Cooro: hi everyone!

Nana: Geez as hyper as ever I see

Husky: when are they not hyper?


Senri: . . .




The four watched in terror as the sight in front of them. They watched as Cooro began losing altitude and falling towards the ground. Senri was the first to snap out of the trance and began running to the forest.

As much as he tried to hide it panic was written all over Senri's face. A picture of Cooro so innocent and naïve as he ran around an apple orchard and tried to pick an apple crawled into Senri's mind. He pushed his legs to carry him faster.

Back with the others Kazana was next to return to reality and snapped out his wings and flew towards the trees. He flapped his wings and went as fast as he could. He mental winced as he heard the poor crows body hit the trees.

He glanced down and was somewhat surprised that the bear could keep up with him at his full pace. He shook his head of all thoughts and kept his focus on Cooro.

The two animas reached the trees and had to slow down a bit from weaving in and out of the trees. Then Senri picked up the faint scent of blood. More specifically he smelt Cooro's blood. He ran in the direction of the scent.

Kazana had to trust Senri and follow him. Then as a gust of wind blew in Senri's face he was hit with a strong stench of blood. They slowly arose from the trees and had wide eyes at the sight they saw.

There Cooro lay sprawled on the ground. He was clutching his stomach where blood oozed out and was surrounded by a pool of blood. He was covered in scratches from where he most likely dropped through the trees. He was quietly yet hoarsely panting for breath.

He was only slightly awake but Kazana slightly wished he had passed out so that he didn't have to feel any pain. Senri kneeled by Cooro's stomach and lifted his shirt gently to heal his wound. "Kazana? Senri?" Kazana heard the weak voice and looked down to see Cooro's hopeful eyes on him as he said, "Will I be okay?"

Kazana was in a state of shock. Does he really think he won't make it? But before Kazana could speak Senri of all people interrupted him. "You'll be fine Cooro. We'll help you. Be still I need to tend your wounds." Senri said to Cooro as he slowly cleaned the blood.

Kazana couldn't help but drop his jaw a bit. He talked?! He usually says nothing or no more than one word but three whole sentences?! He looked back at the crow and felt a pang of jealousy as he felt Cooro relax from the bear's soothing words.

Husky and Nana gasped when they saw Cooro and all the blood. They immediately went to help and began bandaging Cooro's wounds.

Cooro's eyelids became heavy and he drifted off into a deep sleep as they did their work. "I think the bird's over here!" someone said.

A surge of anger flowed through Senri and Kazana. How dare they hurt Cooro?! The villagers saw them after a few minutes of searching.

Their eyes were as wide as dinner plates when they saw the state Cooro was in. Kazana and Senri slowly rose to their feet and heard them murmur "he's a +anima! What do we do? He's a monster lets leave him!"

They glanced at Senri and Kazana worriedly when they sent them threatening glares. Senri said "Leave. Now." Kazana glared at them and growled "You hurt him so I suggest you leave before we tear all of you to shreds!"

Kazana whipped out his wings in a flourish and looked menacing like a winged demon. Senri let his bear anima take over and he raised his arm to the villagers as if to warn them. They were frightened.

"Don't hurt them." They heard a voice say. When they looked behind them they saw Cooro was awake and raised his head to them. Cooro said "It's not their fault I shouldn't have been flying in the first place."

Cooro smiled at them and said "I'm sorry you should go home because your families would be worried and I'm sorry you didn't really catch anything."

With that said they left. Husky looked at Cooro and said "But they hurt you." Cooro smiled and said "Well it's not like they meant to do it on purpose."

Nana sighed and said "You need to learn how to stand up for yourself and to not forgive people so easily."

Kazana sighed and put Cooro's head in his lap and Cooro fell back asleep. Husky said "We should camp out for the rest of the day.

Husky and Nana went back for their payment from the farmer and to tell him that they weren't staying. So Kazana and Senri were left to watch after Cooro.

Kazana stole a glance at Senri. His gaze was to the floor and he played with the grass. Kazana sighed and muttered "You don't have to blame yourself."

Senri looked at Kazana confused but Cooro spoke up "You think I got hurt because I was searching for you but it's not your fault it's those hunters so don't beat yourself up." Senri glanced at Cooro and gave a miserable nod.

Cooro gently raised himself up. Kazana looked worried at Cooro while he was slowly moving. Cooro made his way inch by inch and leaned on Senri.

He whispered "its okay Senri no need to blame yourself I'll be fine." Then Cooro slowly went back to sleep while leaning on Senri.

Later that day Cooro only got up when they had to eat. The sun was going down and they had made the fire but no one could focus on anything besides the injured boy.

Kazana watched as Husky and Nana went to sleep and couldn't help but glare at the teen holding Cooro. Senri held Cooro around the waist with both arms and held him to his chest with a look in his eyes that Kazana didn't seem to know.

Kazana lay down on his back and closed his eyes. In his mind he thought 'I won't give up that easily'


HEY EVERYONE CONSTRUCTIVE CRITISISM NEEDED! I WANNA MAKE IT BETTER! Anyway I might get writers block so ideas are open!



Lady Serena Sparrow

Mai Kugarashi


Suguri Takeuchi-chan

Grace Raven
