Victor Goes the Spoils
By: Selim
Rating: M+
Summary: [Challenge Fic] Sora loses the battle against Ansem in KH. Now he's one of three slaves to the overlord. Can anyone save them?
Timeline: Probably will remain stopped at KH.
Pairings: Ansem x Sora, Ansem x Riku, Ansem x Kairi (implied), Ansem x Riku x Sora
Chapter: 5/5
Disclaimer: I do not own KH. I am not making any money off this fiction.
The clanking of parts wasn't very reassuring, but Cid had claimed the hunk of junk that had been pulled together would survive that long. Usually the man wasn't wrong, so it was in the group's mind that they'd make it back to the sanctuary of Disney Castle (where they'd taken refuge as soon as they could) before the gummi ship fell apart piece by piece. Leon, however, wasn't buying it. He'd preferred the one Donald and Goofy had arrived to Transverse Town in. It was quiet with a soft hum of the engines, offering a moments peace before big battles.
Not too far off stood Cloud, who looked equally displeased about being on the ship going to fight the greatest of darkness without the most essential of weapons – a Keyblade. Frowning, Leon turned his head. He didn't have the time to worry about that. They needed to at least grab Sora (maybe his friends too, if they were in range) and get him out of Ansem's clutches. The worlds were in peril. Another Keyblade Master had yet to be made or found, so they didn't have a choice but to at least try and protect Sora.
Aeris was the most uneasy about the whole "save Sora" mission. Why, she had reasoned, would Ansem keep Sora alive? It was more likely that the boy had been dead since the initial destruction, leaving them all to enter a dangerous trap. On their travels to avoid heartless, they'd found various planets free of the troubles outside. Just settling down would be safer than going to the Heartless strong hold.
Soft clicking heels turned Leon's head to where Cloud was slowly approaching. "Cid's going nuts," the blond explained, leaning against the vibrating wall. "The Heartless are getting weaker the closer we get."
"Weaker? Shouldn't they be getting stronger to protect Ansem?"
The blond shrugged his broad shoulders.
Rubbing his chin, Leon turned his back to stare out a small, oval shaped window. He could see the Heartless ships attacking the Gummi ship, but they were just as soon dead from a laser. How odd, the last time he had looked, they had been powerful enough to have turbulence disturbing the ship. "Well, at least it'll be easier then."
"Or harder." Cloud murmured, tilting his head to the side. Poor guy, Leon bit his tongue from chuckling. Not only did the heartless love Sephiroth, but during the two's last battle, they had gobbled the man up into a spiraling vortex that had taken Hollow Bastion along with it. Yuffie had joked that Sephiroth had probably joined Ansem's side. That was enough for the blond to stick with them on the gummi ship, traveling warp zones that led to the last known world containing Ansem and, hopefully, Sora.
Trained bodies didn't jump at the sudden sound of the intercom chiming in, however both men did stiffen in preparation for what they'd hear. Cid's voice, scratchy for years of smoking, came loud and clear across the old system, "We're approaching our final destination. Don't sit around and let your asses freeze there, this is a retrieval mission not a god damn hero run. If you see Ansem turn and run as if Hyne himself was comin' – Do you hear me? Run. That means you Cloud!"
Leon turned his head to hide all his mirth as Cloud stormed past the shutter doors. Returning his gaze to the window, icy blue eyes watched as the abyss of space shaded a faint black to a rich blue of a sky. On the furthest horizon was an island sitting on what appeared to be on a disk, rotating slowly. It was most likely Ansem's palace. Only darkness could collapse a world in such a manner. Cid's voice piped up over the intercom again, letting the group know to prepare for a crash landing.
Taking a deep breath, Leon pulled the Lionheart out, the light shimmering across the blade as a promising dawn. Touching the cool blade itself to his forehead, the man gave a sharp intake of air. Fail me not again. I will protect someone this time. Scattered bodies crossed his mind, but the brunette shrugged the feeling off. Not this time.
Moving through the ship's bowels, Leon stopped at the main doors. In a few seconds, they'd whirl open and he could throw his body onto the waiting enemy. "We're here. Heads up, if you're outnumbered run. We're strong but this isn't our kind of battlefield. Leon, Cloud will be backing you up. Grab Sora and if his friends – Donald and Goofy or Riku or whoever – are with them, grab them! Do not stay and fight Ansem. This is not the final battle. We're getting our asses out of here, tail between the cheeks and all!" With a mock salute (the fact that the crazy pilot had the same name as his old headmaster gave the man unneeded support in the moral department), Leon watched as the solid doors slid open; from below, he could see the dark castle that belonged to none other than Ansem himself. With a deep breath, the brunette threw himself out the door, preparing himself to turn just enough to land on one knee and protect his neck. Duck and cover. His knees hit the ground and he rolled for a second before taking off like a bolt of lightning at just the sound of Cloud landing beside him. Quickly now. He moved through the halls, past statues that looked as if they would come to life at any moment until he reached a dead end lined with four doors.
