A/N: Each chapter shall be rated. Over all rating is R for language, sexually scenes (later), and violence. Also this isn't beta read just spell check so any mistakes please PM me or Review and tell me about them so I can fix them, thank you.

Chapter Rating:PG - PG 13 Can't decide on one...probably right in between...nuttin to bad though.

Pairing:Roy/Ed sorta onesided luv...for now... (srry didn't add this in the beginin! Don't kill me! DX)

Disclaimer:I DON'T OWN FMA I JUST OWN THE PLOT!! Although I think it'd be nice if I owned Ed, he's pwnsome! =p


Summary:Fuhrer Roy Mustang has found some very important documents that'll help with Al and Ed getting back their bodies. For payment The Fuhrer wants Ed to become his 'Maid' or so Ed thinks...

ha you're partially correct! Nikkie23534,Not to that stage yet...I don't want to force Ed into anything but I promise there will be lemons somewhere in the story. Glad you're liking it so far! And no I'm not spying on you...^_^ So does that mean ur husband or boyfriend whatever did what mustang di to Ed to you? =o

HappyBunny6678THanks! Can you do romantic smex? 'Cuz that's what I'm lookin for first and I got someone to help with the rougher smex they said they're not very good with the romantic kind of smex. SO answer soon!

i'm sorry about that, Kalez25946; I tried to make it better in this chapter. Tell me what you think.

^^ glad you approve, mrawgirl09, But i still want some of those idea's if you could. And i'm sorry about the sentences i tried to fix them in this chappie.

yea I kno... lost cause331I think I'd freak out if i was in Ed's shoes. Glad you r & r'ed...Heh...Do u get that...Oh never mind me and my wierd humor...

correct Seirai-chan...You get a cookie! -hands over a cookie- Hope u like chocolate chip...^-^ And about the spelling and grammar thing I tried to find someone but none of the ppl accepted so would you like to proof read it before I post? Lemme kno k? Also I'm askin ya on some idea's for smex...i kinda have some but y not get more! Hope you enjoyed ur cookie! lol

Well i still feel guilty Ria422i started readin your story and never finished and now you're reading my story and reviewing so i think i should do the same for you...Does that make sense? O well...I'm glad ur lovin it so far. Ha. Don't worry I've found a couple ppl to help me. It's also nice to kno that atleast someone read the reviews...XD

Well I'm glad you liked that part Fullmetal komusume and i would never have Mustang be brutal.

Ooo Thank you Gillii-Akujacku glad you're liking it! =) Hmmm...Yea I'm not rlly into that Anime/Manga. What kind of things do you think you're good at...Like rough smex or romantic smex cuz that's what i'm looking for....So message me...

;) thank ya...Catwwomen47As I've said before...I aim to Plz! Hmmm...Maybe not the first time but another maybe?

Lady Monozuki, thanks and I will! XD

BellaEdward94, thank you and me neither.

Aw, thank you so much Edward-Elric-In-Red, I'm glad you like it. I'm sorry 'bout this chappie it not so long. DX

Egypt Mesi, Hemhemheh. Thank you. Is it just me or do I seem to be saying 'thank you' alot. It's kinda gettin' on my nerves. O well. XD

yes, yes he is Hikari Rio, I kno I like that part. XD


Ed sat up in his bed, the covers fell into his lap.

He looked around the room. The dresser still blocked the door and it was still alchemized shut.

He could have sworn Mustang had came in last night, but there where no traces of him.

I must have dreamt it... Ed though to himself. But...Why would I dream of Mustang?...

Ed shook his head trying to clear his mind. He jumped out of bed and walked towards his dresser. Ed put on his shirt. He kept glancing at the door that he believed to be a closet as got dressed.

After he was dressed curiosity got the better of him. He walked over to the door and tried to open it. It was locked, from the other side.

Why would a closet door be locked from the other side? Ed asked himself puzzled. He sighed. I don't have time for this I have to go make breakfast for that bastard. Ed made his way to the kitchen.

He made something that was fast and simple because he wanted to get the food into Mustang's room before he woke up and Ed hoped to get some cleaning done while Mustang was asleep.

