Chapter 4
Clarisse lay awake staring into the darkness. She had mixed emotions about the next twenty four hours. She was excited for her friend – happy that she was spreading her wings and getting the opportunity to fulfill a lifetime of training and dreaming; Clarisse was happy that she had at least been able to play a role in her development. She was relieved that they had finally had had a chance to talk – no share was a better word. Telling the story of Angelique had been good for her soul; and while she knew the wounds would never fully heal, the pain lessened each time she faced it. Finally, she was sad and fearful. Neither she nor Charlotte truly knew what the future would hold for their friendship; but as she promised – she would remain optimistic that even though things would change – the friendship would remain strong.
All too soon, morning came as the sun – unrelenting in its rising each day – brought about the fateful day that would take Charlotte away from her. She stared out the small portion of the window made available by the slight parting of the drapes, the rays streaming through the room and across the bed. She felt Joseph's arm slip over her body and pull her close. "Did you sleep well?" He asked as he placed a good morning kiss on the curve of her shoulder.
"Not really; but I didn't expect to." She answered quietly.
Joseph pulled her closer to offer support. She continued. "I'm alright though, Joseph; I'm at peace with what will happen today. I still don't want it to happen; but as I can't change the inevitability of it occurring, acceptance is the only reasonable course."
He turned her head to kiss her softly. "Spoken like a true friend."
She returned his kiss, communicating in her actions how much she loved him and the level of friendship they shared. "Don't think for a moment, though, that I would let you go without a fight."
Joseph's eyes darkened as they reflected a passion and intense love that he had never felt for another person. "Never think for an instant that I would ever leave you. You, my dear, are stuck with me."
Clarisse pulled him to her – willing to forestall the beginning of the day for just a while longer. "Mmm sounds like heaven to me…"
The sun rested high in the afternoon sky; the crisp winter air seemed to accentuate every piece of landscape and foliage giving it a pristine feel as nature enjoyed its much deserved hibernation. Inside the palace walls, the Royal "family" had just settled in for the final meal they would share together for a while. Joseph and Clarisse sat on one side of the table; Shades and Charlotte on the other with Mia sitting at the head. Nicholas had also been invited as well. The group was carrying on normal mealtime conversation; but the mood was more somber than usual. Clarisse was making a concerted effort to not state the obvious and she prayed that Amelia would demonstrate the same discretion. Finally Shades stood and raised his glass. "I would like to propose a toast."
Everyone stopped eating and looked in his direction, somewhat surprised as he had never been one to say much or draw attention to himself. "To Charlotte…for having the courage to pursue her dreams – may she find them, live them, and then may they bring her home once again."
The words were spoken with love, although they all knew the sentiment was bittersweet as he was sacrificing much to stay and continue to do his duty to protect the Queen while Charlotte went away to pursue her destiny. It was his way of supporting her; but also asking her to come home to him at some point in the future. Emotion hung heavily in the air and tears threatened to spill. Joseph stood and raised his glass. "To Charlotte"
One by one each person at the table stood and raised their glass, echoing the sentiment, until Charlotte stood and replied. "Thank you for the love and support you have shown me. I love each of you very much. Now, before the food gets too cold…I would like to remind each of you that I am simply moving to Spain for a while – not dying. So can we finish eating before I have to catch my plane?" Her smile was infectious and broke the tense mood.
Clarisse was impressed – Charlotte had just diplomatically diffused a situation and restored a sense of norm to the group. A sense of pride spread through her as she realized that this amazing woman was her friend…her best friend. She caught Charlotte's gaze and indicated her approval with a slight nod of her head. The two women shared a knowing smile and then returned their attention to the dessert being placed in front of them.
All too soon, it was time for Charlotte to leave. Clarisse stood watching as each person said good bye, wondering how she could imprint this moment in her mind forever. She wanted to remember her friend's smile; the way her eyes lit up when she talked and sparkled when she laughed; the way her perfume smelled; and, most importantly, the warmth and love she felt when they embraced. She knew she would miss the smiles and the hugs most – there was something about a hug from your best friend that was unlike anything else…defying explanation. While she would, of course, continue to enjoy hugs from Joseph and Amelia – those were borne from different emotions and would not begin to fill the gap that would be left with Charlotte's departure.
Finally, the moment arrived. Charlotte stood in front of her and offered quietly. "It's time, Clarisse – I must go."
Not trusting herself to speak, Clarisse simply nodded and pulled Charlotte into her arms and held her tightly. Neither tried to stop the well deserved tears that trickled down their cheeks. After several moments, she knew it was time to let go. She whispered in her ear, "I love you my friend and I shall miss you."
