Notes: Merry Christmas to all my loyal readers. Affie, Satori, Weird chick, Saku-chan, Sadistic Homicidal child and all my other fans, thank you for following me for so long. My new years resolution, Finish HB! (smooches all and sprays champagne)
This fic was supposed to be one long chapter. but it got so huge I had to split it up! the song at the end is "Gotta be somebody" by Nickleback off their new album "Dark Horse."
"Churistmasu?" Yumichika mangled the unfamiliar world. "I haven't heard of it, is it some kind of foreign festival?"
"It's a religious holiday that got turned into an international institution." Uryu humphed. "At least in Japan it is."
"But it's a party Uryu!" Protested Matsumoto. "I don't care what for, you HAVE to come! How else are we supposed to learn about human customs?"
"I'll help you find a dress Rangiku." Orihime offered.
"Oh certainly. You and Rukia can come shopping with me." Rangiku gushed.
"We're waiting for a few more people, then you guys can train for the afternoon. But I want you to clear out at four so I can begin." Urahara hummed happily.
"He looks too happy." Ichigo sighed, counting the heads in the room. Himself, Uryu, Sado, Orihime, Rukia, Renji, Matsumoto, Hitsugaya, Ikkaku and Yumichika. "I wonder if he means Shinji and Hiyori. I wouldn't want to leave them alone for the holidays."
"Ichigo! Hi!" Tatsuki Keigo and Mizuiro rounded the corner. Tatsuki grinned hugely. "So, we finally get to get a straight answer about what's been going on?" The smirk on her face bode ill for Ichigo.
Keigo jumped the orange haired shinigami. "Yeah, Urahara told us the whole story about you kicking butt. I didn't think superheroes were actually real, but you're the closest one man."
"It's a pleasure to meet you." Mizuiro said politely to the shinigami. "Urahara invited us to the Christmas party."
"Wait YOU THREE??" Ichigo demanded. "How? Why? When?"
"When you went to fight Aizen in the hollow world." Mizuiro said with an easy going smile. "We followed you to the shop. Tatsuki was really mad when you wouldn't answer her about Orihime. We followed you to the shop to find out what you were doing and Urahara caught us. He explained to us about shinigami, hollows and what Aizen was planning. But he said to keep quiet about it and keep our heads down. So we didn't say anything."
"HAT AND CLOGS!!!!!!!!" Ichigo roared.
"Coming Ichigo?" Urahara grinned, fanning himself. "Oh them. I wanted them to meet the shinigami face to face. I felt they had stood on the sidelines long enough. Besides, Arisawa-san holds great promise. I thought she should meet the ladies and get to know you."
"Urahara sir." Ururu called out. "Soi Fong taichou is here, and so are Kyouraku, Ukitake, Izuru, Shuhei and Kuchiki-taichou."
"Excellent. Come Tatsuki, Keigo, Mizuiro. My training ground if you please. Ichigo, play the host."
Rangiku squealed and tugged Tatsuki by the arm. "Oooooh! I love your hair. You look so cute! It looks just like taichou's hair only brown."
Hitsugaya's face twitched. "It's a pleasure." He ground out with a glare at Rangiku.
Keigo had since jumped Ikkaku and Yumichika. "See, /I/ saw them first." He was grinning like an idiot. "Just Ikkaku, whatever you do don't marry my sister. PLEASE! She likes shiny heads and she goes insane whenever you enter the room." He pleaded. Ikkaku reached up, pried Keigo off, and flung him across the room. "Why so cooolllld?" He whined.
"Because you're an idiot. Come on Yumichika, lets go train. I feel like fighting."
"Oh you're so pretty when you're mad." Yumichika squealed.
Ichigo leapt down into the training area. Shunsui was already into the sake and sharing with Ukitake. Byakuya was seated on a boulder, watching them descend. Soi Fong was already practicing, with Yoruichi in cat form riding on her shoulder giving her instructions.
Tatsuki grinned hugely. It wasn't as dramatic as Ichigo's, but she leapt at about ten feet off the ground and landed in a sprinters crouch. Keigo fell clumsily behind her and Mizuiro carefully let himself down.
"Hey everybody." Ukitake waved cheerfully.
"Taichou." Rukia said with a huge grin. "We have human guests unfortunately."
"Yes Urahara did mention three students showing up."
"Sado, come have a drink with me." Shunsui called out. Soi Fong stopped, pausing to watch the newcomers. Byakuya turned his head to regard the group. "Its been far too long."
"I told you, humans aren't allowed to have alcohol until they turn 21. I'm not even nineteen." Sado smiled faintly. "but I will join you if you don't mind it."
"Byakuya, its good to see you again. Have you been doing alright? I heard you actually cut your own limbs to beat that guy. That's something that I…. probably wouldn't have done."
"It was a battle only I could have won." Byakuya said coldly. "Rukia was on the line, and if I didn't win quickly she would have died of her wounds. I simply wished to win. However, Zommari would likely have killed you had you tried. And unlike you have have a mastery of kidou, even with my arms and legs severely damaged, as long as still have the breath with which to speak I can still defend my honor and my family. Though I would remind you that……." Byakuya disappeared and suddenly he was behind Ichigo, whispering in his ear. "I would be more careful, around the sister of the clanhead of the kuchiki. If I find her in that state again because she followed you, I will make you pay."