Ed was now quietly bring up a tray of food. Not wanting to make any noise, Ed slowly pushed his hip against the master bedroom's door.

Mustang was sprawled out on his stomach. His head was turned towards Ed. Mustang's mouth was slightly open in a silent snore.

The blanked was twisted around his left leg while the other was completely covered. The blanket came to about mid-back on Mustang. His muscular shoulders glistened in the early morning light. Mustang looked to be only wearing a pair of midnight blue pajama pants. Mustang had a peaceful expression on his face. Ed stared at the sleeping man.

Then he abruptly looked down and shuffled towards the side of Mustang's bed, still holding the tray of food.

Ed looked around the room, but couldn't find anything to set the tray on.

The blonde sighed exspaspertatedly. He put the tray on the bed besides Mustang

"If you knock that over it's your fault you don't get food." Ed whispered to Mustang, he didn't respond.

Ed turned around with an annoyed look on his face and clapped his hands. He brought them to the floor and created a little table. Ed heard Mustang start to shift in his sleep, and he quickly turned around and got the tray off the bed before Mustang rolled in it.

The blonde set the tray on the table he made. Ed stood still while Mustang turned onto his side, still facing Ed though.

Ed just stared at the raven-haired man after he settled down.

Ed turned around to leave but was pulled down onto the bed. Mustang had wrapped his arms around Ed's waist and pulled him against his chest. Ed stiffened and glanced back at the man; he appeared to be sleeping.

Mustang buried his face in Ed's hair, the tie had fallen out when Ed fell onto the bed.

Mustang's leg wrapped around Ed's. The smaller boy was in a tight embrace. Wiggling out without waking the raven-haired man was gonna be nearly impossible.

Wait... Ed thought Maybe he's not asleep...

"Colonel? You awake?" Ed whispered looking straight ahead.

No reply.

"Colonel?" Then a thought struck Ed.

Duh...He's not a Colonel anymore...He's the Fuhrer...

"Fuhrer? Come on you don't want me to believe you did this all in your sleep?!"

Nothing. Mustang didn't even move a muscle.

Ed sighed. "I'm stuck. Oh great! Wonderful!" Ed muttered to himself.

Mustang's grip loosened on Ed's waist. Now his hand just laid limply across the blonde's waist.

Ed used this moment to his advantage. He slowly tried to move Mustang's hand off of him. Mustang made a noise of protest and tightened his hold on Ed.

"Damn." Ed muttered lying his automail hand by his head. Mustang shifted closer to Ed, if that was even possible.

That's when the blonde notice something. Ed blushed deeply when he realized the raven-haired man's member was pressed up against his ass.

There where a couple layers of cloth between the two...even though...

Ed looked desperately back to Mustang; he was still sound asleep.

Don't think about...Don't think about it...Shit I'm thinking about it...NO!...AH...Think of something that doesn't involve--SHIT!!...I'M DOING IT AGAIN!!!...think about....Um...AL! We're getting our bodies as soon as I get the papers from mustang who is sleeping besides me........DAMN IT!!!...deep breaths...Deep breaths...Calm down...Oh god what am I going to do?!?!...I have to figure a way out of this!!...But Mustang is holding on so tightly and I'm afraid if I move I'll awake him...Ok...I have to decide what worse...Mustang waking up and possible cornering me or him waking up by himself and finding me lying besides him...Uh...THERE BOTH BAD!!! But maybe if I'm already here or perhaps if I fall asleep then he won't feel the need to try to corner me...Oh this is a horrible plan but it's all I got...

Ed closed his eyes a trying to relax.

He didn't really want to go to sleep, but he found himself falling into the darkness of unconsciousness.


Roy slowly opened his eyes. He blinked a couple of times but the bright gold color wouldn't go away.

The raven-haired man sat up in his bed and rubbed his eyes. He looked start forward. No gold color. Then slowly look to his side. Ed was lying on his side, sleeping.

Ed's golden hair spilled out around his shoulders. His automail glinted in the sunlight. He looked like he did last night.

