Hey everyone! SORRY X 1000000000 for taking forever to update. Sadly my only reason was lack of time and lack of ideas. But I finally got the chapter written so here it is...


Three days had passed. Three days of nothing but Edward, I, and pure perfection. I had forgotten how I managed to live without him.

Everyday we spent together, either going out to beach or just staying at the house. Whatever we did, I was happy with it.

The light of a sunny day shown through my bedroom window as I laid in my bed. I ran my index finger up and down Edward's arm while he slept. I was feeling much too lazy to get up.

My room continued to grow lighter as the sun moved up in the sky. I sighed in content and wrapped my arms around Edward's still sleeping frame. Resting my head on his shoulder I wondered how he was this tired.

At around nine, Edward finally woke up. I felt him press his lips to the top of my head. I looked up at him with a smile on my face.

"Good morning," I said cheerily.

"A very good morning," He smiled back as he started to stroke my hair.

After a minute, Edward leaned down to kiss me. I was about to when a thought crossed my mind.

"Wait!" I cried rolling away from him. "I need to brush my teeth," I explained when I saw his confused expression.

Edward rolled his eyes. "You don't have morning breath," He said.

Yeah right, I thought to myself. I went into the bathroom and scrubbed my teeth clean. As soon as I was sure they were minty fresh, I turned off the water. The second I did this, the door bell rang.

"I'll be right back," I said to Edward as I walked down stairs to see who was at the door. It was a surprise, I hadn't been expecting anyone. I ran my fingers through my tangled hair assuming that it was probably a package for my mother. She had a hard time resisting to buy products she saw on commercials.

To say I was surprised when I opened the door would be the understatement of the year. I was stunned, frozen in place, wide eyed, hyperventilating, and terrified at the same time. All of this was because standing in the doorway was Charlie, Jacob, Rosalie, Alice, and Izzy.

Everyone looked happy and just a little nervous except Alice. I'm sure her and I looked exactly the same. Scared.

"Surprise!" Charlie and Rosalie said with smiles. I couldn't responded at first.

"Dad?" I said loud so maybe Edward would here. "What are you guys doing here?"

"We felt bad that you were all alone down here and we all wanted to see you. Like I said on the phone we missed you Bella," Charlie said still smiling, like this was a brilliant plan to make everything better.

"Why didn't you call?" I asked a little angry. This was not supposed to happen.

"We knew you wouldn't let us come," Rosalie explained, "You would feel guilty about us coming all the way out here and try to make us stay in Forks."

"I-I," I couldn't even find words. This was bad, very bad.

I turned to Alice. Why had she not called to warn me? She gave me a look to tell me that she would explain later.

"Um... I don't know where everyone will sleep," I told them, "There might me an air mattress somewhere around but I'm not sure."

"We'll figure everything out," Charlie said moving inside. Everyone else followed.

"Okay. I'm going to go change and maybe we can go somewhere," I offered.

"Alright," Charlie called walking into the living room, "Oh and Alice can sleep in your bed right?"

"Of course. Actually why don't you bring your stuff upstairs right now, Alice," I said between my teeth.

Alice nodded and the two of us rushed up the stairs. I closed the door to my room once we were inside.

I walked to my closet to get clothes out. "Alice why didn't y- ah!" I yelled when I looked inside to see someone in there. It was Edward.

"Sorry," He apologized. "I heard you talking so I hid."

"It's okay," I assured Edward as I grabbed a pair of jeans and a long sleeved shirt from the closet, "You just startled me."

"I'm sorry Bella," Alice cried throwing herself onto my bed. I remembered I was angry with her. "I begged Charlie to let me warn you and even tried to call but I got caught and Charlie took my phone."

"Oh," Was all I said. I felt guilty for being upset with Alice for no reason. "I'll be right back."

I went into the bathroom and changed quickly then brushed out my hair.

"What are we going to do?" I asked Alice and Edward. They both shrugged.

"How long is Charlie wanting to stay?" I asked Alice. She better not shrug again.

"A couple days?" Alice said unsure. "He said pack enough clothes for five days."

"No," I groaned. I didn't want Edward to have to leave.

"Bella! Alice! Hurry up!" Charlie yelled from downstairs.

"We want to see the beach!" Jacob added in.

I felt like my head was going to explode. What was I going to do? It felt like everything was happening in hyper speed while I was stuck in slow motion.

"I'll tell them that you are almost ready," Alice said running out of the room. I nodded and turned back to Edward.

"I've got to go. You'll stay?" I asked him. I wasn't ready to say good bye yet.

"Of course," Edward promised then laughed, "I'll be in the closet."

I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him quickly. Edward smiled on my lips before he pulled away.

"I love you," I said before I started walking to the door.

"I love you too," Edward said before I left my bedroom. I closed the door and took a couple of breaths before walking downstairs.

