into the passenger seat, slammed the door, and mumbled a thank-you to Shane. I could feel him staring at me, but I turned my head and pretended to be interested by the passing scenery out my window.

When we arrived at the house, I ran up the stairs and into my room, once again, slamming the door. I knew that in a couple of hours, I'd be in close proximity to Alex. The thought alone was making me freak out.

I opened my closet and remembered a plain black maxi dress I had bought on a whim, but never wore. It was about two sizes too big and looked ridiculous on me, but, it also covered up my body, so I was happy to wear it. I also choose a pair of beat-up motorcycle boots and a flowery scarf as an accessory. I slicked my hair back into a tight bun and decided to forgo any makeup. I looked terrible and it was awesome.

When I stomped down the stairs, Shane was sitting on the last step in jeans and a faded grey tee. He bit his lip when he saw my horrendous outfit but never said a word.

Looking back, I think that on some level, he knew that this night was going to change everything.

We wordlessly drove back to Nicole's house. Shane parked two blocks away and we walked quietly down the neighbourhood in the dark. I opened the door and was hit with loud music and the smell of pot. Shane and I pushed through the crowd to the kitchen, where Nicole and I had earlier set out bowls of chips, boxes of pizza, and a huge keg of beer that was now really warm and flat. I was about to grab a red plastic cup for myself when Shane suddenly grabbed my shoulder and turned me around.

"Woah, Ari, look..." he pointed to the far corner of the room where a blonde was all over a really tall guy.

Wait. Wasn't the blonde Nicole? And the tall guy OBNOXIOUS AARON?

Shuddering, I grabbed Shane's hand and pulled him out of the kitchen. Shane was laughing and I rolled my eyes. "Ew Shane, seriously, I think she's just really drunk and has no sense of judgement." That made him laugh harder and I let out a sigh. This night was turning out to be great.

In the hall, some guy pushed past us with a guitar in his hands. I tugged Shane forward, following the kid to the house's backyard, where it looked like one of the guys was performing in front of a huge crowd of people. As Shane and I moved closer to the stage, I noticed that the guy strumming the guitar was -oh God- Alex.

He look really tired, but also, absolutely amazing. Shane crossed his arms beside me and let out an annoyed sigh. I knew that he wasn't interested in watching an acoustic song sung by Alex, but I couldn't will myself to turn around and leave. I was mesmerized by Alex. He had his eyes closed and was singing in a low voice about "being incomplete".

I listened intently and knew that he was directing the song to me, even if he didn't know that I was in the crowd. My eyes started welling up as my mind grew heavy with thoughts of Alex. Why was I causing so much pain and misery for him? I felt like the Earth was shifting underneath my feet and that my heart was in my throat. When Alex strummed the last chords, opened his eyes, and thanked the crowd, I lost it. He looked right at me and his eyes widened, locked with my own. His expression said it all: what was I doing here?

Shane's lips were suddenly on mine, and I pushed him away, but it was too late. Alex was pushing through the crowd and quickly heading into his house.

"What was that for?" I glared at Shane, noticing that my own lips were burning.

"I wanted to get your attention." He wouldn't make eye contact with me.

"Well, kissing me is definitely the right choice! You couldn't have just tapped my shoulder or something?" I could feel myself getting angrier and angrier. Why was Shane so annoying?

"I'm not allowed to kiss you anymore? First you set boundaries, then you suddenly want to cuddle and hold hands and act like we're a couple . . . what's wrong with you Ari?" He crossed his arms and I caught a glimpse of his hurt expression.

I stared at my ridiculous shoes and silently chided myself for being such a bipolar bitch. "I'm kinda confused about everything right now Shane." Especially knowing that Alex and I are a couple of feet away from each other.

Shane let out an annoyed sigh and pulled me to a secluded spot in the backyard. When he was sure that no one could overhear us, he exploded. "You always have excuses! Can you just be direct about what you want for once in your life? Is it that fucking human? He doesn't seem like anything special."

"No, Alex is just a friend." I could feel tears welling up in my eyes but I blinked them away. It was physically impossible for me to look at him.

"I can see the way you're looking at him. It's obvious . . . too obvious that you care about him more than you want to admit."

"No! It's not like that Shane-"

"Ari, stop, " He lifted my chin so that I'd look at him. My breath caught in my throat. It's heartbreaking seeing your best friend looking so miserable. "I just . . . I want you to be happy and for us to stop hurting each other. Nothing we do is working. I'm gonna head home and you can stay here with Nicole for the night, and just . . . please think things through. Make up your mind. Tomorrow is a new day and we'll talk about what the next step for us should be."

