A/N: I know I should be working on "In the Beginning," or even "I Was Made For You," over on fictionpress. But I got this idea from my latest one-shot called "The Car Infront Of Me." I decided to make it into a longer, chapter story! So let me know what you guys think!

Have you ever had a moment in your life when you knew everything was as it should be? That's how Lucas felt as this exact moment. It was the annual homecoming parade for THHS and all the sports teams were required to ride in a float for it. And since basketball was the most popular sport for Tree Hill, the basketball team rode directly behind the homecoming queen float. Which is where Brooke Davis was sitting.

Brooke Davis. How do you describe Brooke Davis? Obviously homecoming queen. All around social butterfly. Captain of the cheerleaders. And Lucas Scott's girlfriend. Actually, Lucas Scott's fiancé. He couldn't help but swell with pride as he noticed the sun reflect off the diamond ring he had given her just last night. She had called it perfect. Lucas had told her nothing had compared to her. And that was when the tears had started.


"Lucas, where are we going? You know I hate surprises!" Brooke exclaimed, getting annoyed with the blindfold he had put on her. "Pretty Girl, you will see in just a minute! Besides, you love surprises!" Lucas laughed as he guided her along the path they were on. Lucas had taken her into the woods by the local park that he and Haley used to play in when they were little. About 50 yards back was the most beautiful clearing. It was decorated with gorgeous wildflowers that he knew Brooke would love. He helped Brooke step over a tree root before coming into the clearing.

"Okay, almost there. Now stop!" Lucas told her. As soon as she stopped, she reached for the blindfold. "I didn't say you could take that off! I just told you to stop!" Lucas laughed. He had stopped her directly in the middle of the clearing. Quickly, he pulled out the black velvet box from his pocket and got down on one knee. Opening the box, he said, "Okay, you can take the blindfold off!"

Brooke rushed to slide the blindfold off her eyes. She only got it to her forehead before she saw Lucas kneeling in front of her with the most gorgeous diamond ring in his hands. "Will you marry me?" Lucas asked quietly. There wasn't much she could even say. Lucas had finally rendered her speechless. So she did the only thing she could think of. She threw herself into his arms and kissed him with all the love she possessed.

"Is that a yes?" Lucas joked. "Lucas Scott, I would love to marry you! Put that ring on my finger!" she laughed. He took the ring out of the box and gently placed it on her ring finger.

End Flashback

As Lucas watched her waving to the hometown crowd, he knew he would love that girl forever. He knew he would love her unconditionally and accept her as he always had. Before he could even think of anything else, he spotted Haley and Peyton in the crowd. They smiled and waved to him before Peyton pointed to her ring finger and then at Brooke. Lucas just smiled and shrugged his shoulders. He would let Brooke tell them the news. He knew she wanted to.

Thirty minutes later, the parade was over. It had ended at the school. All the athletes were quickly filing off the floats and looking for their friends. Lucas jumped off the basketball float and headed towards Brooke, who was showing Peyton and Haley her ring.

"Isn't it gorgeous? It's perfect! One and a half carat Princess cut diamond with the diamond side accents, 18K, and white gold! It's perfect, right?" Brooke gushed. "I thought I told you that nothing compared to you," Lucas whispered in her ear from behind her. "Luke! Don't make me cry again! Seriously, Peyt, Hales, I wish you could have seen it! He took me to this beautiful clearing in the woods blindfolded! And when he told me to take the blindfold off, he was there on one knee holding the ring!" Brooke said as Haley and Peyton awwed at her. "That's awesome Brooke. I'm happy for you guys! Congratulations!" Peyton cheered, giving them both a hug. Haley followed with the hugs as Nathan walked over to join them.

"What's going on?" he asked. "I'm engaged!" Brooke shouted, thrusting her ring in his face. "Jesus, Davis! You almost poked my eye out with that thing!" Nathan laughed, playfully shielding his face from Brooke's hand. "Very funny Nate! You know, you could at least tell your brother and his fiancé congrats!" she complained, with a pouty face. "Congratulations!" he smiled, "But really Luke, did you have to get such a nice ring? Now Hales is going to want another one!" he joked, earning a glare and a shove from Haley.

Two hours later, Brooke and Lucas were comfortably resting on the couch in his living room talking about being engaged. "You do realize that we have to tell your mother now right?" Brooke asked him, sitting up to look at Lucas. "Do we have to? Can't we just run off and elope?" Lucas questioned. "But Luke! You promised me yesterday that we could get married with our friends! Besides, my parents love you so they'll probably pay for the whole thing!" she suggested. "Now that sounds good to me! Okay, I won't force you to elope!" Lucas told her, giving her a quick kiss, "But my mom just got home, so you have to tell her!"

"Lucas, you can't make me do…." Brooke started but was interrupted by Karen walking in the front door. "Hey kids! How was the parade?" she asked, not noticing Brooke sitting on her left hand. "It was great! How was work?" Brooke asked. "Okay, what's going on?" Of course Karen would know right away that something was going on.

"It's nothing mom. Why?" Lucas was trying so hard not to be suspicious. Unfortunately, he was never good at it. "I know you two are hiding something. For one, Lucas you're doing the squinty eye thing when you're not telling me something!" Karen laughed. "I don't do a squinty eye thing!" Lucas protested.

"Actually, Broody, you do!" Brooke laughed, bringing her left hand up to cover her mouth, trying to hold in her laughter, forgetting about her ring. Karen however, did see it. "You're engaged?" she shouted. Brooke gasped and tried to hide her hand even though she knew it was too late.

"Mom, please don't freak out! But yes, we're engaged. I proposed to Brooke yesterday," Lucas explained, unwrapping his arms from Brooke and standing up to face his mother. To say he was nervous of her reaction was an understatement.

"You're engaged?" Karen repeated, "Lucas, you're still in high school!"

"Karen, please don't be mad! I know it's not what you expected. And we're not going to get married right away. But you have to understand how much I love your son. I can't imagine spending my life with anyone else," Brooke told her. She could actually see Karen softening to the idea.

"Oh Brooke. I know that honey! And I'm not mad. Surprised, but not mad! To be honest, I should have seen this coming. It's so obvious how much you two love each other," Karen said quietly, reaching out to hold Brooke's hand, "Now, let me see that ring!" she laughed.

Brooke stood up excitedly, holding out her left hand for Karen to see the ring. "Lucas how did you afford this?" Karen asked curiously. She obviously didn't mind the fact that her only son was engaged.

"I saved up all the money I made working for you and for Keith. I've been saving for months now!" he explained. "Well, I must say you have good taste! It's amazing," Karen commented. "I know! It's perfect isn't it?" Brooke beamed.

Lucas laughed, realizing how many times she had said that already. But she could say that as many times as she wished. Because he knew that she had never been happier. And neither had he.

So what did you think? Should I continue with this idea?