Okay let me explain how things are in T.A.T.T. First off it means Totally Addicted To Twilight, get it, get it! We are all very close and we have lots of fun! Your ideas will never be shunned or made fun of and we will welcome you into our group as if we were life long friends. We write stories just for the hell of it and we dont care if they sounds totally stupid. An idea is never a bad one and there is a 99.99% chance that if it gets thought up, it will be put into writing!!

When we write our stories we do a lot of role playing. We speaks as if we are the character we most relate to. We have 5 of the characters already.

Angie- Alice

Patty- Rosalie

Devon- Jasper

Yara- Bella

Julia- Edward

We are holding a contest starting a long time ago til however long it takes us to fill in that character.

These are the characters we need to fill:





If you are interested in being apart of T.A.T.T all you have to do is email us to pattycake8591 at yahoo . com(it didn't let me put the e-mail so i had to put it like that...but you get it right?) and tell us why you think you are best suited to be that character!! It doesn't have to be long just a sentence or two. We cant wait to finally meet the rest of our coven!!!!

ohh and we need need to be able to get ahold of you either through IM, email or cell phone!! :) good luck!!