A/N: Okay, so I don't have the 3rd Spyro game yet, but I heard the song from the ending credits and thought of Katara and Aang right away, and decided it would be the inspiration for a fanfic! Therefore, this fanfic arose, and it will include the song (being inspired by it), but not right away. This fic is majorly Kataang – both angst and some fluff. Anyway, let's get on with the fic!

Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar, nor do I own the song "Guide You Home (I Would Die For You)". The song is from the Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon, which I do not own either. However, they will have the song on iTunes soon!


It was about a month after the war ended, and the world was beginning to rebuild after a century of turmoil. With the world now finally at peace, the Gaang decided to go on a small vacation to the beaches of Ember Island. And a certain Avatar was enjoying it tremendously.

"Hey Katara!" Aang called out gleefully, "How about a race? Last one in the water's a rotten egg!"

"Well, that's not going to be me!" the airbender heard a voice say behind him.

Aang whirled around only to find Katara already swimming in the ocean.

"What the – how?" Aang looked stunned.

"I guess that makes you the rotten egg, Aang!" Sokka laughed. Hawky, his messenger hawk, perched on a branch beside him, now getting into a fight with Momo, Aang's flying lemur, over who would get to stay on the branch

"You looked deep in thought there, Aang," Suki remarked as the airbender got in the water. "What were you thinking about?"

Toph laughed. "Isn't it obvious? Twinkletoes was thinking about Sugar Queen over there!"

"I was not!" Aang protested, his face turning red from blushing.

"I can tell you're lying!" Toph said in a sing-song voice, smirking. "Even through this sand, your voice says it all!"

"Not to mention you look as red as a Fire Nation flag!" Sokka said with a laugh.

Aang looked at Katara, who was blushing as well. Toph had been right of course – he had been thinking about Katara. He couldn't help it; he loved her and knew she loved him back.

"Want go a little farther out into the water Aang?" Katara suggested. "We could do some wave-surfing!"

Aang grinned with delight. "I'd like that!" He leaned over and gave his girlfriend a small kiss before swimming out farther.

"Be careful!" Suki called after them, "There could be dangerous creatures out there!"

Aang's joyful expression changed to a look of concern before quickly returning to his happy demeanor. "Don't worry, I'll stay with Katara! I promise!"

"And I promise I won't let anything happen to Aang!" Katara called back, exchanging a smile with the young airbender.

The two of them used waterbending to create a few large waves, with Katara creating a kind of surfboard of ice for both of them to ride on.

Despite all the fun the two were having with surfing, what Aang and Katara were enjoying most was the fact that both of them were together. They were perfectly content as long as they had their friends – and each other.

"They look so happy together," Suki said.

"Yeah," Sokka looked out at his sister and friend with a hint of a smile. "Don't you think so, Toph – " he broke off, with a small glance in Toph's direction. "Sorry."

"Well, I would say the same," Toph started, causing Sokka to flinch a little in embarrassment, "but they sure sound happy."

However their happiness was short lived as, without warning, a large creature rose out of the water. It looked like a cross between the unagi and the giant serpent from the Serpent's Pass. It let out a roar and smashed it's tail against the water, knocking Aang and Katara off of their ice surfboard.

Sokka and Suki gasped in horror as the monster advanced on their companions.

"What's going on?" Toph asked, since she couldn't see the large sea monster that was attacking her friends.

"Aang and Katara are being attacked by this giant sea thing!" Sokka stammered.

"I'll call Appa!" Suki told him, frantically searching for Aang's bison whistle.

Aang and Katara both called out to each other as they were separated, both sent flying into the air. They used their bending in an effort to get back to each other, but the giant monster intervened. Glaring, it raised its tail once more, which the two could see was now tipped with an arrow-like edge – and it was aiming straight for Katara.

"KATARA, NO!" Aang shouted in horror. Using all the airbending and waterbending power he could muster, he formed a giant air ball which slammed into the monster, while at the same time he pushed Katara out of the path of the monster's arrowhead-like tail. Unfortunately, as the monster was blown into the far ocean, the point of its tail struck Aang, slamming him into the water.

Katara burst out of the water, gasping for breath. "Aang?" She looked around and saw him floating limply in the water, a large gash in his arm. "Aang!"

"What happened?" Sokka suddenly asked from above them. He, Suki, and Toph were directly above Katara and Aang, riding on Appa, along with Hawky and Momo.

"Aang's hurt!" Katara explained, holding onto her friend tightly. "He saved me from that monster but got stabbed by its tail!"

"Climb up," Sokka said, stretching out his hand to his sister and Aang.

Once everyone was on Appa, Katara gently placed Aang onto the saddle. She grew quiet as she heard Aang softly speak.

"Katara…I – " Aang suddenly stopped midsentence, as his eyes closed and his body fell still.

Katara's eyes widened, trying to get Aang to wake up, but failing. "He's unconscious," she said with immediate unease.

"And that gash on his arm looks pretty nasty too," Sokka said. What unsettled the group most about it was that it seemed to have some sort of hazy blackness scattered over parts of the wound.

Katara attempted to use her healing abilities to heal it, but it didn't work. If anything, the blackness seemed to get a little bigger.

"Did your healing work?" Toph asked.

Katara shook her head before remembering Toph couldn't see it. "No." She shuddered a little; something about that hazy stuff was making her anxious.

"This is serious," Suki said without hesitation. "We don't know what that monster was or what that black substance is. We need to get Aang to the nearest place where someone can explain this and heal him."

"Maybe Zuko would know something," Sokka advised. "He's the Fire Lord, he should know all about the creatures around here." He thought another moment. "Mai or Ty Lee might know something too. I mean, Ty Lee does know all those chi-blocking moves. Maybe she knows a thing or two about healing."

"I suppose it's our best bet," Katara said softly. "It's close to here."

As the group directed Appa toward the Fire Nation capital, Katara gently squeezed Aang's hand and looked at him with a mixture of love and distress.

"You're going to be okay, Aang," she whispered to her unconscious friend. Then in a softer, more concerned voice, she whispered, "Please be okay."


A/N: Uh oh, this doesn't look good! Something's happened to Aang, but what exactly is with that black stuff anyway? Stay tuned for the next chapter! Kataang forever!