"I'll be sure to remember that." Ichigo chuckled. "It seems you learned a lesson or two from the time we first met."
Senbonzakura hummed, fluttering around Zangetsu. Don't worry, he doesn't mean with death. He…….. likes yours. It would be good for him to love with yours. He has caused a great change in my Byakuya. A fire had been born in his heart again.
My Ichigo has a tendency to do that. Zangetsu hummed. He has unusual empathy for a boy. Because he cannot stand to see others hurt, and will do all in his power to protect them, his power increases when there is something he wanted to protect. It's a power inside everyone, he just uses it reflexitively.
We should meet Zangetsu, the other Zanpakuto are visiting each other. You haven't sung with many of us have you?
When the year is in its twilight and shinigami gather together their zanpakuto vibrate in harmony. You are the youngest of us. Come Zangetsu. It is time you gathered with the others.
Urahara beamed, fanning himself as he remembered the conversation he'd had a few days ago with the Commander General.
"That was a disaster!" Yamamoto sighed. "A great victory and a costly one. What am I going to do? We severely damaged Aizen's cause but he is still able to make his move. Tell me, did you get the whole story out of Inoue?"
"Yes, Aizen wanted to use her powers to awaken the Hogyouku that much faster. However, she planned on pulling a fast one on him. She was going to use her powers to destroy the Hogyoku. Unfortunately I don't think that's a very good idea. If she had she would have created a paradox, the world would be as it was without the Hogyoku. True, there would be nothing for Aizen to steal. But he would still have turned out to be a rotten egg. And you would have had no warning, none, that something was wrong. Ichigo would not have been there to stop the Bount. And Aizen would still have staged a coux de tat over something. Removing the Hogyoku from the equation would have made the problem worse. And likely Orihime would have been the only one who remembered what truly happened."
"Regardless, Urahara, all that's happened. I need some way to bring the members of all the different teams together. Some way to raise their morale so that when Aizen strikes again, we can rise up as one."
"I think I know exactly how." Urahara grinned wickedly. "There's a human festival coming up that is meant just for that. I believe the Romans called it Saturnalia. (1) But modern man calls it……"
~end flashback~
Urahara clapped his hands for attention. "Everyone!" He called out, pointing around the circle with his fan. "These three are classmates of Ichigo's, Keigo, Mizuiro and Tatsuki. They're going to be tagging along. They're supposed to be learning about shinigami. Now. Tonight is, I'm sure the humans will tell you, the night humans call Christmas eve. It's a human festival about fellowship, love, compassion, rebirth, freedom, caring. Many of these are ideals prized by the Soul Society in its children. So we will have training until four pm today. And then you are all to go get a meal, go shopping, anything that you like, as a group, together. Friends, allies, loved ones, brothers and sisters. For the shinigami I have gigai prepared for later."
"You will return at 5pm, at which time I will have a party set up down here for you. Thank you. That is all."
"Hmph." Soi Fong turned to go back to her practice when she bumped into Tatsuki. "What is it human?" She asked icily.
Tatsuki flinched. "Well…. I saw you were doing a rare and thought to be extinct form of kung fu and I was curious. Do you think you could teach me?"
"Teach you?" Spat Soi Fong. "You're a human, you don't have the strength."
"You know Soi Fong. Tatsuki has known Ichigo since they were children. They met when she beat him at boxing. Age nine." Yoruichi supplied.
"C……… c……….. talking cat?" Tatsuki sputtered.
"Oh please." Yoruichi leapt from Soi Fong's shoulder and shifted back. Tatsuki covered her face, since Yoruichi came out naked. Yoruichi reached for her clothes.
"Byakurai!" The kidou blocked Yoruichi from retrieving her clothing.
"Really Soi Fong." Yoruichi reached for her clothes again. With the same result. "Can you let me…. Get d…….. eeeeeek!" Soi Fong kicked Yoruichi away from her clothes. "what the hell kinda prank?"
Kon had been sitting on a rock watching with the other three modsouls, and his eyes were sparkling at the sight of Yoruichi naked. Soi Fong eyed Kon, then Yoruichi, then hooked Yoruichi's clothes on the tip of her toe and flung them at Kon. They landed on top of the lion plushy, who collapsed with eyes turned to hearts. "I like seeing you……. Very naked……… I like fighting you naked even better."
Yoruichi squeaked and turned for her clothes. "Oh no. I'm BURNING those when Kon wakes up." She ran for the ladder.
Shunpo, Soi Fong cut Yoruichi off. The two of them disappeared into the depths of the practice ground.
Keigo gawked. "Did I just see what I thought I….."
"It figures." Urahara laughed.
"Who do I train with now?" Tatsuki sighed in disappointment.
"Drat, that means me." Matsumoto grinned. "I have an idea Tatsuki, come with me."
"Huh? Sure." Tatsuki followed Matsumoto a ways away from the group. "How come?"
"There are four disciplines a shinigami is required to learn. Swordsmanship, shunpo, kidou and hand to hand. My hand to hand skills are a bit rusty, so let me practice with you okay?"
