AUTHOR'S NOTE- Hello to everyone, both new and old. It's been about two years since this story was updated so from here onwards you will most likely notice a small difference in my writing. Fortunately that difference is a good difference; my writing has improved quite a bit from what it used to be. I will not re-do the old chapters because even though they aren't up to the standards I expect from myself now…well I just refuse to waste my time doing it. I found the previous chapters are barely satisfactory after re-reading them but; well they are what they are at this point. Why continue the story after so long you may be wondering? Well my answer to that is because of darklegendarysoldier. That's the pen name of the person who just kept private messaging me about the story, so thank him for the story being continued. It just proves that persistence eventually pays off. Now read, enjoy and if you want chapters to be out within a reasonable time for now on…review!

Part 2


Walking down the hallway of the house he called his home for the last few years we see a raven haired 12 year old boy. The walls of the hall way were a brownish red/ mahogany, and on the ceiling one would notice a few scattered lights. The wooden floor was a shade or two lighter then the walls in order to create an appealing contrasting color scheme. As the boy made his way to the end of the hallway he came to the last door on the second floor of the house. Not even bothering to knock he rudely pushed the door open. He then quickly brought his arms up to shield his eyes from the bright morning sun, the bright light came through the window from the back wall directly in his line of sight. After getting adjusted to the light the boy took a second to look around the room. For the most part the room was pretty bland, to his left he could see a dresser with a large mirror attached to the wall over it and a few feet from that was a door that lead to a walk in closet. There was also a TV in the back left hand corner of the room. In the back right hand corner of the room was a sword stand that held tenseiga, the enchanted demon sword rumored to have the power to bring the dead back to life. Feeling he took in the sights long enough he walked over to the front right corner of the room. After his short walk was over he was standing in front of a queen sized bed with silk blue sheets and pillow cases. Lying peacefully and sound asleep in the bed was a blond spiky haired boy who looked no older than his raven haired roommate.

"Cheap bastard gets himself silk sheets and only gives me cotton ones!" muttered the young boy to himself bitterly before addressing the sleeping blond.

"Naruto get your lazy ass up we need to be at the academy within the hour!" said the irritated raven haired young boy. The boy was wearing blue ninja sandals, beige shorts, and a blue short sleeve shirt with a high collar. The only piece of his clothes that really stood out and set him apart from others was the red and white Uchiha fan on his back.

Finally waking up and revealing two irritated blue eyes the blond spiky haired boy called Naruto rolled over so he could stare down the one who dared disturb his slumber. "How many times have I told you Sasuke, don't enter my room without knocking!" said an irate Naruto.

Sasuke just rolled his eyes at the blond before saying "whatever, just get up we need to be at the academy within the hour." Pausing for a moment he allowed a small smirk to creep its way up his lips before saying condescendingly "after all, we wouldn't want to be late for our team lineup now would we?"

Still lying down and in the same position, Naruto responded lazily "our team will consist of you and me…the third person for our team matters not. Now be gone, I wish to sleep in today." With that the conversation was over and Naruto rolled over so his back was now facing an extremely annoyed Sasuke.

With his annoyance quickly growing it took on a physical manifestation of a rapidly twitching eyebrow. "You lazy little..arrr! You know what fine! I'm not in the mood to deal with you right now!"

Hearing the door to his room close with a bang! Naruto sighed contently to himself knowing that the object of his discontent was finally gone and he could get back to counting sheep. It was only eight am any way and Saturday to boot! Naruto was all for waking up at seven am on the week days in order to take advantage of the whole day, but the weekends were sleep in days for him and he really didn't like getting up early on the weekends.

"So you don't want to get up huh?"

Hearing that voice Naruto's eyes shot open and he abruptly sat up and faced the owner of the voice. Standing at his bed side was his long time fox companion and self proclaimed guardian. She was currently in her human form and had blond hair and blue eyes. Any reasonable person could mistake them as relatives. Her name was Kuugen and despite being centuries old she looked no older then late teens to early twenties, and any male would consider her gorgeous…she just had all the right proportions.

Naruto paled as he saw her give him a mischievous smile and point one finger at him that began admitting sparks.

Naruto swallowed as he saw electricity and said "you wouldn't."

Seeing a glint in her eye Naruto turned so pale one would mistake him for a ghost.


Sasuke was in the kitchen sitting at the table eating some cereal when he heard what sounded like someone being electrocuted.


Sasuke just continued eating his cereal as a satisfied smirk made its way up his lips. "Should have gotten up when I told you to."


