Hey! :)

This is my Second FanFiction. The first one didn't turn out so well, b/c i rushed into it! :( I've been studying,and practicing,and i think you guys will like this one! I'm only going to add a chapter to start off with, and i need you guys to review it,and tell me if i should,or shouldn't go on with it. I will be available to update everyday! [unlike,some of these people who start amazing stories and just stop. pisses me off.] I won't be like that! i'm devoted!

Disclaimer; I am not Stephanie Myer. Nor do i want to be. I just want her money! :)

Description of story; Edward Cullen,is your basic highschool player. Baggin' all the girls,in less than a month. Let along, he's head of the football team. Bella swan,popular and head cheerleader at her school,has to drop everything & move to a new school w/her dad. Bella doesn't know how much drama, she is about to face when she starts Fork's high. Will she find true love? With who? Will her popularity be the same at Forks, as it was in Phoneix? BXE? BXJ? All human. Rated M. [Might have some lemons in the future.]


Live. Laugh. & Love. That's what my mom use to tell me every day, before i went to school. Now, i'm getting ready to go to school, with a dad that doesn't even know how to fix a poptart.

I'm Isabella Swan. [I go by Bella.] I just moved to Forks,Washington With my dad,Charlie. My mom got in a wreck a few months ago, and we kept her on lifesupport, untill the doctors said it was finally time to let go. I'm not at the legal age just yet, to live alone, so i had to move here with my dad. It's not that bad,i guess. Except for the fact, i left everything behind. My friends, my scholarship, my life, MY FUN. It always rains here,and i can't stand it. I've met very few people,and worse of all, i start school today.

"Bella,you ready to go?" Charlie yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

"Dad,i really don't wanna ride in the cruiser, on my first day of school. I'll be fine driving the truck." I yelled out from my covers. I didn't plan on getting up anytime soon.

"You sure bells?" He stammered.

"Yes,Cha-Dad. Go on,you'll be late for work.." i paused. Charlie,is the cheif of polics in the little town of Forks. Rarely any excitment here.

"Okay. Bye bells." He grabbed his gun and wallet,as i walked down the steps.

'might as well get this over with.' I muttered under my breath.

I grabbed a poptart,my keys,and stepped out into the pouring rain.I pulled the door open to the truck Charlie bought me over summer, From Billy Black. It's older than my great grandfather,so when i turned the switch, & it roared to life, i jumped a little bit. Forks is nothing Like phoneix. The sun was always shining, you never saw a 1967 chevy truck stroll down the road. Phil, my mom's ex-boyfriend, had bought me a 2007 VW bug convertible. I wasn't allowed to bring it here, because after Renee passed away, Phil took his anger out on me. I really hope he's moved on, and is OKAY now.

As i pulled up to the school,i noticed a bunch of girls standing around a Bronze haired boy. I'll admit he's good looking, but i could tell right when i saw him, he's 'the playboy' of school. This school was very small.

'i wander if they even have a big enough gym for cheerleading?'

Yeah. i was head of my cheer team. We did everything together. We were all like sisters. when they heard i was moving, we spent the last week together, crying. I wasn't the typical cheerleader. Most of the wons we met, when we went to competions, was snobby bitches, who would rather do their nails,than a backflip.

I woke out of my thoughts,when i heard a tap at my window. I looked out,and their stood a lanky like boy, with a kinda pig face, waving for me to roll my window down.

"uhm. can i help you?" i replyed unwilling. a little scared.

"Are you the newgirl? Isabella Swan?" He replyed nervously. he must have guts to approach me though.

"Uh,Yeah. Call me Bella please. Oh,Could you point me towards the office?" I stammered to get across. Why am i nervous all of a sudden?

"Actually,i'm heading that way. I'll just walk you." He said,with a sick smile that reached from here to the east coast.

I grabbed my bookbag, and stepped out. I locked all the doors,and followed the guy who never introuduced himself into the warm building.

"so,whats your name?" i asked rather fast.

"Oh.. uh M-Mike." he studdered. Kinda cute.

"Well,here you go Bella. If you need anything else,please ask me." he said,putting a little more meaning into that he should have.

I walked into the office. The warmth felt good on my cheeks. I'm sure they were rosey red by now. The woman at the desk, didn't even notied i walked in,so i let out a little cough.

"Oh,excuse me dear. How may i help you?" she asked flashing me her yellow stained teeth. ickk.

"Hi. I'm isabella Swan. Todayi s my first day." i replyed rather quickly. I just want this day to end.

"OH! Isabella! we've been ecepting you! We hope you enjoy our school! it's so glad to see new faces." She exlamied. giving a little attention to me from the students outside the door.

"Yes,thank you." i said a little rough.

"Well,here's your timetable,and a map. If you need any help, don't hetsitate to ask. Have a nice day isabella." She said, a little fast this time. knowing i must be starting to feel uncomfortable.

