I screamed as the nymph beside me wiped a damp cloth against my forehead. She was trying to sooth me; to stop me from feeling the pain. She murmured something about the baby and I stopped screaming. If I couldn't give birth to this child now, Kronos would find me. I couldn't let him take this child, too. The other five had been eaten alive in his paranoid fear. If I couldn't endure this pain for a while longer, another far greater pain would overwhelm me. I was not going to lose another child.

I pushed, using all of my strength to move the baby along. I cried out as it moved through me, but only quietly. I was not to far away from my husband.

Then, relief! I forced the baby out of me. The nymph gathered it up and cut the cord connecting him to me.

"Rhea, it's a boy!" the tree spirit said to me urgently. She held him out to me. I felt the warmth of the young boys' skin on my arms, and I started to sob. This child would live to see his siblings. He would save them, and he would save me. He was destined for greatness, I could tell. His rapid breathing was almost silent, as if he felt the need to stay quiet as much as I did. I looked at his charming, gorgeous little face, seeking comfort in the similarity between his features and mine. His hair was he same soft brown and his face seemed kind, though he was only a few moments into this world.

Then he opened his eyes. Despite the dark hair and olive-toned skin, my son had astoundingly blue eyes. The colour that was the same as the sky in which we Titans lived. He smiled dazzlingly at me, showing a collection of fully-grown teeth, a brilliantly white smile. He was a charmer, this boy. He would do great things for us.

"Hand me that blanket," I ordered. The dryad passed it to me and, still crying in happiness, I wrapped the lime green coverlet around his fragile young body and handed him to the Dryad, who would take him away until he was old enough to free us all. She nodded and turned to go. Before she left the room, she turned to me.

"Lady Rhea, what will you name him?" she asked. That pulled me up short. I didn't know. I had never thought much about the names. The children where never around long enough to name. I stopped to think for a moment. Then I felt some other being taking over me. The three fates, who had been around longer than time itself, called to me, and told me his name.

"He shall be named Zeus, King of the new generation. They shall be the Gods, and all shall one day recognise their leadership and their rule." It felt so strange, that extra presence, but it did not last long, and the fates faded as quickly as they had come.

"Yes, my lady," the Dryad said, and she left to go to my mother Gaia, who would shelter my son. Zeus.

* **********

I took a deep breath, hoping against all hope that this would work. If it did, Zeus would be free. He would grow up like a normal Titan, and one day defeat his father. But this had to work first.

I pulled the blanket – the same one that Zeus used when he was born – more securely over the rock. It was roughly the same size, shape and weight of a newborn child. I then stepped through the doorway, into my husband's room.

"Kronos?" I called uncertainly. Maybe he was not here? Then I heard a grunt, and knew he was.

"I have given birth, and I thought that you would want the baby." My voice shook at the end. I heard another grunt, then rounded the corner to face the monster who had taken me for his wife.

"Give the thing to me," Kronos ordered. He held his hand out expectantly. This was where I had to act. If I handed over the 'baby meekly, he would be suspicious.

"What if we kept his one?" I asked timidly. "It is a son, and he is beautiful." Kronos smiled cruelly.

"You should not get attached to those vile little things. They all end up in the same place." He was being as nasty as he could, enjoying my hurt. "Now, give it to me!" He raised a hand at me, and that did it. I flinched back, anticipating the physical hurt that would come for running off. I handed over the rock. He grabbed it roughly with one hand and shoved it into his mouth. As always, I winced in horror at his sadistic-ness as he swallowed without so much as a bite. He grinned when he was done.

"Now, Rhea," he said in a voice that was dangerously soft. "Where were you this last month? Why were you not here?" These questions may have seemed innocent to an outsider, but the words were accompanied with a heavy slap around my face. I gasped as his open palm stung my face. This was nothing, though. He was warning me with his hand, telling me to talk.

"I had to get away," I mumbled. Quiet as my voice was, he would still hear it. "My child… he was so beautiful…I couldn't bear to give him up." I kept my eyes on the floor as I spoke, imagining the look of amusement on his face as I said that. The next blow was harder than the first, a small punishment in the form of a punch in my gut, which had been so recently been vacated.

"You didn't answer…where did you go?" These words were complemented with more pain as he abused me again and again. I started sobbing, wondering why he had to choose me.

"I went to my mother, then came back! That's all!" I moaned. "Please stop! You're hurting me!" I dared a glance upward. He was grinning as he kicked at me. Those black eyes where staring at me, his wickedness reflecting out of them. I crumpled to the floor and he stopped. I groaned in relief as he staggered off to the bed.

"Don't deceive me again, Rhea, or you will get much worse." I believed him. But at least Zeus was safe. I would not suffer so much again. I stayed on the floor, contemplating what I would do to Kronos when Zeus defeated him.

He left me there for a time, but like all cruel beings, other needs became known. He walked over to me and grabbed my arm, hauling me to my feet. Once I was up, he took my face roughly in his hands and kissed me, a low moan sounding in his throat. He dragged me to his bed, and my duties as a wife to a lord continued as though I had never left.

A/N Hi everyone! I'm back! please remember that reviews are always appreciated!!!

For you guys that have read Artems;legend of the goddess, do you like this idea? I didn't know if it was a good one but thought that I may as well try.

If you haven't read my other story, then what are you doing reading this Authors Note? go read it!

as always, I look forward to hearing from you all'
