Hi, everyone! It's good to see you again after that annoyingly long wait. I've been editing, writing, and rewriting every single part of this freaking story, it's not even funny. Believe it or not, I'm not quite sick of it yet. The thing is, I need you all to stick with me for a while and help me make it through this one! It's gonna be kinda long!!

Kirby. Yeees, Kirby. Super Smash Bros. Brawl really opened up my eyes to this wonderful series, so I'm happy to announce that I am now an avid fan of it! But the real star of tonight's show is Sir Meta Knight. There are so many theories out there as to where he came from...or how he was made. Interesting, I thought, so here it is, my own fanfic displaying where I think he came from!

Questions? Comments? Read, review, and make me joyful. Oh, and Happy Holidays!


Everyone belongs to Nintendo/ HAL Labs 'cept for Bishamon. XD And Ebisu and--[brick]

"Check." he spoke, smirking as he placed his rook to D-5.

In the darkness of a large room was a chess board that hovered in the cold air, not minding that its master had been playing, rather, strategizing on it for hours. On it were several pieces, each physically unique, but in the dark player's mind, they all represented one thing: he versus his enemies. Each was classified into pawns, rooks, knights, bishops, and of course, the player was the king. The pieces he was using were scaled-down figures of terrifying and menacing creatures, in which he owned the real live ones in a proud manner.

He grumbled as he saw a fault in his plans; the enemy could easily move his knight to F-3 to take out his bishop. He placed a finger over his rook and traced a line mid-air to D-4, and the rook slid over and took the place of the knight. The knight was transformed into a beast, and the player quickly snatched it and set it aside happily.

The one thing that troubled him was that his opponent seemed to become more skilled as the weeks went by. He needed a boost of power; something to help finish his opponent off once and for all. He scanned the chess board and found that his originally-created knights were missing.

"A knight; I am in need of a knight."

This became increasingly obvious to him as the seconds ticked by; he had obtained a most powerful sword, Galaxia, that could do unimaginable things, but the sword had to choose the owner. Galaxia chose by how much power a warrior had, but unfortunately there was no one in his army strong enough to wield it. Its way of rejection was by death; he had lost too many to that fate before. After pondering, he decided to store it away in a secret place and set a guard over it so that his enemy would not be able to obtain it. Perhaps if he found a knight so powerful, he could use him to wipe out his adversary.

His main rival was Sir Arthur of the Galaxy Soldier Army, a group of warriors bent on bringing down his plans of universal conquest. Anyone who stood in his way was to be wiped out, but somehow, they wouldn't go down, nor stay down. Simply thinking of the group made him hot with rage; his plans were not going well.

Nevertheless, he continued looking at his board, trying to find another solution. The chances of creating a knight with the power that could hold Galaxia was slim; his servants were well-trained in the matter, but not that well. But alas, he could not see past the knight issue.

"Your Darkness, Nightmare, we have good news," a voice called from above, interrupting his small game. Nightmare stopped his actions, but did not look up.

"What is it?" Nightmare asked harshly, expecting inferior and unimportant reports.

"If I may, sir, we have found the location of the Star Warrior who is able to wield the Sacred Sword…at least, we are about ninety-seven percent sure…" the servant trailed off, hoping to get consent to continue from his ruler. Nightmare continued to his planning on the board. The servant took a silent deep breath in wariness. "Lucky for us, he's just a small puffball—"

"If it is Arthur, then find him and kill him. You need not my permission."

"No, sir, actually, it is not."

This caught his interest drastically. Nightmare looked up at his servant. "Is it Falspar?"

"No, your Darkness…"

"Who is it, then?"

"His name is…" the servant looked through a stack of papers quickly, scanning for the name. "…Meta."

"Meta." Nightmare echoed. There was a pause that seemed to last years as the wizard thought things through. Could this be the knight he needed in order to carry out his plans successfully? If it was, then he could crush the entire universe in a blink of an eye, but if it wasn't…wouldn't he still get another warrior? It looked to be a win-win situation for Nightmare.

"Your Darkness…?" the demon beast cautiously asked, making sure that his master was alright.

"Meta…Knight." Nightmare let the two words form together aloud. It sounded coldly harmonious."Meta Knight; excellent. Send Bugzzy and Bishamon out to find him. Bring him to me after he's been altered enough to accept my commands."

"Physically or mentally, sir?"

"Both." Nightmare grinned. The demon beast nodded and exited the large corridor. Nightmare, now more than overjoyed, turned back to the chess board and searched it for any other flaws to take care of. Seeing none, he formed a small, perfectly round sapphire ball and set it directly in front of himself, admiring it greatly.

"Checkmate, Arthur."