Last chapter before sequel! I don't care how long it runs this is it! Although if it gets to like 3000 words I might split it up...and yes there is a sequel but not for a bit cos I've just started an Alex Rider/CHERUB fic...


Leo came in from work shattered and with a plan to just sit on the sofa and watch TV all night. Such nights rarely happened but tonight could possibly be one of them, Piper had taken Wyatt out somewhere and Chris was at Sam's, well as far as Leo had been told he was at Sam's.

Hanging up his jacket the blonde haired man made his way to the conservatory, wanting nothing more than to collapse into a chair and relax for a couple of hours, unfortunately that plan was blown out of the window when he saw the 7 people in the room waiting for him, 2 of whom were supposed to be dead. Stopping in his tracks Leo attempted to persuade himself that all this was a dream and that the still very pale looking boy in his sister in law's arms was not his youngest son, that the stony faced looks were not directed at him and that the footage the camera currently hooked up to the TV was showing was all fake and thought up by his warped imagination and that any minute now he was going to wake up and none of this would be happening.

Appearing to read his mind Sam came over and pinched him.

"Not a dream Leo."

The 8 year old moved back to stand with his best friend; more concerned about him then the husband of the woman who had caused all of this. The man sighed and looked at the group.


"Just watch the damn video Leo, or try paying attention for once in your life-" Phoebe's words were harsh and Leo almost backed off in fear, then remembered that it was only Phoebe.

"And fix the leak in the basement!" Sam threw in, "That place is nasty!"

"Sam shut up – Leo watch the damn video before your wife gets home. I'm not in the mood for any bull shit so just watch the damn thing!"

Andy quickly rewound the tape to the beginning and Leo watched in silence, gut wrenching guilt growing deeper after every clip as his mind protested that it must be fake, they must have faked it somehow, must have acted it out, must have...he ran out of excuses and ended up just watching, silent tears running down his face as he watched his little boy in pain his brain refusing to match the Piper on screen to the Piper he'd seen earlier that day.

The screen flickered to black and Leo looked over at his son, eyes red and teary and tear stains down his face, no matter how much he wanted to deny it, he just...couldn't, the fact that Prue and Andy had broken like every rule in the book kinda proved it, then there was the tape and the death glares he was getting off certain people who shall remain nameless, not to mention the state of Chris even after he'd been, obviously, healed by the two whitelighters.

"Chris?" Leo choked out, "Oh God, Chris,"

The brunette stirred in his Aunt's arms after hearing his daddy calling his name, he didn't wake up but the slight action started to dispel the worry the group had for the small boy. Andy awkwardly moved over to Leo unsure if it was the right thing to do and pulled the man into his arms, rather stiffly it had to be said, and just held him while he cried uncontrollable sobs racking his body.

"What the hell are you lot doing?"

"Uh oh, think we could escape now?" Sam muttered immediately moving to hide behind Phoebe, not verbally admitting the fact he was scared, more showing it. "I'd rather not see Chris in that basement again, plus I get the feeling this place is going to be hell on earth once she finds out Leo knows."

"Shush!" Phoebe sniped.

Leo had detached himself from Andy and was currently staring at the woman who had just walked in.

"How could you Piper? Please, tell me what possible reason you have for doing this. How you can possibly excuse what you have done to our son? What did he do to deserve it?" Leo looked at his wife, voice thick with emotion, eyes still brimming with tears and grief and anger clearly displayed all over his face. "He's eight years old Piper! What did he do to make you hate him so much? Tell me!"

Leo's voice had risen to an anguished scream, a scream that only Paige had ever heard before and her only once, after Chris had died. Phoebe attempted to move over and comfort him then realised she still had Chris in her arms. Handing the eight year old over to Prue she walked over to her brother in law and put her arm round his back in an attempt to calm the crying man down.

"He destroyed this family Leo! He came from the future and destroyed this family! He came and he split us up! He left Wyatt without a father for months! And he didn't care! He didn't care! Not once did he apologise for all the pain he caused! Not once! And you expect me to forget that? You expect me to forget all that and treat him like I do the rest of the world? Act as if nothing happened?"

"Yes. The man who came back from the future is not the 8 year old boy we know! The man who came to the past is dead! He died for his family, died in my arms saving his future, saving his family so that we could have the life we do! So yes I expect you to treat him like you do the rest of this family, yes I expect you to act as if he did nothing, because he hasn't done anything! He is not Chris Perry, Piper, Chris Perry is dead. Christopher Halliwell on the other hand is alive and you are treating him like he is the spawn of Satan. No more Piper, I'm leaving, and Chris and Wyatt are coming too. You try and stop me and I will tell the police and you will be punished. I'm giving you a chance Piper, a chance you don't deserve. Now pack your things and get out. You're not welcome here anymore."

The room had frozen at Leo's words, Sam being the first to recover started clapping. As the implications of what Leo had just said sunk in everyone in the room moved behind Leo in a silent declaration of loyalty towards the man. Piper stared at them aghast then walked over to her husband.

"I hope you're happy now Leo, have a good life." She hissed so close to him that only he could hear her. Never one for going down without a fight Piper punched Leo then walked out. 2 minutes later Wyatt walked into the room.

"What's going on?"

"What's going on is that you and Chris are living with Leo from now on. Piper has left, the power of three be damned, the world survived without it before and will do so again. You up for it kid?"

"Sure, should be fun."

"Atta boy." Coop said ruffling the blonde's hair, "Now everyone to my apartment we're having dinner there, as a family."

At Coop's barely disguised order the occupants of the room grouped together and transported themselves out of the manor in some form or another. Leo now holding his youngest son in his arms and refusing to let go. Prue lightly placed a hand on his shoulder and orbed them out. There was a long way to go but somehow she knew that they were going to heal. There was no question about it.

Reforming the group settled down to a hastily ordered takeout and started on a movie marathon, interrupted only by Henry coming over and Chris waking up, and for the first time in months the 8 year old looked happy. Phoebe took both of these occasions as excuses for lots of hugging, which Chris amazingly enough didn't shy away from, a fact for which a lot of people in the room were extremely thankful for. But there was still a long way to go and no one was daft enough to think it would be all plain sailing.

As the clock started heading towards midnight the three kids fell asleep and were gently carried into Phoebe's daughters' bedroom to sleep. Soon after the adults started discussing Chris, something that was soon to become a regular occurrence in the near future as the family attempted to heal from the betrayal of one of their own.

Piper Halliwell truly had fallen from grace.


Any of that even slightly believable??? As I said there's gonna be a sequel which will focus on Charmed life without Piper and Chris/Leo healing...but you can still kill me if you hate where I ended this I just wanted to have the next part of Chris' life in a new fic cos it's going to be completely different in the tone and everything else so I figured it would be better to give it its own story...tell me if you disagree but that's what I think (:

Ldf x