"Quick." Cloud reminded him. Fixing his hearing to listen to the faintest of sounds, Leon pushed open the last door on the right finding yet another long hall where, at the very base a young redhead stood. She couldn't have been older than sixteen and in her hands already was a baby. Her blue eyes seemed wide with speculation on just what was going to happen but Yuffie had already rushed past the two men and led the child out. "She says Sora and Riku are in the room four doors down from here."
"What?" Leon hissed. Such a confusing place. It was the inside of a mad man's mind. Turning the handle to a door on the side, Leon tensed as he found a set of stairs leading down in a spiral. Every so often a door was placed until the bottom revealed a deep pit. No railing. How fucked up. Taking a deep breath, the gunbladist ran down the flight, his eyes counting doors until he stopped at the fourth one and turned the knob, throwing it open to find a scene that made his heart stop. Ansem…
The white haired man seemed just as surprised to see Leon as Leon was to see him. He'd probably been expecting that girl upstairs or something. The man wasn't dressed, two boys (one both he and Cloud knew – Sora) draped around him in an equal state of clothing. Sora's head didn't stop bobbing down on the long cock pulsing down his throat. His eyes, lifeless, did however stare up with a blank look. The other teen, a white haired boy about Sora's head, didn't bother looking up from where he was worshiping the older man's nipples, sucking and biting, long muscled arms wrapped around Ansem's broad neck to coil in the man's hair. "Slaves, desist."
Both boys stepped away, neither in the least bit embarrassed at their own states of arousal as they watched Ansem stand up, approaching Leon mockingly. His hard cock bobbed comically, but it didn't take any seriousness from the scene. They'd been caught. Cloud rushed forward, his Ultimate Weapon pulled out, the crystal blade shining in the light. "Ansem!" He swung his sword down, but the man was fast, disappearing to another point in the room.
"Sora, disarm him." Ansem tucked his arms behind his back. The teen stepped forward, wincing in pain as energy brought forth the Keyblade. It's killing him to use it here. Or is his heart that tainted? Only a gust of air made it known that Sora had moved before Cloud to vanish just as fast, both bodies reappearing in equal strength, holding the other back with their blades. Pulling out his own weapon, Leon rushed towards Ansem, only to be stopped by another Keyblade belonging to the white haired boy, Sora's friend Riku. The boy's green eyes only darkened as he pushed Leon back with ease. He seemed to have more upper strength than Sora, but the boy was holding his own as Cloud's Ultimate Weapon clattered to the floor, just inches from Ansem before disappearing into the darkness.
"Uuhgh!" Cloud cried out as he was pushed back against a wall, the Keyblade dragging across his neck, leaving a thin cut. He didn't move from there, his own blue eyes glistening with hatred towards the boy he'd found a sense of respect for. Leon tensed. Cloud was, admittedly, stronger than he was. "Drop your weapon Leon!" Cloud shouted.
Ansem just smiled. "Yes, you should drop your weapon or someone might be hurt."
Instead, Leon pushed Riku back and lunged forward towards Ansem only to stop when he noticed the older man's eyes weren't even on him. He couldn't help it, he had to see what was so interesting that even Cloud was still shouting at him to drop his weapon. There, standing in front of Cloud, Sora had his own blade pressed against his chest, ready to plunge it through his heart. The brunette stopped. No. The gunblade clattered to the floor. "No, Sora!"
"My collection," Ansem laughed, "is complete." He brought his hands out and darkness filled the room, swallowing the two intruders hole. The last thing Leon could consciously remember was Sora's lack of emotion as he crossed the room to finish sucking Ansem off.
Cid had to rush down to the castle when there was a static breakage over the talkie he'd given to Cloud. He'd sent the Gummi ship off, knowing that his two friends had been captured, but he just had to stand by them, to protect them. He moved across the grand hall, keeping his eyes open for anything. He heard a startled cry that drew him towards a room. He didn't push the door open far, just enough to see inside and watch as Cloud's head was thrown back with a scream so close to pain that Cid knew for a fact that they had lost.
Sephiroth didn't even turn his head to see who had entered the room as he raped his captive, burning the last of the light that he could possibly take from Cloud's soul. "Open your eyes to show your friend the darkness you have given into." He ordered, shifting just enough to let Cloud's frame be seen. Blue eyes opened; dull to the world, unaware of anything but pain. "You chose to walk through Master Ansem's castle instead of fleeing with your other friends; you too, shall become a slave but I have no need for you. Rid yourself from my presence."
