Geass Aberration
A Code Geass crossover
The world was at peace after Lelouch vi Britannia, theatre tyrant and 99th Emperor of the Holy Britannian Empire, publicly met his end. There was simply no more dominating figure of hatred to focus upon, and even ethnic hatreds millennia old died down to almost nothing.
In Britannia, the stern but benign Empress Cornelia Li Britannia ruled as queen should (alongside her beloved knight and husband, G.P. Guilford), not a eugenical despot with delusions of deicide; though the old tensions and prejudices remained, they no longer had a stranglehold on governmental policy, and with it, imperialism went down to a sane level. Nobility titles were reinstated, but all nobles must now serve in the Imperial Armed Forces, and titles are now open to Honoraries and non-Britannian born. Although not a member of it, the UFN received extensive rebuilding aid from the Empire, especially Japan and Europe, directed by President Kaguya Sumeragi.
Within Japan, life goes on without the charismatic royal. Ohgi and Villeta have settled down, Ohgi being an MP for Tokyo. Toudou works as Minister of Defense alongside the last surviving Holy Sword. Millay Ashford still works for Hi News (recently got a proposal from Rivalz). Nina Einstein founded an energy and mechanics company, UnitedTech, but is otherwise reclusive. Nunnally vi Britannia works as Domestic Affairs Coordinator, "Zero" faithfully guarding her and presiding over a figure-head position within the Black Knights, their public face. Tamaki runs his club bistro, which is a common stop for veteran Knights to reminisce over past glories. Kallen is now in the Collegiate section of Ashford (works as a test pilot for KMF's), but still mourns Lelouch. And C.C. has gone off on her own… Or perhaps not… Things are beginning to go wrong again, and the world will never be the same…
Post Requiem Turn 1
United States of Japan, September 2nd, 2021; Narita Mountain
Inside the mountain, all was not still. Chambers left to ruin when the JLF evacuated now hummed with the sounds of machinery. Someone had made this place their home.
In the centermost room, monitors glowed and computers whirred. A man sat in the darkness, poring over the vast amount of data flowing in, a scowl firmly in place. Red lights reflected off the screen from under the mane of jet black hair.
Keys tapped, and a video feed of a young woman with light red hair walking around an academy campus popped up on screen. The man's scowl lessened and turned into a wistful ghost of a smile. So, do you still hate me, Q1? He mused. He didn't cut the feed, just moved it over to the periphery, away from the grim news poring in.
A year and a half ago in the Britannian Isles, the French colonial government had finally been brought down, and in its place was a rather enigmatic and diplomatically aggressive republic headed by one Harold Saxon. This new state of "The United Republic of Great Britain and Ireland" had somehow bargained with the Britannian Empire to hand over various occupied territories, including northern France, Norway, and even home territories like Eastern Canada and Panama. In fact, the fledgling state had acquired bases and territories worldwide! Lately, they had been making overtures to get control of certain sakuradite mining rights in the Pacific Isles, as well as land grabs in the Philippines.
The man scowled. I didn't consider an economically aggressive nation, or a leader who has just as much force of personality as I do. No one can be that persuasive from a nation with so little to bargain with… Not even Schniezel was that good… Which means that he's not using normal or even natural methods. Geass user? No, that can't be; I killed everyone else with those powers when I took down that cult. He winced, remembering the massacre he had ordered and committed to vent his fury at Shirley Fenette's death. Hmmph. I should have used them as pawns instead. Oh well. If don't stop this "Britain" then…
His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by slender, porcelain white arms with wool sleeves wrapping around his neck, the distinct smells of mozzarella and fresh tomatoes carried by cool breath wafting up his nostrils. The modulated, pleasant voice of C.C. spoke into his ear. "Can't settle down, even for a day, can you? And here I thought you wanted to get away from it all." A porcelain hand trailed through the black hair.
