Once upon a time, the girls of T.A.T.T were super bored; Angie and Patty were bored and Ashley felt kinda glum. Sooooooo..... Angie wrote Ashley a note and low and behold this one- shot was born! Dun... Dun... Dun!!!

disclaimer:( we do not own Twilight, we just like to pretend we are the characters!! :)

(Nessie is 17 years old)

Alice, Bella, and Reneesme have logged onto their IM accounts; this is their conversation

Alice: adorablePixie

Bella: Married2aGod

Reneesme: WarmBloodedLovr

Jasper: TheSouthShouldHaveWon

Emmett: EmmyTheGreat

adorablePixie has logged on

Married2aGod has logged on

WarmBloodedLvr has logged on


adorablePixie: Jasper is hotter!

Married2aGod: U wish!

WarmBloodedLvr: Both of u keep dreamin cuz my man is da hottest!

adorablePixie: *Brings in Jasper and takes off his shirt* This is a THOUSAND times hotter/better than Edward OR Jacob

Married2aGod: EWWW!!!! That's my brother-in-law Alice!!! GROSS!!! No offense Jasper.

TheSouthShouldHaveWon has logged on

TheSouthShouldHaveWon: None taken Bells

TheSouthShouldHaveWon has logged off

Married2aGod: Okay then... MY EYES!!!!

WarmBloodedLvr: Jacob is warm blooded so he has bigger and sexier muscles. :P

Married2aGod: Keep those thoughts to yourself young lady!...please...

adorablePixie: I second that! No but seriously, please keep THOSE thoughts to yourself.

WarmBloodedLvr: *after thought* If you think my thoughts are bad, you should see us in real life. Jake is GREAT in bed. Actually I hope you dont, can you say awkward.

adorablePixie: EWWWWW!!!!! Jasper cover my ears!!!

- I don't care if it's just a computer screen. No! Don't cover my eyes cuz then I cant see!! GOD DAMMIT JUST COVER MY EARS!!-

adorablePixie: Oooooo.... I'm telling Eddie!!!

Married2aGod: -sighs- I know your of age, so I cant say anything; but just use protection. Please say your using protection.

WarmBloodedLvr: Of course I am! Auntie Rosalie and Uncle Emmett gave me HUNDREDS of condoms; so dont worry about it :)

Married2aGod: WHAT?!?!?!

WarmBloodedLvr: I wouldn't be talking mom... remember I caught you and daddy getting it on last night! Ugh; I'll never recover from that one -shivers uncontrollably-

Married2aGod: No one told you to look!! Shame on you!!

adorablePixie: EWWW!! What are you teaching your child?!

Married2aGod: -shrugs- the basics

WarmBloodedLvr: ...........

adorablePixie: ...........

Married2aGod: ...........

WarmBloodedLvr has logged off

adorablePixie has logged off

Married2aGod has logged off

EmmyTheGreat has logged on

EmmyTheGreat: Where did everyone go?

EmmyTheGreat: MAN! I always miss all the fun!!

EmmyTheGreat has logged off

The conversation you have read above is completely factual. We hope you did not suffer any mental/emotional distress while reading this. This has been a T.A.T.T production; please review!!!

Angie's note:) in my defense i was just writing Jasper is hot in a piece of paper (i do that all the time...I'm a Jasper lover) and they got defensive...especially Ashley with Jacob....again not my fault!! this is what happens when three Twilight obsess girls are bored....