A/N: Well here is the "last" chapter of this fic. I am quite proud of it though I wish I had more action. And, I think Haze turned it into a comedy -glares at stuff doll I made- this is all your fault... Any ways, if requested I will upload the extra ending where there is a battle, lot more OC's as akuma and some insight to another one of my stories. Haze's background story is also hanging by request. I hope you enjoyed this week as much as I did, even though I took forever and I would like to thank you all, EVERYONE for support and just clicking on this. I love reviews and hits becasue it makes me feel important or at least sane enough to get people interested. Would you like to say anything before we go Haze?
Haze: Just check out Sephie's other stories and find out which one I'm connected too, I think it would be easy. And no, this is not to tempt you to read her stories... But rather to read about me and my other akuma pals who are to cool to fall into the "I hate OC's!" catergory that Sephie has.
Me: I do not hate OC's... I just want to burn them. And common! Akuma can't really count! I mean, yeah... theirs tons of them soo...
Haze: Ramble ramble. Any ways, I would like to thank everyone for commenting on my awesome-ness and I want to let you know that I will miss you. Till next time~
Reading Legend
Sarcastic Exaggeration
You and Me, That's All We Need
Chapter 7: You to Me; Forever Together
His arm stung as Allen carefully bandaged his innocence. He didn't mean to seem so cold to Kanda, but the appendage had caused him a great deal of pain. When Tyki and Road had seen the swelled, rough skin they had imminently placed it in cold water as the two grabbed bandages. At the time, Allen felt unbelievably sick and Tyki stayed with him as he threw-up into the toilet, holding back his still wet locks.
"You okay boy?" Tyki asked as he sat beside him, taking the bandages and began wrapping the arm.
"Yeah. I just stayed in there for too long." The Noah man nodded as he finished the wrapping.
"I suggest you be more careful in the future, we wouldn't want you to get hurt." The Noah said with concern.
"Hey Tyki?"
"Why haven't you tried to destroy it yet? I mean, it is innocence after all." Tyki looked at him with shock, but soon broke out into a grin.
"That's because it's a part of you boy. And as far as I can tell, you and the 14th get along with it quite well." Allen gave a soft smile, gazing at his arm. Tyki got up, stretching and turned off the lights. Road was already asleep.
"Hey Tyki..."
"Yes, boy?"
"No problem. Now you best get some rest, you have a busy day tomorrow." And Allen smiled lightly as he began he wait for dawn.
Kanda stared at the sky with Link and Haze beside him. The blond human was testy with this plan, but ultimately it was the best course of action they could take. The midnight blue slowly transformed into a dark magenta, coloring the clouds pink. The samurai took the small moment to relax as he awaited Allen's arrival, enjoying the soft warmth coming from the still invisible sun.
Then, just as the yellow giant began to rise into the sky, Allen jumped down from one of the higher windows, crown clown's mask protecting his eyes from the sun. Haze hugged him before he could protest and it let go as relief filled it. Allen smiled at the small group nodding his approval as they began running. They had to ensure a safe distance between themselves and the Noahs so that they could not follow them into the ark.
Two figures slowly walked towards the window, watching the group be engulfed in the rising of the sun.
"Hey Tyki. Do you think Allen will be okay with that guy?" Road said with a hint of displeasure in her voice. The other figure laughed lightly as the long shadow's stretched.
"Who knows. For right know, just worry about what the Earl will say to us." Road gleamed, a sadistic smile on her face.
"We'll just tell him that he killed the broker and escaped before we even arrived."
"And the reason it took as an extra day to find this out?"
"Well, we were simply enjoying the hot springs." The two smiled softly at each other, the dawn placing light shadows on their faces. "After all, we are human too. Sometimes, we have to let someone go for them to be happy."
"Hm. I agree. That boy deserves some happiness before this world ends." The shadows all but vanished as the sun made itself clear in the morning. Road turned inside and found a small note on the bed.
"Tyki! Look at this!" The girl said all smiles as she ran over to her 'brother'. Tyki crouched down and took the piece of paper, Road reading it over his shoulder with him.
Dear Road and Tyki
I want to thank you for the encouragement that you have given me. It makes me question the true nature of the Noahs. I pray that when we next meet next we do not have to spill each other's blood. Wither as enemies, allies, or just people I look forward to seeing you two again.
P.S: Thanks for letting me leave. It means a lot to me when, even if it's just this once, I have a choice in what I do.
Tyki smiled at the letter with a soft tenderness that he shared with Road. "Ha, the damn bastard knew we weren't sleeping." His sister smiled turning back to the sun.
"Well, that's just how our Allen is."