Everyone was waiting for me in the living room. They were scattered on the couch and two arm chairs.

"Can we go now?" Rosalie asked impatiently from the couch. She was leaning on the arm of it.

"Yeah, I want to see the beach," Jacob said hopping up from one of the chairs.

I was about to say yes when I heard the garage door start to open. I turned to it in horror. I could see from a window Renee's car pulling into the driveway. Oh no.

A minute later, the garage door opened and Renee and Phil walked in. Phil's leg was bandaged up and he was limping.

"Hey Bella. Phil got hurt and- oh," Renee finally realized the five extra people in the room, "What's going on?"

"They decided to surprise me," I said in a forced tone.

"Yep, we felt bad that Bella was all alone," Charlie explained, "I guess there was no need."

"We're going to the beach," Jacob said.

"Okay," Renee nodded, "I'll see you guys later."

What? I couldn't leave Edward here with Renee and Phil in the house.

"You have to come," I said hurriedly.

Renee gave me an incredulous look. "We can't," Renee said. "Phil can barely walk."

"Please," I was begging now, "There won't be much walking. You two can just sit in the sand." They had to go. They had to.

"Bella," Renee said studying my face, "Phil's hurt. Him and I aren't going to the beach." Her voice was determined. "Are you okay?" She said after a minute.

I wasn't okay. I breathing hard and feeling dizzy. The word no kept repeating in my head. It felt like my heart was beating inside my head. The walls started to close in as I noticed how crowded the house was.

"I-I-I," I panted before everything went black.

"I think she's coming to," I heard a voice say.

My eyes opened and I groaned from my awful headache. Seven faces where starring at me and I realized I was laying on the floor.

"What happened?" I groaned trying to sit up.

"You fainted," Renee said worriedly. I knew she was coming up with a thousand reasons why I fainted, none of which were correct.

"Oh," I said rubbing my head. The memories started playing my head. I needed some sort of excuse. "Probably lack of oxygen. And I haven't eaten in a while," I lied.

I wasn't a good liar so I'm sure everyone saw through what I said but no commented.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Charlie asked.

"Perfectly fine," I assured them standing up.

"Can we still go to the beach?" Jacob asked. Someone really wants to go to the beach.

"Yeah," Charlie said. Everyone besides Renee and Phil started walking towards the door. I thought of the perfect excuse to get out of going.

"I'm going to stay home and rest," I told the group.

Charlie agreed and I was free to go to my room while Renee and Phil sat downstairs and watched TV. I smiled to myself. I guess fainting could come in handy.

I finally got to my room. When I noticed it was empty, I headed straight for the closest.

"Edward?" I said as I opened the door. I started laughed when I saw him sitting on the floor with his back against the wall. "You didn't really have to stay in the closest," I laughed as he untangled himself from the clothes.

"Just playing it safe," Edward smiled. "Why aren't you with everyone else?"

"I sort of fainted," I mumbled. Unfortunately Edward heard me.

"What? Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine," I promised sitting on the bed. "I was just overwhelmed for a second. Renee and Phil showed up. I guess Phil hurt himself somehow. Anyways, they weren't going to go with us and I panicked."

"As soon as the house is empty, I should leave," Edward said.

"No," I cried holding on to him. "You can't leave yet."

I thought having only two weeks with Edward was short. Four days was nothing. I needed more time with him, but I knew forcing him to hide wasn't fair.

"How can I stay? With this many people someone will notice," Edward said rubbing my back.

"Maybe Alice can somehow convince everyone to leave early," I said more to myself than Edward, "Renee won't be nearly as bad as Charlie. She would probably be more excited to meet you than angry."

Edward was about to say something but a knock on my door stopped him. He flew to the closest while I said come in. Renee walked into my bedroom.

"Just wanted to check on you," She said sitting down next to me.

"I fine," I said to her.

"You seemed pretty stressed about something," Renee said. Lying to Renee was hard for me. Not only did I not like to do it but she could easily read my emotions and know if I was being truthful or not.

I shrugged in response. Technically that wasn't lying.

"Are you sure every thing's okay?" Renee asked looking me square in the eye.

"I promise. I was just shocked to see everyone," I told her. It was partly true.

"Okay," Renee said in a tone I knew. It was her I don't believe you tone. "I'll be downstairs if you need anything."

Once I heard Renee's footsteps on the stairs I told Edward the coast was clear.

"This sucks," I sighed laying my head on his shoulder.

"It does," Edward agreed.

I had to find some way to keep everything balanced. There had to be a way. All I needed was some way for Edward to stay, Charlie to stay oblivious, Renee to stop investigating, and myself from fainting again. There goes perfection.


Review please.

I'll try my best not to make everyone wait for forever again. Sorry again.