Okay. So to you guys who read my other stuff, this may be slightly more mature. It was just sort of a random thought turned into a story, something to get rid of the current writer's block that I'm experiencing. I started writing today at 11 and I can't stop! I'm posting the first two chapters today. To be honest, I'm almost done with chapter three. So look out. I hope you guys will like.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

"And why should it matter to you if Stacy studies with me at my place?" Sean asked, crossing his arms.

"That's not the problem." I tucked a stray hair behind my ear and huffed. "Why does it have to be just the two of you, at your place, when your parents aren't home?"

"Nothing is going to happen Shar. I need someone to study with while you're out playing movie star." Lately, Sean had found that with this excuse, he could get away with everything, since I had been busy lately, with tutoring and driving into the city for auditions, this was the only night I had in the past few weeks. Only, Sean had already promised slutty Stacy Callahan that they could have a 'one on one study session'. Sean placed is arms around my waist. "Don't you trust me?"

The worlds 'hell no' came to mind. I sighed. "Whatever, do what you want." I pushed his arms away from my waist, turning on my heel and walking away.

Sean was no big deal, just like most of the relationships that took place in my high school experience. It was all just pointless drama and heartache. I kept guys around so that I wouldn't have to go to stag to parties to be pitied/ridiculed my peers. That didn't stop me from getting attached, though. I ended up getting hurt a lot back then, but I hated being vulnerable. I needed something to soften the blow. I guess, that's what Troy was for.

I turned a corner, allowing myself to come apart a little bit. A walked a little bit faster, not wanting to be caught in the halls, blinking back tears like a moron. But before I could start freaking out, I was pulled by my elbow into the janitor's closet.

This momentarily scared the living hell out of me. "Shhh. It's just me." A familiar voice cooed in my ear.

I squinted to get my eyes used to the dim room. "Troy? Why are you here?"

"Do I need a reason?" Troy snapped, giving me his answer. Lately, he had been in a rough patch with his girlfriend, Casey. I guess they were done. Troy pressed his lips against mine, pushing me against the wall. "I want to see you." He said, moving down to my neck.

"Here?" I asked. "That's disgusting Troy."

"No." Troy laughed. "At my place, tonight."

I looked down at the heart shaped pendant hanging from my neck guiltily. "This is sort of a bad time for me."

Troy stopped his attack on my neck for a moment, noticing the pendant. He took it in his hand. "Sean Porter, huh?" He looked up at me and I nodded. He examined the necklace closely. "I can already tell, the guy is an asshole."

Even though Troy was pretty much right, I felt the need to defend Sean. "How exactly do you know."

Troy smirked. "You're worth more than a cheap, tin heart necklace."

I thought about Sean, then about Stacy… I looked up at Troy. "I'll be there. Text me."

Troy smiled. "I'll see you then."

I smiled back as I exited the closet, feeling a weird but familiar mix of excited and ashamed. I was used to it by now, and so was Troy. He went to West High, I went to East. That was part of what made us so perfect, we managed to doge each other's gossip circles.

My name is Sharpay Evans. And I am not a whore. I'm not a sex addict either, if that's what you're thinking. I'm making this clear because in back in my high school days, I had sex with Troy Bolton on various occasions. We weren't exactly friends with benefits, but we knew each other better than most people, and we were always there when we needed each other, like after a bad break up, or after failing a test or something. We just sort of… hooked up.

He was sort of a break from my schedule that I desperately needed, because I'd desperately wanted to be an actress. Since according to my dad, getting an education came first, by my junior year, all of my classes were either AP or for college credit. After school and sometimes on weekends, I had private tutors to get more credits, A few times a month, I'd go to auditions, And maybe land a commercial, or maybe a guest spot on a Soap Opera, once I was even in a music video, but nothing close to a big break.

After Junior year, I graduated with the Seniors, but on the day of the ceremony, my agent called and flew me out to Hollywood. I had gotten a supporting role in Chick Movie. One of this incredibly crappy, unfunny, parody films. But it was a really big part, so I took it. My dad got me new tutors, and since the film only took about one horrible month to shoot, I was hastily moved to New Mexico State University, just about the second the plane landed. By the time I was nineteen, I had fulfilled the bare minimum of the graduation requirements, which was good enough for my dad.

"Shar, if you really do make it, what are the chances of you hooking me up with Jessica Alba or something?" Ryan asked, in his car after picking me up from the airport.

"Didn't she just have a kid?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at my brother.

"Is that relevant?" He laughed. "She's still hot."

I rolled my eyes back at my brother. "You never change."

"No, but seriously Shar. I'm so psyched that you're moving in with us." He said. By 'moving in with us' Ryan meant that I had decided to go back to Los Angeles, and he had recently been kicked out of his dorm at UCLA for exceeding the noise limit, so I decided to split rent with him at some place.

"Who exactly is 'us' again?" I asked.

"Just me and two kids who went to West High we're all at UCLA together." Ryan smiled sheepishly. "I found them on Facebook."

"What are they like?" I asked.

"Well, I just moved in this morning. But from what I can tell, they're a couple of, quote on quote, 'good kids'. Like, human dolls."

"Well sharing an apartment with Barbie and Ken sure sounds like fun." I said sarcastically.

"They're not that bad though, Barbie is kind of cute." Ryan said.

"That sure is encouraging, things are starting to look up now that my brother can ogle the Barbie doll we're living with."

"Relax, Barbie and Ken were voted cutest couple last year." Ryan rolled his eyes at me. "She's off limits."

"How do you know this?" I asked.

"Because Barbie put their prom king and queen pictures on the mantle and I was stupid enough to ask about it." Ryan laughed.

"Oh dear God."

"Trust me Shar, they're not as bad as they sound." Ryan said, parking his car. And helping me bring my bags inside. "Dammit Shar, how much stuff do you have?"

"The rest of it is coming in tomorrow." I said, digging the key Ryan gave me out of my pocket while trying to balance two suitcase in my other hand. "Time to meet Barbie and Ken." I muttered to myself.

I opened the door to see a figure standing in the kitchen unloading some boxes. "Hey, Ryan, have you seen Gabriella? She's not answering her cell phone-" He stopped talking when he looked up. "Sharpay?"

I looked up and nearly fell backward when I saw Troy Bolton, drinking coffee in my new apartment.

What do you guys think. I think it kind of sucked because I had to set everything up, but give chapter two a chance, I'll be posting shortly.