There was one minute left in the game, and the Ball was on the wrong side of the court. It was roughly eighty four feet from where the Wild cats needed it. Donny stole the ball and passed it to Jimmie, who looked around helplessly before passing it to Kiki, who was slightly closer. With thirty seconds to go she didn't have a lot of time to think about it. She had just recently been okay'd by the doctor to play and since then she'd been desperate to prove she deserved her starting spot. She pulled her arm back and she flung the ball. Everyone watched in silence as it arched through the air, eighty four feet became eighty, then seventy, sixty, fifty, fourty, thirty, twenty, ten... Swish! After a moment of stunned silence Larissa jumped up and screamed. The wildcats had just won the championship.

After her scream the room virtually exploded. Jimmie ran at Kiki and spun her around as everyone closed in on them, cheering in disbelief. Just moments before they were down by two points and now they had won.

"Party at Coach Bolton's!" Matt Ross yelled as he rode on the back of Kyle McCall, the two tall boys combined to make a figure nearly eight feet tall and when McCall stumbled it sent both of them falling fast first into the shiny floor of the gym. Neither cared, jumping back up, still cheering.

An hour later everyone finally made it to the Boltons' residence.

"I don't believe it Keeks, that was incredibly." Larissa Mickowitz gushed as the two friends moved back and forth on the swings.

"I don't believe it either. I mean, I knew it was possible, but I didn't think I could do it." Kiki Evans agreed. She'd had a pretty hard year, between joining the guys basketball team, getting the crap beat out of her and continually having to insist she didn't have a crush on Jimmie 'the Rocket' Zara.

"We're glad you did!" Donny Dion and Jimmie danced their way over. The music was blaring and really the only way you could speak without shouted was to move to the edges of the yard, like to the swings. "Hey Babe." Donny grinned at Larissa. Jimmie and Kiki gagged. It was weird, seeing their best friends dating. Though if you asked Kiki she'd insist Larissa wasn't her best friend it was painfully obvious to everyone, Kiki included that they were best friends.

"I'll go see if Coach has bleach." Jimmie sighed.

"For what?" Larissa asked.

"To burn out my eyes." Donny shoved his friend and the others laughed.

"Keiko!" Jessica, one of their other sort of friends, called from the trampoline.

"Don't call me Keiko!" Kiki yelled back.

"Come jump! It's fun!"

"I can't." Okay, so maybe the Doctor hadn't fully given the okay. He said she could, if she wanted to risk hurting herself worse, but Kiki had wanted to play the last game more than anything, and she figured she'd made it through the game, Trampolines were really pushing it. Jimmie looked at her suspiciously.

"You said you were fine." Kiki shrugged.

"I am. Watch." She turned upside down, doing a hand stand. She managed to even walk a it like that until she fell back into a back bend and had to push herself back up. "See peachy." She nodded. Jimmie gave her another glare but let it drop.

"Donny, let's go get the ladies something to drink." Jimmie suggested and they headed off. Kiki plopped back into the swing, noticing the smirk on Larissa's pale face.

"What?" She asked, rudely.

"It's just cute." Larissa cooed.

"What is?"

"How Jimmie is so protective of you. He's been watching you ever since the... accident." No one called it what it was, a bunch of sexist asshats beating her up to keep her from playing in the big Wildcats vs Hornets game. "And beating the snot out of Manning..."

"That was just stupid." Kiki interrupted. It was, Jimmie'd nearly gotten himself kicked out of the league for the rest of the year. Kiki ended up having to tell everyone that they had been the ones to jump her and there was a whole big mess that ended with them agreeing she'd drop the charges on the three boys if they dropped them against Jimmie.

"Yeah well, he was being Protective."

"He was being stupid."

"You know Kiki," Larissa chirped, jumping up. "For someone so smart you sure are dim." She nodded as Jimmie and Donny came back with the sodas. Larissa took a soda and Donny's arm, leading him into the throng of people partying. Jimmie took Larissa's empty swing and held out the can of off brand soda. She popped it open, then opened his. Jimmie had no nails, makin it nearly impossible for him to open cans unless he was in the mood to bleed. He took the can back and took three big glups, his head tilted back. Kiki watched as his Adams Apple bobbed with each drink. When he lowered his head he caught her staring.

"What?" He asked. Kiki looked away, taking a sip.

"Nothing, just... you'll get a stomach ache drinking like that." She covered, it was a bad cover, but it was better than 'I was watching your throat' and it sounded less Twilight-y. Yes, Kiki had read the series and like most other teenage girls she loved it, not that she let other people know that.

"Dude whatever." Jimmie laughed, getting up. He held out a hand, smiling at her. "Come on, there's a dance floor with our names on it." Kiki looked up at him as i he'd lost his mind.

"I don't dance." She said.

"You didn't dance, now you will." He yanked her up and practically dragged her to the dance floor. The two had to stop practically every ten seconds to say high to people or give high fives or say thanks to the compliments. Finally they made it to the middle of the dance floor and Jimmie kept his grip on her hand. "Come on Keeks, I won't let you go until you dance." He warned her. She sighed and started moving to the beat.

"You happy?" She asked.

"That's what I'm talking about!" Jimmie cheered, still dancing. His dancing was a bit irratic, jerky at times and smooth at others. He was okay, but it was obvious he wasn't going t be getting into any dance crews in the near future.

"You're insane." Kiki laughed, shaking her head.

"But I'm awesome!" Jimmie argued doing a little spin. After about ten minutes Kiki got away and stood near the refreshments. She didn't even see Larissa until she was right next to her, getting a new soda.

"Told you, dim."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Kiki asked. Larissa just pressed her lips together and shrugged, walking off. "Larissa!"