The great white gate opened up for the four, 25 in big letters stating it's gate number. After ushering everyone inside, Allen turned towards the direction of the inn that he knew that Tyki and Road where at.
"Until again, my siblings." And taking one step forward, Allen entered his ark, crown clown decorating his shoulders and a row of crosses disappearing from sight.
The church was cold and silent as the four entered from the ark. Those around them smiled at the group as they made their way to Koumi's new office to discuss the recent events.
"Leave Master alone Two-Spot!" Haze shouted as it carried the boy defensively as the blond attacked him with questions about the Noah. Kanda himself was tempted to knock the man out.
"Not until he tells me what the Noah's did and told him!" The inspector shouted back.
"Um, Link I'll tell you when I tell Koumi okay?" Allen asked as Haze speed up into a humans speed walk, wanting to just speed off. Link huffed a confirmation, walking just as fast as Haze with quicker footsteps.
"Don't tire yourself out little man." Haze teased as each stride of his equaled three of Links.
"Silence akuma." He gritted out as even Kanda could easily keep up. Allen felt Haze's grip tighten and looked up at him sympathetically. The green-clad akuma caught the look and gave a lop-sided grin before speeding ahead to the room leaving a bewildered Kanda and a frustrated Link.
Koumi stifled a laugh as Link walked in, his hair in a mess from the run.
"Walker." He growled out.
"Yes?" Oh how the innocence radiated off of the youth, Haze snickering to his left. Knowing full well that he would just waste his energy on the fight, Link huffed once more before sitting to Allen's right. Kanda soon came in and stood next to the akuma who grinned at him. The exorcist just glared.
"Well, since we're all here, lets hear what happened to little Allen." Link glared at the white-haired teen who scratched the back of his head nervously.
"We already told him what you guys know, save time right?" Link's glare intensified. Allen was not looking forward to sharing their room with him. Looking at Kanda with hesitant eyes, the teen met with even, clear ones. No discrimination present. Nodding to himself Allen began telling them how the broker had knocked himself unconscious.
"When I woke up I was already at the inn with the two Noah's. They only asked about my condition, probably concerned about him." Allen spat, making a mental note to apologize later. "After that Tyki forced me down to the baths, saying that I couldn't go 'home' when I was dirty." Allen thanked his years of acting as he puffed up his cheeks in frustration and anger. He had to act the part after all. If the higher ups found out just how friendly they had been to him, they would lock him up without hesitating. "When Tyki had left to speak with Road about something, I noticed Kanda in the baths. They had chosen to stay there so that they could find me easier." Koumi nodded and Kanda was glad that no one noticed his slight blush at the real memory. "We decided to escape at dawn, where, after gaining safe distance, I would open a gate and get us back home. In order to keep their awareness down, I returned to the room so that they didn't suspect anything. However, being around the Noah's irritated my innocence and so I had to bandage it up. The two threatened that if I try anything that they would destroy it." Allen gulped as his eyes widened with slight fear. After a few seconds of Allen 'composing' himself he started again. "I was surprised to actually see them fall asleep. They must have thought that I wouldn't try anything. Any ways, as soon as I saw the sky turn purple I jumped out the window with crown clown active as a just in case. We headed out once I arrived." Allen was scratching his head nervously again. "I'm actually surprised it worked out so well." Koumi nodded as Link seemed to settle. Inside Allen's mind he let out a sigh for being able to act so well and a cheer for them buying it.
Koumi soon dismissed the two and Allen was thankful for being able to get rid of Link's company as Kanda, Haze, and himself did a mad dash for the cafeteria (upon Allen's request). Once there, Kanda ordered his soba while Allen ordered more liver with bread. The couple sat beside each other as Haze sneaked behind a red hair rabbit, pouring a bucket of ice water over his head. Said rabbit howled from the assault, making the room burst with laughter. Allen himself giggled and Kanda smirked softly as Lavi began cursing his friend running around the cafeteria promising revenge. The akuma smirked and laughed like bells in happiness.
The two watched as they ate, Lavi cursing more at Haze's speed and ability to levitate. As soon as Allen finished, Kanda grabbed his hand and pulled him away from the show. "Kanda?" The boy asked as they rounded another corner stifling a yawn.
"Che, I saw you sweat while Link was glaring at you. I'm not letting you be anywhere near him tonight." Allen still didn't understand until Kanda opened one of the several rooms door. There was a flower in an hourglass on a table far from the bed and a small square window letting the remaining light filter through. It was almost night time and after pulling an all-nighter, Allen was unbelievably tired. "You can sleep here tonight." Kanda said, pointing to his bed.
"What about you?" Allen asked as another yawn seeped through, taking off his shirt and pants as Kanda handed him a large white shirt as PJ's.