"Can I have some of that sake mister…… ah…….." Keigo hesitated.
"Shunsui Kyouraku, please pull up a seat."
"I wouldn't mind some either." Mizuiro sat more sedately than Keigo. "It's a pleasure to meet you Kyouraku-san. Forgive Keigo please, he's a loser."
Keigo started to blubber and whine. Ichigo and Byakuya watched. "Kurosaki, I wouldn't mind a sparring match. If you don't mind." Byakuya said coolly. He slowly edging away from Keigo and Mizuiro.
Ichigo grinned. "I don't mind a bit." He drew Zangetsu. "come on, lets get some distance." He couldn't stand Keigo when he acted like a baby. He took one look back. Tatsuki was sparring with Rangiku, a huge smile on her face. Orihime was cheering for her, sending her shun shun rikka back and forth before tugging Rukia off in the other direction.
They were soon out of sight out of mind, "Alright, lets ge…."
Ichigo dropped Zangetsu in shock. Byakuya had shunpo'd in behind him, whirling Ichigo around into a kiss. It all happened in one fast, smooth motion. His eyes shot wide open, his body flushed, frozen in surprise.
Byakuya gently nibbled on his lip, trying to coax him into a response. Ichigo's arms shifted, and at first the noble thought he was going to push him away. Ichigo blushed, and then wrapped his arms around Byakuya's shoulders and returned the kiss, opening his mouth for the other. Their tongues twined, Ichigo tentatively meeting Byakuya's movements, arms tightening around his shoulders.
They pulled apart with a gasp from Ichigo. "Why did you do that?" He asked quietly, face flushing in embarrassment.
"Why do you think?" Byakuya asked, encouraged when Ichigo didn't move away. "I wanted to…. Get you alone." His hands moved southward, resting on Ichigo's hips. "And have a little… fun."
Ichigo's mind was racing, he had to find some way to let the shinigami down gently. He had to think of something to say before this got out of hand. Maybe he kinda liked the kiss, and the attention he was getting but he'd……… "I have never /been/ with anyone, ever." He clung tighter, but he moved Byakuya's hands back around his waist. He carefully motioned that the stoic shinigami sit back against a rock before straddling his lap and resting his head against Byakuya's chest. "Can you……. Slow down just a bit."
Byakuya realized his mistake, he'd been operating on the assumption that Ichigo had had a kind of relationship before. After all, he was popular, kindhearted, he attracted a lot of friends and attention. Now he realized that Ichigo probably hadn't had any time for a relationship, or maybe it hadn't occurred to him before that others might find him attractive. He'd probably just taken the deputy's first kiss even.
But whatever fantasies he'd had of sweeping Ichigo off his feet and taking him in the underground practice cavern went completely out of his mind.
"If you want me to." Byakuya said quietly, a small smile on his face. Ichigo rested his hands lightly against Byakuya's chest. "I apologize if I unsettled you."
"Its fine." Ichigo still had a soft blush on his face. "I haven't even had time to think of a relationship, with anyone. Hell, I didn't even think about……. About whether I……. preferred girls or guys. Between classes at school and fighting hollows…. Why, did you think I liked Rukia?"
"The thought crossed my mind yes."
"Nope." Ichigo mumbled into Byakuya's chest. "Can we stay like this for a bit?"
Byakuya chuckled, "Yes." He reached out to stroke Ichigo's hair. Ichigo smiled, probably the first time in his life that a tender smile crossed his face. And he reached out to kiss Byakuya again, the sixth captain taking the lead again. Byakuya wrapped his arms around Ichigo and rested them on his waist. Ichigo was content for Byakuya to be seme for the time being, and in an instant their positions were reversed. Ichigo's back was to the same rock, with Byakuya straddling his legs. The kiss moved from Ichigo's lips, to his neck, and his shoulder. Ichigo clung to Byakuya's shoulders, moaning at the attention.
I like this…what he's doing… that's all I really wanted… this feels kinda nice…Ichigo lifted a leg, as if he could keep Byakuya there with just that one limb.
Rukia and Orihime had gone looking for Ichigo. They were planning a trip to the movie theater, enmasse, they were going to split up and arrive separately, then get the same theater. And what did Ichigo want to see?
Rukia stopped Orihime just short of interrupting them. Orihime squeaked, eyes widening.
Byakuya was kissing Ichigo, up his neck, his jawline. And as the two girls watched Byakuya moved back to Ichigo's lips. And the eager way Ichigo responded to him, it was clear that the feeling was mutual.
Orihime looked ready to scream. Rukia hauled her back behind the nearest rock and covered her mouth. "DON'T. YOU. DARE." She grated out.
Orihime glared at Rukia and darted off. "Orihime! ORIHIME!"
"Don't you dare break them up!" Rukia hissed, just as Orihime started to cry. "What is it?"
1. The Roman festival of Saturnalia became Christmas, and its where we get the practice of giving gifts, the ceremonial ones being candles and herbs. It's the festival where the year is shortest, so by giving light and comfort to others the world remains warm through the cold. The traditional greeting is Io Satunalia!