Peaceful, relaxed, and utterly beautiful.

Roy began to wonder why Ed was sleeping in his bed. Not that he had any objections; he still wanted to know why.

The raven-haired man looked around the room. His eyes landed on a tray of food that sat on a transmuted table.

So he was up at some point...

Roy looked back at the blonde. The sudden urge to touch the sleeping boy; overwhelmed the raven-haired man. Roy licked his dry lips and swallowing hard.

Why am I so afraid?...Not like he can do anything to me...

Roy put a finger to Ed's temple; careful not to press to hard. He could feel Ed's steady heart beat. The raven-haired man drew a little circle then brought his finger downwards. Roy fliped his finger over to feel Ed's cheek against the back of his hand. He kept tracing till he got to Ed's chin; then he went back to Ed's pale, soft cheek and drew light circles with his thumb.

Ed rolled over; right into Roy's chest. Ed's hand were pressed right up against Roy's ribs. Roy didn't mind. He actually liked this postion. It seemed natural. Ed snuggled closer to Roy and shivered; like he was cold. Roy wrapped his arms around the small boy. He was certainly enjoying this!

The blonde sighed in contentment. Roy kissed the top of Ed's head; then rested his chin on Ed's head.

What would Ed do if you woke up like this?...Would he be afraid?...Would he withdraw?...If Ed could just see how much I care for him...maybe...What if he's not attracted to me at all...I swear I've seen the signs...I really don't know if he's into guys or girls but he seemed to take interest in me... Roy began to draw light circles on the small of Ed's back. Maybe it was my imagination,...me wanting to see the signs there...Oh I don't know...I just hope I'm not forcing him into anything...I really do want him to like me on his own accord...If he doesn't like me the same way, could I live with that?... Roy closed his eyes tightly and sighed I don't know...

Ed jerked his head away. For a minute Roy thought that the boy had awaken, but the blonde was too relaxed to be awake. Ed rolled his head back into Roy chest. It seemed that he couldn't get comfortable. Roy withdrew his hand. He knew the signs well enough; the boy was waking up. Roy knew that if the blonde awoke and while he was awake--especially in this position--; Ed would withdraw and keep hiding from him. And Roy didn't want that.

The raven-haired man carefully removed his leg off of Ed's. Roy moved his head off of Ed's a placed it on a pillow. He lossened his grip on Ed's waist and just let his hand lie there losely. Roy closed his eyes, and kept his breathing shallow and even; waiting for Ed to be awake.

I'm sorry this is so short...Eh...Heh...Heh...DON'T KILL ME!!! PLZ!!!! I DON'T DESERVE TO DIE!!!!

Well. I wanna explain a bit about Roy's house; just so you kinda can get a picture of what it looks like. It's a mansion, huge house, lotsa rooms and stuff. Everythings real big. It's an old house like from the 1700's. If kno anything about back then; you know that the "wife" had an adjoining room where she kept all her cloths and stuff. Well that's what it is; only there's a bed in the room.

I decided to give you a cliff hanger! MWhahahahahah!!!!! I guess it not that bad of a cliff hanger. But still it's a cliff hanger!! I feelz so evil!
I made Roy feel gulity. I'm bad. x3 No not really. Yeah, I'm hyper. Can you tell? Lol. Don't forget to review and....NO FLAMES!

Flames will be used to light a fire. GO PYROS!! I LUV 'EM!! AND I'M ONE OF 'EM!!FIREFIREFIREIFIREIFIREIFIREIFIREIFIREIFIREIFIREIFIREIF!!!! I SHALL ROAST MARSH MELLOWS!! AND MAKE SMORZ FOR ALL THE NICE REVIEWERS!!! :3 BUUUUTTTT CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM IS WELCOME!! THEN YOU SHALL ALSO GET A SMORZ!! LET ME KNO WHAT YOU PREFER!! DARK OR MILK CHOCOLATE!!! -Lol- (pssttt...If you're really nice maybe I'll put peanut butter on it...X3) I had to much crack...jkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjk!!! No really I had to much sugar. This is what sugar does to me!! Be afraid!!