"C…cid…" Cloud whispered, his hand reaching over Sephiroth's broad shoulders, begging for help. Instead, Cid shut the door. He was no match for a frontal assault against Sephiroth. Shame shook his shoulders, but Cid knew he'd have to continue forward, he had to find Leon at least. He was starting to wonder what hope had dragged him off the gummi ship, leaving the girl's to fend for each other.
The air in his lungs was leaving a burning feeling, one he hadn't felt since the last time he snuck a cigarette. It was then that he realized he was starting to hyperventilate. He knew exactly what was going on, his body moving through the castle on its own, lost to what was going on until he crashed into a creature dressed in black. He stopped breathing all together, "Sora?"
"Who?" The boy in black frowned, turning behind him where another redhead was standing. "Do you think my other half is here?"
"…This world is getting messed up Roxas, maybe we should go back. No one will think any differently of you."
"I, I don't have time for this!" Cid pushed past the boy. "You two get out of here before that sick fuck turns his attentions on ya! I won't be held responsible for anyone else! Leon!" He ran down a spiraling set of stairs, knowing the two men were following behind at their own pace. Cid was throwing open doors, trying to find his way through the funny house until he came across a room lined with cells. "Leon!"
"…Sweet Headmaster never…" Cid took a deep breath. He knew that voice. On the furthest cell, laying in a mess of semen, blood, and dirt was Leon. The icy blue eyes seemed fixed on the ceiling as the man spoke to himself. "…He thinks I'm awful. Rinoa, my escape, always knew. I need Seifer. Why? Why did the Heartless absorb him? Headmaster where is Seifer?"
It wasn't the first time the scar faced young man had referred to Cid in such a sense. He'd never met some headmaster at some 'fancy-pancy' military school. They probably looked alike. It was known to happen. "No one knows where victims of the heartless go. Let's get you out of here Leon." He tugged on the gate, pulling the cheap iron off its hinges. The air was stale inside the small chamber and just seeing him made Leon tense and pull back, cowering into the wall. He's not all there, Cid realized as he tugged his companion up, trying to leave the cell. Leon was stiff as a board, his eyes focused on a wall. "Come on, Leon." The aging man took Leon's arm, bringing it over his shoulder. With a deep breath, he hefted Leon up and started down the hall. He was greeted with the two men in black, both who stepped back to give both room. "I thought I told you—"
"I'm looking for the Keyblade master," The Sora-lookalike crossed his arms over his chest. The redhead nodded his head, still staring around at the tiny Heartless moving at his feet born from the darkness that surrounded them. "But all I've seen is a harem. I doubt he's here. Let's go look elsewhere, Axel."
"Sure." The redhead glanced over at Cid, "Wanna leave with us?"
His grip still on Leon, Cid looked over his shoulder before looking back at Axel. "Please."
On his throne, Ansem overlooked the sphere of his universe. Besides the place far to the north where the Nobodies played human, there was nothing left for him to claim. Dropping his head back, Ansem looked around his warped dark castle. The planet that Destiny Islands once formed was almost gone. His own slaves had crowded around him for the longest time until he felt the need to rid himself of them, one-by-one. That human group had taken Kairi first. For him, it was a waste. His own child was gone, destroyed with Hollow Bastion. Sephiroth had taken Cloud into the darkness. That left him with Riku and Sora.
His sweet Keyblade Master had allowed this world to become possible. He'd been a worthy sex partner at the same time. Even now, the boy showed little personality as his foot was laced with darkness, slowly devouring his entire form. The Heartless climbed across the boy's prone body, touching the remains that was the boy. He didn't cry out as their arms plunged into his empty heart. Ansem rested back, enjoying his show. The last of the resistance was dying in front of him.
Long arms wrapped around his waist, Riku's face dipped into his side trying to hide from the sight of his dying friend. Ansem rested back, watching as the heartless started to drag the Keyblade Master into the darkness. Dull blue eyes remained fixated on the two. "This is my world." Ansem spoke smoothly as Sora looked up. The boy's tiny arm came out, fighting past the heartless. At first Ansem had thought he was the object of reach, but then he realized the boy was really looking at Riku. Jealousy roused itself in his gut. Even in his last moments, the brunette was still more concerned for his childhood friend than his eminent death. Sneering, Ansem threw Riku to the ground beside his friend, "Push him in the darkness. This has gone on long enough. Riku pushed himself off the ground, looking back up towards Ansem with scared eyes. The Heartless were already climbing along his body, pressing towards his chest. "Now."
Shaking his head, Riku lowered himself on the ground. "I won't kill my friend."
Sneering, Ansem snapped his fingers. His last show from his two most wonderful slaves would be the final moments of their lives. The heartless swarmed, tearing through both boys before their remains disappeared into the darkness. Alone in his world, a smile took to Ansem's face as he relaxed in his throne. This was his universe, and nobody stood a chance against him; not the Nobodies, not mankind, and certainly not the supposed Keyblade Masters. "I win."