I felt numb. I couldn't believe I was having this conversation right now. Shane bent down, kissed my forehead, and wrapped his arms around me. I rested my head against his chest and took a deep breath. For some reason, I felt that it was too late for us; it was like we were saying good-bye...

"We'll always be best friends though, right? Whatever happens?" I leaned my head up and attempted to smile at him.

He rolled his eyes but nodded his head. "Stop acting like it's the 'end'."

"I know, okay, whatever. See you tomorrow bud." I unraveled from his arms and stuck out my tongue.

He playfully shoved my away before grasping my hand and squeezing it tightly. He was scared and wouldn't be able to sleep tonight, I was sure. I squeezed back before he slipped away and pushed through the crowd. He was gone.

I suddenly felt really alone. The weight of Shane's words were pressing in on me and I could feel my heart beating uncontrollably. The deeper meaning behind his words was apparent: I had to choose between either Alex or Shane. Trying to ignore my racing thoughts, I quickly re-entered the house through the back entrance, fought through the crowd and up the stairs where I knew Alex would be. I had to see him, talk to him, soak in his presence one last time. I needed to make up my mind before I ruined everyone's lives further than I already had.

I heard the water running in the bathroom so I slipped into Alex's room and sat on his bed. My body was shaking uncontrollably and I really felt as if I'd faint. I was covered in sweat. My nerves were talking over. What would happen next?

Alex suddenly burst through the door, saw me, and paused at the doorway, his mouth open. He wasn't wearing anything but a towel casually wrapped around his waist. Just the distraction I need!

I immediately stepped forward, threw my arms around his neck, and mumbled incoherently. Being in such close proximity to him, after everything that happened, didn't make my feel like myself.

Suddenly, his lips were on mine, I was throwing my clothes off and ripping his towel away from his waist, and we were lying on his bed. We didn't even have to say anything out loud to know that this was what we both wanted.

This was nothing like that horrible first time, and afterward, I didn't feel as if I had just committed a sin.

I pulled myself as close to his body as possible and fell asleep with his arms wrapped around me protectively, and I've got to say, it felt absolutely amazing.

The next morning, I woke up with a start, feeling very disoriented and cold. I looked around the room I was in and noticed the eerily familiar posters half-heartedly taped to the walls, the guitars lined up against the back wall, and the open Mac on the desk . . . my stomach sank when I realized that I was lying in Alex's bed.

I sat up against the pillows and rubbed my eyes. I could feel the panic constricting my chest, but pushing the worrying aside, I wrapped Alex's comforter tightly around myself and started grabbing my clothing off of the floor. I could hear the water running in the bathroom next door and knew that I didn't have much time before having to endure a very awkward encounter with Alex. Oh hi! Yeah we slept together again last night but I really wish that we didn't! We were supposed to have an actual conversation, but for some reason, that's impossible for us. Okay, bye!

The water suddenly stopped, so I quickly pulled on my dress and shoes. I slipped out of Alex's room and decided to run home (great), only to collide with someone at the foot of the stairs. "Woah, sorry!" I whispered, apologizing to OBNOXIOUS AARON! "Oh. My. God."

He was shirtless, wearing only a pair of plain blue boxers, and was heading upstairs before bumping into me. He looked at me and immediately started laughing.

I felt my face grow hot, feeling acutely aware of the term "walk of shame".

"So . . . you and Alex huh?" Aaron wriggled his eyebrows suggestively, displaying not even an ounce of shame over the fact that it was painfully obvious what he was doing here.

"I could say the same about YOU AND NICOLE you idiot! She's my friend! Ew!" I punched his arm lightly, trying my best to ignore my burning face.

"Nicole's hot. I have absolutely no regrets over last night, while you obviously do." He crossed his arms over his chest and glared at me, the mood suddenly shifting from joking to serious.

"What gives you the impression that I regret sleeping with him?"

"I'm not stupid, Ari. You're sneaking away from him while he's showering. The poor guy's going to go back to his room, expecting to see the girl he slept with still in his bed. Maybe he'll think you two could have breakfast and talk things out. But no, you're obviously running away from him. You're breaking his heart all over again." He let out a low whistle. "I, on the other hand, am going back to Nicole's room to ask if she wants to hang out today, because we had an amazing time last night, and it'd be cool to get to know her better."

I was overcome with the sick realization that Aaron and I were suddenly the same person. We slept with people without really planning it out. We didn't have any morals. I pushed past him without saying another word because I knew he was right.

Soon, I was running down Alex's street and through the forest that led me back home, only thinking of how good it felt to be outside again. I could smell Alex on myself, and I knew that Shane would be able to too. How was I going to explain myself?