The man didn't swivel round, just smirked. "What can I say? It always changes. Hawks like to watch movement; I like to watch shifts in global politics. At any rate," his smile fading back to a frown, "I made this world, and feel a responsibility to it. And I don't like some upstart disrupting my world so soon." C.C. withdrew her hand, sardonic smile in place. "I thought you already had a turn playing king and disrupter of the peace. Wasn't that painful enough even with all that power at your fingertips? You just said that the world changes; why is this new power and it's leader any different?"
The man paused, then tapped in some command codes. Pictures of Chancellor Saxon and personal information blinked into existence on the central monitor, and then expanded for the full scope of information. The prodigy's face split into his trademark triumphant leer. "This man doesn't exist. Literally, two years ago he suddenly started showing up in the EU's files, as the man behind the movement for a sovereign territory in the Britannian Isles. Before that, nothing. And the supposedly incontrovertible proof that he existed before two years ago, like birth certificates and schooling? It takes a good eye and an even better system to spot it, but all of that was forged; in fact the only thing that seems real about Saxon besides his physical presence in this world is his wife, Lucy, and even then I'm suspicious of her background. I don't like enigmas, C.C., especially not ones as aggressive as these. So I'll pull some strings and get Jeremiah out of retirement to eliminate this threat as soon as possible. I might even get to know what he is before I slit his throat. After all…" He couldn't finish. The man's leer became a crazed grin, and he threw back his head, laughing insanely out of sadistic euphoria, C.C. rolling her eyes. There he goes again…
The manic genius calmed down, still grinning wickedly though, "The Emperor Lelouch still lives, and must always watch over and protect his domain and subjects."
C.C.'s expression reverted to neutral. "What if this Saxon is just a figurehead and it's someone else in the Republic's government doing all this, with the Chancellor executing his plans? What if it's a Geass user who survived the raid, and wants to lure you into a trap? What if—"
Lelouch silenced her with an index finger placed on her lips, crazy grin dialed down to a surprisingly warm smile.
"Stop worrying. It doesn't matter what happens; the Republic will fall, and the world will be at relative peace again."
The erstwhile Emperor leaned back in his seat, his seat, expression pensive. "I was thinking, after this little problem is dealt with, do you think I could stop watching the world the world for awhile???"
C.C.'s eyes widened, hope glimmering in those golden depths. "Shut down this bunker, and leave this mountain? Are you saying that you're willing to settle down?" At this point, her eyes both pleaded with him and disbelieved him; Lelouch smiled ruefully. "Yes, Caecilia. That's exactly what I'm suggesting." Inwardly he smiled as she blushed and was generally flustered. Of all the ways to make a woman happy…
"I… I'd like that…Thank you…" Emotion filled her voice, making Lelouch smile on the outside as well. Gotcha'! "Will this mean you'll stop the evil overlord routine? Please? I know you like doing it, don't lie." Lelouch grimaced. As much as he was loath to admit it, he did enjoy the theatrics that his former roles of Zero and Demon Emperor required, right down to the maniacal laugh. It really was therapeutic. Still, C.C. found it irritating and it had scared off Kallen, maybe even broke her heart. Even if that was part of the plan, it still pained him to remember her face at their final meeting before becoming enemies. It stopped being fun when that happened. Maybe I won't need it for this. Still…
He sighed. "Okay, the mask comes off as soon as things are back on course." The Witches' face brightened. I might need Kallen for this if it turns nasty, but I'm not sure that she'll listen to me after all I did. Not to mention that I've been dead for three years… He weighed his options, then decided.
"I may need Kallen if Jeremiah fails and my hand is revealed. I'll need my finest pilot if I'm to make war again. Also, this might be a chance for me to make up for what did." He knew the instant the last words were out of his mouth that they sounded ridiculous, even without C.C.'s raised eyebrows. Nothing can make up for what I did.
"Are you sure she won't kill you? All that Imperial prancing around was bad enough, but then you had yourself killed, right in front of the poor girl, and she couldn't protect you. You know all this, and you think you can talk to her again?"
"She won't, I'm certain of it. She saw me die once; I don't think she could bear to see me die again, even if it would be only temporary. I could expect some punches, then most likely some sobbing into my shoulder." Lelouch said wryly, causing C.C. to raise her eyebrows again.
