Disclamier: I don't own any of the characters but I live in hope.
A/n: If anytime in the story you are confused by any horsey terms, or just what is generally going on, feel free to message me.
A/n 2: Sorry for my really bad old English.
Extract from Merlin's Book of Magic
Iffen a warlock wish to changeth into an animal, he must createth an image of thee animal in his mind. Thee image must be richeth in detail and total concentration iseth required. When thy image is complete, thee warlock must sayeth these words:
Abeo humanus in bestia
Bewarneth that once insideth thee animal, thee mind of thee animal becomes part of thyself, affecting thy thinking. For thee changeth back to thy natural shape, thee warlock must sayeth these words:
Abeo bestia in humanus
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