Summary: Elizabeth, the easily forgotten twin of Renesmee, has always stood alone. She is the only one in her large family that doesn't have a mate. She's been fine with it, until now. Until now, she's never had a man who's loved her more than any person in her life. Until now, she's never loved someone so much in return. Until now, she's never had her heart broken. She's never disobeyed the rules. Until now, she never dreamed of falling so hard in love with the one person she should hate. Join Elizabeth Ivory Cullen on a swirling adventure, where enemy's become lovers, become friends. Where she finds herself, and finds out just how important she is to more than just him. She learns what it means to love someone, and learns what it means to be loved. She also learns how quickly love can break her. Or can it?

The next morning, I woke to sunshine streaming in on my face. I frowned and swatted at the intangible rays of light. I rolled over and jumped at the sight of Demetri sitting in my desk chair, staring at my face.

"Good morning." I said, attempting nonchalance. He half smiled and looked up from the book he was reading.

"You were right." I stared, uncomprehending at, I looked at the clock, nine am. He laughed at my confusion. "Was the only reason I picked you because you were available? When I walked in, though, you immediately attracted me. You're brown hair and those unique eyes. They all make you beautiful...but it's more than that. You're reserved. Innocent. You don't say too much, because you don't think anyone wants to listen. You don't love because you need to feel control. You're sister, Renesmee, she is outspoken and beautiful. She is always dreaming and laughing. She is flowing and socialable. I don't understand, you are both so different..."

"And you're more attracted to her." I stated solemnly.

"No!That's the problem. I'm never attracted to quiet girls. I like provacative and obnoxious...sometimes, but it doesn't matter, because you and me: this, whatever this is, it's unnatural!"

"Nessie is taken, you know." I said quietly.

"All the more reason for me to want her, I should be lusting for her at night," I couldn't take anymore. I stood up and stalked towards him, eyes ablaze.

"So why don't you go watch her sleep. Dont' you understand? Do you not see our family dynamics? Renesmee is the princess. She's the one who'll live out a fairytale. She's always going to be Nessie. Me? I'll always be Elizabeth. The one off to the side. The forgotten one. I am just-"

"Will you stop? I wasn't finished! I should be lusting for her at night, but it's you who graces my mind every second of everyday. It's you who captivates me like a moth to a flame. Your hair is all I want to touch. Your eyes are all I want to see. Your voice is all I want to hear. Your very name makes me want to compose symphonies just to make you smile. That smile... it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." He looked me in the eyes, proving his confidence.

"Oh." Brilliance. I swear, everytime I speak, absolutely divine statements pours out.

"And everytime I turn around, I find a thousand more reasons for me to stay away. To give up, and leave. But you pull me back. Everytime I feel insane for wanting you this way, you justify it somehow."

A silence enveloped us, and I didn't know what to say to this burst of feeling. He shook his head. I started to apologize.

"Don't. I'm not sorry, either. You needed to know that. I know it's a bit overwhelming for you now. I'll give you time. I understand." He kissed the my cheek in the same spot as before, then the temple on the other side of my head. I felt myself grow weak. He seemed to recognize my knees buckling and held me up, but didn't stop. He continued to kiss right down my jaw line, his cold breath leaving goosebumps in it's wake. I stood frozen. His lips reached my throat, and didn't stop. Soon he was at the my collarbone and I felt my eyes roll back into my head. With my eyes still closed, I reached down and urged his head up. I could feel his stare, cold yet longing, without even opening my eyes. I gripped the hair on the back of my head and our lips connected. To tell you it was innocent and simple would be a blatant lie.

Boy's got game.

I couldn't stop. I heard things shuffle in the back of my head. The back of my knees were touching my bed and my skin felt the texture of my sheets, but it didn't register. We were so lost. This wasn't happening. His hands roamed and I felt fire race through my veins. I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him closer. The door slammed open for the third time this week.

"Get. Off." I heard Demetri growl as he continued to kiss me. I opened my eyes, and realized how we must look. I didn't honestly have the strength to tell him to stop kissing my neck. I pushed him grudgingly away from me. He respected me enough to leave me with a final kiss. I sat up with a frown.

"Uhm, hi." Once again with my brilliance. I truly impress myself.

"What the hell do you think you're doing here?" Dad looked blazing, I realized belatedly that Jasper and Emmett were standing behind him. Did they think they were taking on the full Volturi? We were making out!

"Obviously!" My father stormed towards me. I smiled sheepishly, in a slight daze from the embrace.

"If you think that because she's available means she's fair game, you're insane." Emmett said. Japer seemed to be pushing him back. "Elizabeth isn't some girl you can hit and quit, dude. She's my niece and Edward's daughter, and I'll be damned if I let something hurt her."

"Don't be so dramatic." I mumbled. Edward glared at me. "Dramatic? You want to talk about dramatic? You've known him for, what, a week? Two? You think that constitues as enough waiting? You're mother and me waited till we were married to have sex."

"Because you're such a saint." Demetri said defensively. "You've never done anything wrong? I can list them off, Edward."

"This isn't about me." He said quietly. "This about my daughter. Elizabeth can be left out of your foolish games."

Rosalie walked in behinde Emmett, obviously annoyed by the commotion. Her eyes widened at the scene before her. "Isn't it against one of your codes to hook up with someone outside of permission?"

"I'm in the Volturi, not a convent, Rosalie." He stated plainly. "And I am by no means trying to play games with her. I'm, well, I'm quite honestly infatuated by her."

He turned to look at me, and I saw out of the corner of my eye him staring at me with a smile on his face. I was looking the other way, but smiled with him.

Just then Carlisle ran into my room. What was this? Party in Elizabeth's room? "We just got a letter from Aro. He's invited us to L'heure de Minuit Masquerade Ball. He expects us in Volterra by next Thursday."