"Don't worry about me, just go to bed." The samurai all but ordered, pushing the teen into the blankets. Not up for arguing, Allen curled up under the blankets and sighed in content. The bed smelled like Kanda, and was warm for some odd reason. As sleep over took him, he hoped that Tim wouldn't mind sleeping with Haze that night.
Kanda listened to the small exorcist's breathing even out and soon changed into a pair of black pants. Slipping under the covers, the man wrapped Allen in a soft embrace soon dreaming with Allen.
Kanda blinked the sleep from his eyes as he felt Allen shake in his arms. "Bean Sprout?" he asked, worried that he had upset the boy. The teen just snuggled closer, bitting his lower lip to try and muffle his sobs. "What's wrong?" Allen shook his head. "Tell me." The boy looked at the pure blue eyes with his shimmering silver ones and looked down with shame.
"I had a nightmare..." Instead of Kanda getting mad like Allen had suspected, he just embraced him tighter. "Kanda?" He asked with fear in his voice. "Y-you won't leave me right?" Kanda nodded bringing Allen's face up to his own.
"I promise." He said softly and the teen looked at him, a distant, long dead hope twinkling in his eyes.
"Hey Kanda?"
"Is it strange, that all of this feels so, so..."
"Foreign?" Allen nodded.
"Yeah." Kanda patted the boys head.
"That's only because you've been separated from everyone for too long." Allen looked up, a question on his face. "It must feel different, to suddenly be back in the norm. That's all." The teen smiled, thinking of how it had been so long since he had actually felt these feelings, but Kanda didn't need to know that. How strange, no foreign they felt to the deprived child. Allen smirked, lading a quick kiss on Kanda's nose.
"Thanks." And the man couldn't help but let out a soft laugh. Allen smacked his head. "Don't laugh at me Yu" Kanda glared at him.
"Bean Sprout.
"What was that Ba-Kanda, I can call you Yu. That's great, I feel honored." Kanda tackled the poor B]bean and they began play wrestling on the bed. After a short tickle fight, the two settled back down, the nightmare forgotten as Allen was surrounded by Kanda's strong arms.
"As long as it just the two of us..." The teen looked up at the other's blushing cheeks, finding his embarrassment cute.
"What do you mean Kanda~" Oh how Allen loved teasing the man.
"You.... you can call me Yu when it's just the two of us..." Smiling again and placing another, softer kiss on his lovers nose Allen snuggled close, sleeping claiming him.
"Than good-night Yu..." He could feel Kanda relax as he buried his face in his white hair.
"Good-night, Allen." And the darkness embraced the two lover's as happier dreams filled their abused thoughts.
Allen and Kanda awoke to a loud explosion from outside. Kanda grabbed Mugen and Allen activated his ever present arm as they ran out not even bothering to change.
"What's happening!" Allen called out as they reached the main hall where the explosion had happened. Everyone was there and Lavi turned to them.
"Yo." He said lazily as both of them sweat dropped. "You two have a good sleep?"
"Um, Lavi, what happened?" Another explosion was heard and soon the two new arrivals could see a Koumerin emerge from a wall, a screaming/crying Haze holding on for dear life.
"Koumi thought it would be a good idea to create a Koumerin for Haze to train with but..."
"It went hay wire..." Allen dead panned as the two walked up to Lavi.
"Sorry about this Haze!" Lenalee cried out amongst the crowd as she raised herself with her boots. Miranda was already fixing the wall while Krory was trying to find a safe way to get towards the scared akuma without endangering himself. Haze sniffed big black tears as he looked at Lenalee with a child's hope.
"Please help me!" It cried out, and Allen couldn't help but laugh.
"Don't worry Haze!" He cried out as he raised himself with Crown Clown.
"Help me Master!" It cried out. Allen nodded and, in some strange way of knowing, both Krory, Lenalee, and himself charged at the same time.
The main hall was a wreck, pillars and smashed rock lying everywhere. Haze clung to Allen like a child, crying as it told him how scared it was. Everyone else was laughing, enjoying the comedy of the morning before leaving to get to work. Kanda, Lavi, Lenalee, Miranda and Krory were around Allen and Haze laughing sweetly as they enjoyed each other's presence. And the white-haired child wouldn't have had it any other way.
I swear that Haze has become another me... Perhaps I shouldn't have made that doll. I mean I also made a mask of another one of my akuma and I've been drawing them like crazy... Oh wells~ Yay for obssion I guess.
Once again, thanks so much for sticking with me till the end. I hope you liked my first actual romance story and will continue to support me however you deem fit. Until we meet again, -twirls around- good bye~