Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to Newsies. Also, this was inspired by a scene from Young Riders, which I do not own either. So anything that seems familiar, yeah, that wasn't me.

+All Dolled Up+

"Excuse me, dear, can I help ya?" wheezed Kloppman as Tug walked through the door. "Are ya lost?"

Shaking her head, Tug chuckled. "No. I've been in a few times before."

"My dear, lots of girls come 'round here. I can't keep track of all of 'em, but you I think I'd remember," he said with a nod of certainty. "What's yer name?"

Tug grinned, contemplating on which name to give him. Finally, she settled on one. "Claire."

"Which one of the boys should I fetch for ya, Miss Claire?" the old man asked, eyeing her up carefully.

Tug raised an eyebrow, wondering if this was typical protocol whenever a girl came looking for one of the boys; it was rather amusing. "I'm actually here to see all of 'em. Would it be alright if I went up?" She pointed toward the stairs with a polite smile.

Kloppman frowned. "All of 'em, ya say?"

Nodding, Tug reassured him that she meant what she said. "Yes, all of 'em. They knows I'm comin'."

"Don't go no where," he said, pointing a finger at her.

Tug nodded her compliance as she watched the old man tromp up the stairs. Taking in a deep breath, she let her eyes wander around the reception area as she awaited his return. The nervousness, she had managed to suppress on the trip over here, had reappeared. None of the boys told her that she was going to be interrogated at the door. It was delaying what she hoped to get over quickly.

This would be the first time any of the boys, aside from Skittery and Mush, have seen in her truest form--dressed completely as a girl. Sure, they knew that she was a girl, but just knowing wasn't enough. For the past week they had been pestering her about seeing her 'all dolled up', but Tug refused; she wasn't going to put on her best outfit simply to parade in front of the newsboys. She was waiting for something to come along that would offer her a reason to get dressed up...

And a night at Irving Hall was just the reason she was looking for. Medda was hosting one of her parties, which was occasion enough to get dolled up. It was Tug's every intention to make the most of this opportunity, since even Skittery had never actually seen her at her fanciest.

Getting herself all made up had proved to be a tricky task, as her mother still had no idea that she was still working as a newsie. It took a lot of convincing to get permission to attend the event. Tug didn't exactly lie, but she definitely had to improve the truth to benefit her needs. After assuring her mother that she would be accompanied by a few girl friends and that she would not leave the theatre alone, Mrs. Connolly gave in and allowed her to go. She was glad to see that her daughter was making friends with other girls and looking to have a little fun.

It had taken Tug over an hour to get ready; she bathed, fixed her hair into the most flattering style she could manage, and even applied a little make-up--nothing overdone, of course. The dress she had chosen was by far the best one she owned. It was a light blue color with a trim of white and fit her figured perfectly.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Tug could not help but smile. What she saw was such a drastic change from her everyday appearance that she could help but think about how the boys would react when they saw her. Even her short, pixie-ish hair could not dampen her spirits; in fact the style had grown on her and had, in a way, become a symbol of her present life.

Tug looked up, as Kloppman came tromping back down the stairs. He took up his position behind the desk before speaking. "Well, my dear, proceed at yer own risk."

"Thank you," Tug said with snort as she started slowly up the staircase.

Nearing the top of the stairs, she could hear the buzz of familiar voices; her heart started to beat faster as she approached the door. She rapped smartly on the wooden door frame and announced her presence,

"Everyone decent? I'm coming in!"

Several voice inside the room shouted 'yes', followed by a whole lot of laughter. And when she did not enter right away the laughter began to fade as they wondered what was keeping her.

Drawing in a deep breath of confidence to settle her jumping nerves, Tug shouted, "First one to laugh gets a punch in the nose."

A wave of laughter sounded once more and Tug poked just her head into the room. She was met by dozens of faces peering anxiously toward the doors, waiting for her entrance. Tug felt her cheeks flush as she stepped into the bunk room. The laughter instantly died as she took a few timid steps further in.

The expressions on their faces were priceless: wide eyes, slack jaws, and uncontrollable blinking had struck every one of them dumb. If it was possible for her cheeks to redden any further, they did. She nervously chewed her lip, waiting for some sort of reaction. The corners of her mouth twitched as her gaze found Skittery. He had a small absentminded smile sprawled across his face, gaping at her.

She shifted uncomfortably under all the silent gazes, waiting for someone to say something--anything. After a few more excruciatingly long seconds, Skittery pulled himself together enough to break the silence.

"Stop gawking," he demanded, cuffing the person nearest to him around the back of the head.

An unsuspecting Blink yelled out in surprise, which snapped everyone from their state of shock. They all started talking at once, closing in around her for a better look.

"Wow, Tug, ya look real pretty," Tumbler said, still looking at her with his wide eyes.

"Yeah, Tug. Who'da thought ya clean up so nice," Mush said with a jesting smile.

"I feel like we should be callin' ya Claire, 'cause ya don't look the Tug I know," Bumlets added.

Tug grinned, appreciative of all their compliments; glad to know that she wasn't completely repulsive. "I'm still Tug. It would be weird if you's guys started callin' me Claire."

"Hey Skitts," Specs said loudly, walking over and clapping his friend on the back. "Ya better get her outta here while ya still can."

"Skittery?" Racetrack scoffed, a broad grin shot directly at Skittery. "Skittery who?" He threw his arm around Tug's shoulder and winked. "Come on, sweetheart. What d'ya say? You. Me. A stroll through Central Park?"

Tug chuckled as she watched Skittery's expression fall. He advanced quickly on Racetrack, who was trying to guide Tug toward the door.

"Yer funny, ya know that Race?" Skittery scowled, pushing the snickering newsie aside. "Real funny."

Tug rolled her eyes and chuckled when Skittery grabbed her hand, pulling her toward the hallway and away from the attention. Turning back, she gave them a cheery wave.

"See ya fellas later."

Once out on the street; certain that they were far away from the prying eyes of the other newsies, Skittery slowed his pace. He had been looking at her out of the corner of his eye since they had left the lodging house.

"You really do look nice," he said awkwardly, stopping completely under a street light. It felt as though everything he wanted to say to her had already been said by someone else. He grinned timidly, rubbing the back of his neck. "I mean, ya look so different." He swallowed quickly. "A good different. I mean--er--it's just, I dunno. I didn't expect--well--I thought ya were--before, but I had no idea -"

"Skittery," Tug said with a smile, cutting off his rambling. He instantly clamped his mouth shut, looking embarrassed. She quirked a brow, amused by his inability to for a coherent thought on the matter. "Are ya tryin' to say I look pretty?"

He sighed; his cheeks flushed, but he smiled. "Yeah, Tug, ya look real pretty tonight."

"Thanks. Now come on, let's get to Medda's," Tug replied, shaking her head with a grin. She took his hand and together they made their way toward Irving Hall.

A/N: Your reviews are very much appreciated! Thanks!