The front door to the mansion was unlocked, just like I knew it would. I followed the sound and smell of bacon frying to the kitchen to see Shane standing at the stove with a spatula in his hand. His shoulders hunched noticeably, sensing my presence at the doorway.

I was overcome with nausea when I saw the pile of pancakes and eggs at the kitchen table, but I tried to breathe through my mouth.

Shane turned on his heel and glared at me. I had to try my best to hide the unmistakable guilt and shock I felt when I saw his tortured expression. He audibly swallowed before whispering a simple "Hey".

I bit my lip and crossed my arms around myself. "Hi Shane."

"Did you have a good night?" he asked.


"Cool." He averted his eyes and turned back around, picking up the fry pan and scraping the bacon strips onto a plate. "I made some breakfast, so help yourself."

That's it? I tried to wrap my head around what just happened. "Shane, we-"

"Stop. I don't care. Just... whatever." He handed me a plate and a fork and wore an obviously-fake smile. "I don't need to know the details. Did you make your decision yet?" He frowned when I shook my head.

We sat across from each other at the table. Shane's plate was piled with food and I just drank some coffee. My stomach was being annoying again and I really didn't know why. The elephant in the room was becoming more and more apparent. I didn't know what Shane knew; didn't know what he thought; didn't know what he was going to do next. I watched him stuff himself with pancakes, bacon and eggs, and I noticed how his face was reddening. He wasn't looking at me. He couldn't.

I broke the looming silence and acted on my own selfish behaviour, instantly regretting my next five words: "I had sex with Alex."

Shane munched on his last piece of bacon, finished his own coffee, and set his fork down on the table. His face was redder than I'd ever seen before and he began to shake, as if he'd shift or something. "Good for you Ari. Do you want an award for losing your virginity to some stupid human that you barely even know?"


"NO! I can't believe you! What's wrong with you? The Ari I know had fucking morals!" He was pretty much convulsing with anger now and I was terrified of him shifting at the kitchen table.


He jumped up from his chair and ran out to the backyard, shaking the entire home as he slammed the door shut. Through the window, I saw him shift into his wolf form the instant the wind hit his face. He ran into the forest surrounding the property and I knew that he was beyond pissed.

The only reason I told him was because it was obvious why my hair was a mess, why Alex's scent was rolling off of me, why I didn't make up my mind . . .

I ran upstairs to my bathroom, ripped my clothes off, and jumped into the shower. When I was sure that I only smelled like Dove body wash, I turned the water off and walked to my room. I didn't have a towel or robe so I stood in front of my closet and allowed my carpet to get soaked. Without bothering to dry myself off, I slipped into a pair of ratty old pajamas and slipped under my bed's covers. I didn't want to think.

I looked at my nightstand and noticed Shane's phone sitting next to my alarm clock. I instantly knew that I needed to talk to my mom or dad.

No one picked up their phones. No. One. I called every single one of my relatives and got voicemail every single time. Perfect.

I contemplated laying in bed for the rest of my life. I shouldn't be allowed to talk to others, let alone become their "friend" only to end up screwing them over in the end. I think I was drifting off when a shrill ringing sound caught my attention. It was the house phone, and it could be one of my parents on the line! I picked up the line in my room, definitely not expecting the monotone that greeted me.

"Ari, why did you go home?" Alex asked without even saying hello.

"How did you get this number?" I retorted, ignoring his question.

"Some guy named Aaron gave it to me. He said he knows you?"

Damn Obnoxious Aaron. "Oh okay. Um, I thought things were getting kinda weird so I went home. I- I don't know why we-"

"Can we talk face-to-face? Please?" He interrupted me, his voice a mere whisper.

I gulped. This wasn't a part of my plan to fall off the face of the Earth. Being in physical proximity to Alex never ended well. For some unknown reason, I agreed. He was coming over to pick me up in 20 minutes. I went back to my closet and changed into a pair of red skinny jeans, a black and white striped top, and my favourite black blazer. Might as well look presentable when breaking ties off with that toxic guy, right?

He pulled into the driveway in his dirty little car right on time. I sat in the front seat and whispered a quick 'hi'. He nodded and pulled onto the freeway. We drove in silence for about an hour, which was NOT pleasant. I was itching to run my fingers through his hair. He still had this effect on me. Why?

Our destination? A very old and unsafe looking theme park. There were only two other cars in the parking lot. Alex held my door open for me and led me to the entrance. A bored looking guy handed us our tickets, Alex paid, and we were in. We silently walked past booths that were long since barred and closed. The place was deserted and silent. Alex sat at a picnic table and I sat next to him.

