"Was it a girl or a boy?"asked Relena weakly.

"Girl, and she's beautiful, who's the father?"asked the nurse, barely dodging a pair of tiny fists flying through the air.The cloth bundle with waving fists was lowered into Relena's arms.

"His name is being withheld , our friends can come in now miss,"said Rrelena looking into the tiny child's hazel eyes.

"Miss Relena?How is the baby?"asked Dorothy walking in.Quatre , Duo, Hilde, Sally , Catherine and Trowa

followed her.

"Just like her father,"Relena replied showing the waving fists flying about.They all fell into fits of

laughter.Quatre was playing with Harley (Relena's son) , when Dorothy stopped laughing and a serious expression played across her face.

"Relena- we have to tell you some terrible news,"she said.The group stopped laughing and most looked away except for Dorothy.

"The publiccity we have, it's dangerous.We can't afford to lose our children to people who want revenge.

And your two kids are in the most danger of all.We have made a pact Relena , we're placing our children in foster homes.We'll watch them grow up, but they can't see us.It's your turn , now.I was worried when we should tell you , but now that you have held a tiny life in your arms-twice"she added devilsishly.

"You'll know why we made this pact , we can't let them die because of who we fought in the wars,"

Sally finished patting her stomach protectively.As if on cue , they all pat their bulging stomachs (except Duo, Trowa and Quatre).

"I understand-can we talk about something more cheerful?What are you thinking for names?' Relena asked wiping away a tear.

"Megan or Mike,"said Hilde grinning.

"Niome or Nick,"said Sally smugly.

"Will or Kara ," said Quatre and Dorothy in unison.

"Craig or Karen," said Trowa in his dull tone.

"What about you?"asked Quatre , still playing with Harley.

"Ruth , it means beautiful friend," Relena said , softly tucking down the fists.The nurse glanced in, then left. A dark cloaked figure walked in , picking up the bundle in Relena's arms and taking Harley's hand.They walked out , Harley was taking sideways glances at Ruth.They stopped at a door down the hall.

"Ruth, I'll come back for you.No matter what happens or where we go , I'll find you little sister,"he said,

stroking her tiny cheek.She whimpered , as they entered the room.