Recalling that he was supposed to be a gentleman, he asked, "You don't mind me bringing her back, do you? On a personal level, that is. You wouldn't be jealous, would you?" C.C. paused, her eyes defocusing as if remembering something small and indistinct, then smiled. "Not at all, warlock."
Lelouch was about to say something, then his thoughts were stifled, C.C.'s arms dragging him closer for a kiss, lime green hair enveloping them both….
Lelouch yelped, C.C. fell off onto the floor. What the Hell?! He wildly swiveled the chair around to face the monitors, downrange proximity detectors going berserk, the klaxons mixing with the unearthly wheezing/groaning of massive engines. Lelouch stared in complete astonishment at the security monitor, the critic in his mind howling in disbelief at the defiance of the laws of physics, while the observer was dumbfounded, theories on who or what this was ceasing to exist, replaced by nebulous alarm: Lower down the slope of Mount Narita (but still within the sphere of control), a tall boxy shape was fading in and out of existence, the light on the top strobing brightly with an unnatural light. The shape became more solid with every fade-out, finally materializing with a resonant THOOM. Lelouch kept staring, his mind racing. A Britannian prototype? No, Britannia doesn't have anything on this scale for teleportation, and neither does the UFN. And if they don't have it, the Republic won't either! So who in Hell is this?!
He eyed the monitors again, tapping in the code for zooming in. "Police Public Call Box" said the glowing yellow letters at the top of the navy blue box.
"So," the now smirking Witch piped up, "are you going to come quietly, O Emperor Fugitive?"
"Ha. This might just be some kind of testing for a new surveillance drone, whoever controls it, and whatever weird excuse for camouflage it has. It couldn't possibly be manned; the theoretical equipment to enable this would have to be packed in that frame rather tightly, along with the sensor equipment. In short, you could barely fit a mouse in that box."
That would have settled the matter, and Lelouch would have simply nabbed the box for study. Then the door opened. And then came the man walking out of the box.
Again, the Critic screamed at the lack of feasibility, having an internal temper tantrum; the Observer simply gave a bewildered shrug; even C.C. was visibly flabbergasted. The left eye twitched. "C.C…. I know you're called a Witch because of your Geass powers but…" She shook her head vehemently, eyes wide.
"Never seen anything like this."
Lelouch gritted his teeth as he turned around to look the man over. Dark, spiky brown hair. Worried, angular features. Navy blue suit jacket. Worn down brown overcoat. Red and white sneakers. What the hell?! How dare he intrude on my outpost?! Well, you're in my hands now, fool.
"Fine then; he's MINE! I'll make him regret ever coming here."
The Demon Emperor grinned malevolently, and for once, the Witch shared the expression. Lelouch's hands came down on the security controls, manipulating them like an organ; the sound of deploying defenses and Sutherlands launching playing industrial music to his ears…
London, U.K.I.T. Headquarters, Tower of London
This was the heart of the now mighty fortress that was Great Britain, a centralized hub of intelligence gathered world wide. Within this hub, the operators determined events worldwide, a covert British Empire. And now, something they had watched and waited for had just come to pass. Alarms blared, targets were readjusted, and central Japan came into focus. "Sir, its happening! He's here!" The intelligence coordinator called to his superior over the comm, jittering with excitement.
A cool but satisfied voice replied, "Then eliminate him. Leave no witnesses. Leave no evidence. There will be a cover story for any deaths. Now proceed."
And with that, the man smiled and turned to his task.
------Well, so what do you think? It's a bit off the wall, but I intend to play it seriously.
C.C.'s name I dealt with by making the C's not initials but syllables. As for her expression at the end, recall Shion from Higurashi, but with much less batshit insane, and more evil; that's what living with Lelouch for three years will do to you. To any fangirls or those simply concerned, both primary pairings are valid here; recall Kaguya's Court Ladies suggestion. Yes, I've hinted at Lelouch being immortal; that will be explained in detail later. Now would you kindly tell me what you think?