Alex finally broke the silence. "My parents used to take Nicole and I here every summer when we were really little. It used to be great, but the land just got sold and they're gonna tear everything down and open up a chain store or something."

"That sucks." I earnestly replied, staring at the looming ferris wheel across from us.

He looked at me from the corner of his eyes and frowned. "This is the last day they're open. After a couple of hours, there's going to be nothing here but dirt."

We sat in more silence and just looked around at the park. I didn't know what we were doing here, why he took me here, what he wanted...

"Do you wanna go on the ferris wheel?" He looked at me expectantly.

I nodded my head and followed Alex to the ride's entrance. We had to knock on the ride operator's booth to wake him up and start the ride. He buckled us in and we were off. The wheel was creaky and I was scared it would break. It's not like I would get hurt or anything, but I mean . . . Alex would. When we got to the very top, the ride stopped. It was cool to get a bird's-eye-view of the park, but I could see that there were already bulldozers pulling into the parking lot. I could feel Alex's gaze on me so I turned and stared at him.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing, it's just-" he let out a deep sigh. "The guys and I are going to L.A. tomorrow to start working on our album."

"That's great!" I faked a smile. He was leaving already?

"I don't want to leave you though." He stared at his hands and let out another sigh, as if he read my thoughts. "I know that's moving too fast, but, um, I feel like you and I-"

"No, there's nothing going on between us anyway." My heart sank at my obvious lie, but after what happened with Shane, I was starting to feel like ending things with Alex once and for all was the best thing to do.

"What?" His voice cracked. I felt even worse, if that was possible.

"You heard me."

"But yesterday-"

"Again, a mistake. I just went up there to talk to you but-"

"No, Aria, stop denying what you feel towards me." He place his hand on my knee. I winced.

"It's just physical." I was starting to feel numb. Why do I always dig myself into these holes?


"Yeah, I only like fucking you." I could sense his shock, but it didn't fully register in my mind. Everything was moving too fast.

"Then you wouldn't object to this, right?" Without waiting for an answer, he crushed his lips over mine. He was hurt, pissed off, confused, annoyed and sad. I leaned into him and gave up. Alex. Alex. Alex. He was taking over my mind. I somehow ended up on his lap with my hands tangled in his hair. I could feel his hands moving under my shirt while he deepened the kiss. We were on a ferris wheel in the middle of nowhere, practically doing it. What if it really was only physical between us? When he so much as touched me, I lost it. I couldn't breathe or think.

The ride started moving again and we broke apart. His breathing was shallow and his face was flushed. He wouldn't look at me. When we reached the bottom again, we got out and silently headed towards the parking lot. His fingers slipped into mine and I didn't object.

We reached his car and he was suddenly driving down the freeway again. It was getting dark out but he didn't take me home. He pulled into a dingy looking motel and parked his car. He got out, went to the front desk, and came back a couple of minutes later with a key.

I wordlessly followed him to room number 125. It was dark, musty, and gross. He clicked the door shut behind him and I turned to stare at him. He took two steps forward to close the distance between us in the tiny room and awkwardly placed his hands on my hips. He leaned his head down to kiss me, and I could taste his anger. Again, he deepened the kiss, never breaking apart.

My mind was racing, telling me that I should run away and never look back.

He pulled back and stared deeply into my eyes, soaking up the truth I was too afraid to admit. He lead me to the bed and sat me down next to him. I couldn't tell what he wanted, but he wasn't attempting to take my clothes off or anything.

"I wish I'd never met you." He broke the silence, his voice scratchy and deep. I stayed mute. "Every song I write is about you. Every time I close my eyes, I see your face. I don't know what to do."

This isn't happening. This isn't happening. This isn't happening. This isn't happening.

"Aria, do you like me?" This time, he turned his entire body to look at me.

I didn't know how to reply. "Like" didn't seem like the appropriate word for how I felt about him. I looked at him and merely nodded. I liked him, yes, but that wasn't enough. I felt like I needed him, like I couldn't live without him.

Woah, woah... where on earth were these thoughts coming from?

"I know you don't want to say the truth, but you don't have to admit anything out loud." He placed his hand on top of mine. I stayed silent, too afraid to open my mouth and ruin the moment. "Ari, I'm serious. Go out with me. I really, really, really like you. I've never felt this way about anyone before."

When I didn't answer, he leaned down and placed feather-light kisses on my lips. I didn't object, but I also didn't move. He was killing me here. Why was he so perfect?

"Aria, please, say something." He whispered, his breath in my ear.

"Ok," I whispered back.

"Ok what? You'll be my girlfriend? No games?"


Please review and lemme know what you think!