I walked into the hall,and noticed students were quickly disapearing into classrooms. I must be late,i thought. I walked rather fast to my first pierod class. I walked in the room,and of course. All eyes were on me. I heard a few guys comments,but brushed them off. I never really understood why all the guys thought i was 'hott' or 'sexy.' I think i look pretty normal. okay,maybe a little better than normal. To be a cheerleader,i have to stay in good shape tho,so i-

"Excuse me? Can i help you darling?" Asked a older man. must be the teacher.

"Yes. This is my first day, and this seems to be my first class." i quietly said. even though i knew everyone was listening to me.

"Oh yes. go ahead and take a seat." he said a little stern.

I turned around an saw that Mike guy waving me down,to set next to . only seat left of course. All through the class peirod Mike would ask me random stupid questions,and all the students would turn around and stare sometimes. until they noticed i caught them,then they'd turn around and start giggling. Mike was aboutto ask me out when the bell rang.

'saved by the bell.' i mutteretd under my breath,so Mike wouldn't hear.

I rushed out of the room,and looked for my locker number. I wasn't paying attention to where i was going,and I stumbled into someone,& they knocked me back a little bit by there wait.

"Oh. uh- i'm sorry. wasn't looking where i was-" holy shit. that bronze haired boy. "-going."

He looked me up and down for a second. & then this crooked little grin came across his face.I started to walk away,when he grabbed ahold my arm.

"What's your name little missy?" he asked with a little too much confidence.

"Bella Swan. I really need to go. see yah later." I answered,with my cockyness.

I brushed past him,and i couldn't help but to look back,and he was standing there stareing. I mustve hurt his ego. I'm sure all the skanky girls in this school,never turn him down. He has another thing coming if he thinks i'll ever be one of his many 'girls.'

The rest of my classes went perfectly smooth. Except for gym class. I had that class with the bronze haired boy, who seemed to not be able to concentrate on class with me in there. I would be shooting basketball with the girls,and i'd catch him just staring at me. I don't know what his problem is. Turns out his name is Edward,and he has some siblings that go here, as well. I had enough courage to talk to Jessica Stanley. The co-head cheerleader. She was all bitchy to me at first, untill she found out i was head cheerleader in phonexic. Shes willing to talk to someone,that she knows will help her win a Trophy.

I walked swiftly to my Last class. Biology 3.0. I walked in,Handed the teacher my note,and She pointed me towards a empty table.'thank god,maybe one class,by my self would be nice.' I must've jinxed myself,cause walked in Edward. Followed by him was two beautiful Girls. One was short, with black spikey hair,and she has a big smile on her face walking my way. they sat down and took their seats in front of me,edward not taking his eyes off me.

"I better go sit beside Bella,so Lauren Doesn't get jealous Eddddiieeee." she giggled. she walked over and sat down beside me.

"Hey bella. I'm Alice. Edwards sister." she stuck her hand out,and i politely took it.

"Well,i'm bella obvisouly." i smiled.

The bell rang,and just then a tall blonde came walking glared at me as she came and took her seat beside Edward. she must've noticed the trance Edward was in,and slapped him on th back of the head,and asked him what the fuck he was looking at. He just tore his stare away,shurgged his shoulders,and looked down at the and i both shared a giggle.

she looked at me and said,"Bella. That's Lauren. Edwards girlfriend. Lauren this is bella. She was head ccheerleader at her school."

The blonde stared at me for a few,checking for any flaws,and stuck her hand across.

"it's nice to meet the girl,everyone is so obssed over today." she said all bitchy,while glareing at Edward.

the teacher then interupeted,and we started doing our work. Class seemed to be going normally slow,and alice & i even became really good told me how Lauren is queen bitch,and Edward is owner of the playboy forks. Lauren knows he's cheating on her, but she knows if they break up,she's nothing without said she never saw Edward act the way he did today, around me. At lunch him & lauren,and Alive & i sat at a table. alice's usual boyfriend Jasper,was out sick or something.

School was finally over.I made my way to my ancient truck,and i caught the eye of Edward leaning against his Shiny volvo stareing at me,smiling. I stopped dead in my tracks,and gave him a 'go to hell glare.' Just then Jessica Stanley, ran up to him,and started making out with him. I was totally dissgusted. what a fucking pig. I guess he noticed this as i walked away to get in my truck,cause his face fell a bit.

I came home to a empty house, so i started making Charlie dinner. My mind started going back to when Renee, would make me and Phil cookies everynight. She treated me like i was five, even though im seventeen. I didn't really mind though. I just liked seeing my mom happy. Phil made her happy. Once she was gone, Phil just went crazy. I couldn't take it anymore,and had to come here with charlie.

after we ate i headed up to my room,and did my human moments. I checked my emails,and replyed to my girls in phoneix.I collapsed on my bed,and waited for the darkness to surrond me.

Right before the darkness almost took me in, i could've swore i saw my mom standning at my door,bringing me a plate of cookies.