Charlotte squeezed tightly one last time in response. "I love you too and I will see you soon."
They parted and Clarisse gently admonished. "See that you do."
The five stood and watched as Charlotte walked out the front palace doors, down the steps and out of their lives. When she reached the door of the car that was waiting to take her to the airport, she stopped and, for a moment, Clarisse thought she might turn one last time to wave or seek one final glimpse of the place that had been her home for so many years. Instead she watched Charlotte's shoulders rise and fall as though she had taken a deep breath and then slowly exhaled. Then, without a look back, she climbed in the car and was whisked away to the new chapter in her life.
She felt Joseph's arm around her waist. "Shall we go to the library? I know you enjoy the view and we might be able to catch a glimpse of Charlotte's plane as it climbs to the clouds headed towards Spain."
She turned and smiled. "You are so very sweet; but I promised Amelia I would help her look over some trade agreements and provide a few pointers for a meeting has tomorrow afternoon."
"As you wish, my love; I will be in the security room trying to console Shades. Something tells me he's going to be using a lot of his frequent flyer miles to visit Spain." Before leaving he pulled Clarisse into his arms. "I'm here if you need me." He whispered as he nuzzled her neck.
Before she could respond, Joseph felt a strong vibration between their bodies. "What the?" He exclaimed.
Clarisse jumped but immediately brought her hand to the source of the disruption. She pulled a cherry red Blackberry from her suit pocket. She tapped the screen and smiled.
Mia spoke up before anyone else could say anything. "Grandma, is that the new Blackberry? Where did you get it and how did you learn to use it?" She was completely in awe of the smooth way her grandmother handled the technologically complex device.
She beamed her response. "It was a parting gift from Charlotte. She promised to, I believe it's called 'text' me on a regular basis. I just got a message from her inviting me to dinner when she's back in town for a trade convention in a few weeks."
"Very cool, Gramma, I'm impressed." Mia offered.
"Why thank you, dear. I should let you know that I prefer to call mine a Strawberry as it is most definitely red."
Mia started to explain the name had nothing to do with the color; but decided there was no use in 'sassing' her grandmother. "Strawberry it is, Gramma. Shall we go work on those contracts? I hear there's a new diplomatic attaché in Spain and I want to be ready to negotiate with her in a few weeks!"
A few hours later, Clarisse sat at the antique roll top desk in the front room of her suite. The Strawberry sitting on the corner, patiently waiting for any incoming messages; a piece of her personal stationery sitting in the middle of her desk, waiting for the broad and bold stroke of a pen to fill its pages with the beauty of the written word. She let her hand run softly over the paper, feeling the texture under her fingertips. Perhaps technology had allowed us to communicate more efficiently; but sometimes efficiency wasn't enough.
She took a deep breath and picked up her writing instrument and began to pen the words that she hoped would help her, once and for all, bring closure to a chapter in her life that had held power over her for far too long…
Dear Angelique…
The End
**Three weeks later**
"Clarisse – you must stop – you will wear the carpet out." Joseph gently admonished as he referenced the pacing his wife had been doing for the past few hours.
She stopped. "I'm anxious, Joseph. What if her flight gets delayed and she doesn't have time to meet? What if her duties keep her away? What if…"
Before she could get the last phrase out, Joseph interjected. "What if her car just pulled up?"
Clarisse looked up to see him standing at the window, smiling. "You're not, what is it Mia calls it? Playing with me, are you?" The question was tinged with a bit of apprehension and excitement.
"Never my dear; now I suggest you hasten down the corridor so you are there to meet her when she makes her way to the top of the palace steps."
His smile spread as his wife hurriedly made her way out of the suite. "You're welcome." He said to the now closed door.
Charlotte was just making her way through the double doors as Clarisse came into the foyer. Within moments the two friends were locked in a tight embrace, enjoying simply being together again. Finally, Charlotte spoke, though still not relinquishing her hold on Clarisse. "How are you my friend?"
Clarisse smiled. "Much older and wiser since the last time you saw me."
"Diplomacy dictates I don't comment on the older part of your statement." Charlotte teased. "I am intrigued by the wiser, though."
"Because I've learned that leaving doesn't have to mean the end; rather it can be a path to a stronger friendship – one that will stand the trials of time and distance; a friendship like the path that you and I now walk down…apart, yet together."
Charlotte rewarded her with a heartwarming smile. "I couldn't have said it better myself."
The End