Summary: Elizabeth, the easily forgotten twin of Renesmee, has always stood alone. She is the only one in her large family that doesn't have a mate. She's been fine with it, until now. Until now, she's never had a man who's loved her more than any person in her life. Until now, she's never loved someone so much in return. Until now, she's never had her heart broken. She's never disobeyed the rules. Until now, she never dreamed of falling so hard in love with the one person she should hate.. Join Elizabeth Ivory Cullen on a swirling adventure, where enemy's become lovers, become friends. Where she finds herself, and finds out just how important she is to more than just him. She learns what it means to love someone, and learns what it means to be loved. She also learns how quickly love can break her. Or can it?


I sat down easily and looked across the living room to see Aunt Alice and Uncle Jazz cuddling while watching the ever romantic Titanic. I sighed, and decided it was this or reading Wuthering Heightsfor the hundredth time. I loved the book, but honestly, who can continuously read about a sadistic man and a selfish witch.

I sighed, so much for my productive Friday night.

This is my normal weekend: finishing my homework quickly and then dealing with the extra time. I thought I might hunt; but it was a bit cold, and not all of us had supernatural heating abilities like my sister and her boyfriend (and the rest of his pack).

Uncle Jazz sensed my boredom, and gave me an apologetic smile. I sighed again and smiled back.

Suddenly, so suddenly I jumped, Alice gasped and jumped up. I looked at her with wide eyes, but she didn't see. In fact, she couldn't see anything in front of her due to the fact that she was in a vision. Her eyes came back to the present, along with her mind, and she looked an even paler shade of white. I cocked my head to the side. My father was already into the living room, my mother in tow.

"Demetri." They said in terrifyingly, confused unison.