After getting Naruto up and ready the three made their way to the academy, Kuugen was in her miniature fox form riding on Naruto's shoulder. As the two walked through the village Sasuke couldn't help but take a glance at Naruto and reminisce about the last couple of years. When he first moved in with Naruto it was a bit overwhelming, especially when Naruto finally trusted him enough to tell him everything. Sasuke had to admit that when Naruto told him that he was actually a dog demon and some kind of descendent/reincarnation of an ancient dog demon he was a bit shocked…well maybe more than a bit shocked. Even though that information startled him quite a bit Naruto managed to freak him out even more when he explained the dog tattoo over his heart. Apparently Sasuke was now Naruto's knight/samurai or something like that. That tattoo also changed him a bit and gave him some extra abilities that he liked quite a bit. The biggest change though was that Sasuke wasn't completely human anymore thanks to Naruto. The seal/tattoo that was inscribed over his heart made him a half demon which was the reason for some of his more interesting abilities. Over the years both Naruto and Kuugen trained him well and even though he had grown considerably it always seemed that Naruto was a mile ahead of him, it was frustrating. However, after so many years of living with each other and putting so much trust in one another Sasuke really saw Naruto as his brother…younger brother that is, he was a month older then Naruto after all. Looking at Naruto Sasuke took in his new attire which consisted of black ninja sandals, black linen pants, and a blue long-sleeved shirt with some kind of strange red octagon flower pattern on his left shoulder. Naruto once said it was his ancestors crest or something like that. Naruto also had his enchanted sword tenseiga on his left hip like a samurai, though Sasuke refused to believe that the sword could bring the dead back to life like Naruto claimed.

Over the years Sasuke also noticed that Naruto's personality started to change a bit. Naruto was still for the most part cold and reserved with a superior then everyone else attitude. Although Sasuke had to admit that Naruto mellowed out a bit and wasn't as bad as he used to be. If you paid attention to him you could even see a small smile on his face every now and then, something Sasuke never saw on him for the first year and half they lived together.

Noticing Sasuke staring at him Naruto finally decided to speak up "do you have a problem with something Sasuke?"

Smirking Sasuke just looked straight ahead and said "I was just shocked to see your hair looking more spiky than normal. I just can't even imagine what must have caused that."

Stiffening suddenly in anger Naruto discreetly flicked his finger and then…BAM! Sasuke tripped and fell flat on his face.

Naruto just casually walked past him and said with a slight smirk of his own "you know Sasuke for someone who graduated from the academy just below me I'm surprised you can't even navigate your way around a stone how...embarrassing."

Sasuke just grunted from pain and or anger as a response, Naruto wasn't really sure which.

Slowly getting up Sasuke took a look at the rock that he tripped over only to see a medium block of ice as the culprit of his embarrassing fall.

Clenching his fist in anger Sasuke ground out,"Na-ru-toooo!"

Said blond just kept his small smile as he made his way to the academy.


Stepping into the classroom both Naruto and Sasuke took a quick look around noticing everyone who passed was already seated. Walking to the back Naruto and Sasuke took a seat across from Shikamaru, both Choji and Kiba were close as well. As far as those three went they really didn't change over years. Shikamaru was still lazy, Kiba was still brash, and Choji was still fat.

"Yo Sasuke Naruto we almost thought you weren't going to make it!" spoke Kiba loudly

"I was actually hoping you two wouldn't show up, you guys always make things more troublesome," said Shikamaru lazily.

Choji may have wanted to say something as well but he was to busy munching on potato chips.

"Well if Naruto kept sleeping we might not have gotten here," spoke Sasuke.

"Well I can't say I blame you Naruto, I'd much rather be sleeping at home right now too," spoke Shikamaru with a yawn.

"That's all you ever want to do you lazy bum," muttered Kiba to himself

"Well at least someone understands me," said Naruto with a smirk as he looked at Shikamaru who let a small smile touch his lips as his eyes met Naruto's.

"Alright quiet down class!" shouted the Chunin sensei known as Iruka. "I will now call out the teams so listen carefully for your name."

"Wake me when we have to meet our sensei Sasuke," said Naruto as he got comfortable.

"Don't you care about whom our team member will be Naruto?" Sasuke asked with a sigh.


After going through all the teams Iruka finally came to the final team and called out the names "the final team will be team seven and it will consist of Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, and the final member of the team was actually a last minute graduate," said Iruka as he walked over to the door of the class room.

That news won Naruto's attention enough to at least open his eyes and focus on Iruka.

Opening the door to the class room Iruka waved for someone to come in. The Person that walked in was a cute red headed girl with a blue cap on her head, most noticed that she looked a bit older then everyone else as well. When she walked in she stood next to Iruka who introduced her. "Alright class, this is Lucy Bloodriver and she will be the final member of team seven." Her presence caused quite a stir in the class room but the noise wasn't even registering for two of the class room's occupants.

As soon as Lucy stood in front of the class Naruto sat up straight and stared at the red headed girl in genuine surprise. It may have been years since he last saw her but he hadn't forgotten about the girl he met so long ago, the girl that always seemed so happy just from him being around.

When facing the class Lucy's eyes went directly to Naruto's, she could tell by his expression that he remembered her and that gave her a weird yet pleasant feeling in the pit of her stomach. As she looked at Naruto she couldn't help but blush a little as she sent him a happy and content smile. After so many years she could finally be close to the boy she fell in love with.