Skip this part if you don't want to read about my rant on some stories.

Hello I'm back from the horrible land of life. I am sorry to say that it has taken me more than a month to update this story but the good thing was that I got plenty of reviews! The most on this chapter! Go figure. I suddenly had the urge to type this up when I had read a story on here, but I have to say… I was completely and utterly shocked and disappointed. The plot? I would have to say, consisted of sex, sex, and what do you know! More sex! I thought that after maybe after the first 6 chapters were all out of the way that "maybe" the actual plot might come in but what do you know. Most of it was basically hot smut! I have to commend the author though, they were really descriptive and juicy but… come on. The whole damn thing consisted on fucking on every piece of surface they could get on! I had to shake my head and sigh. What happened to falling in love people? Love is not lust. Gosh. You cant fall in love after checking out someone's ass and finding it attractive and fucking it, leading to the conclusion that your in love. Bonds people Bonds! I am sorry if I offended anyone on this topic but I am just stating my point and my view. I would rather read and epic story unraveling secrets and forbidden love that ultimately wins in the end, rather than a endless amount of smut catered by lemons and other recipes of lime that utterly become repetitive and mundane. Whoo! Now that I have exhausted myself with this rant, now you cant enjoy the story.


So after so much internal debating and conflict I have come to a decision concerning Naruto's "predicament". So hopefully you all will like the outcome of this. Though I liked how this worked out. So enough with the wait here you go.

Neji paced his room waiting for any news from the letter he sent out earlier. The problem had skillfully settled in the pit of his stomach and he desperately needed to cast out the unwanted concerns.

His head shot up when he heard the knock and quickly opened the door for the young man to pass inside. He nodded in greeting and waved towards the bed where the visitor could sit.

Neji studied the young man as he passed by slowly noticing the short raven hair falling over his eyes. His pale skin contrasted with his dark sheets and the slim figure reminded himself of the blond he craved for.

The visitor seated himself comfortably on the bed and sent Neji an awkward grin. He could never understand why the boy always showed that fake smile to everyone including himself. He lazily glanced at the door and turned back to the raven who was quietly observing his room.

"It's good to see you again, Sai." Neji said smiling lightly. The raven nodded and crossed his legs comfortably showing Neji his approval.

"Yes, it's been too long." he replied quietly. "So what is it that I can help you with? I know you wouldn't call me over for nothing." Sai said licking his lips seductively. The brunette scoffed and sat across the bed facing the raven. He really wasn't in the mood to play around and decided it was time to get down with what he intended to do.

"You must have heard of Nar-.. Uzamaki who I have been trying to win over?" the brunette said crossing his arms childishly. "But my hopes of capturing his heart has been shattered by two other competitors." he finished sighing heartbroken. Sai watched his friend, dissatisfied with his actions and quirked a brow questionably. "That's where you come in my friend.." Neji said softly rubbing his left arm protectively. "I need you to find out which opponent is most suitable for Uzamaki and report back to me.." he said getting up from the bed hesitantly. He walked over to the door, stopping abruptly.

Sai watched interested by his movements and remained silent. "Just…." Neji paused closing his eyes as he reached for the door knob. "Just make sure that he becomes happy." he said walking out of the room leaving the raven to ponder his thoughts.

He sat on the bed for a moment longer and smirked brightly. He knew that once his job started, that his time spent here wasn't going to be boring to say the least. He inhaled happily and jumped from the bed and quickly set out to do his friends bidding.


Kakashi stood in the Uchiha's kitchen waiting for the youngest raven to come down, knowing that he needed to have a serious talk with him when all of a sudden, Iruka appeared in the kitchen oblivious to the other sensei leaning over the marble counter. Kakashi watched the brunette enthusiastically figuring out that he must have been in deep thought when he coughed lightly and had no response from Iruka.

The cunning man left from his spot quietly and silently crept up behind the unsuspecting brunette who was reaching for something in the shelf. He embraced the smaller man in his arms possessively earning a small yelp. He smiled happily when Iruka playfully shoved him back.

"Kakashi! Please don't sneak up behind me like that again. You scared me." he said leaning against the counter and held his hand over his chest.

Kakashi chuckled lightly and closed the distance between the two by backing the brunette into the counter, cornering him, unable to move. "Oh my lovely dove. How is it that you make my heart flutter so with out realizing it?" he said effectively making the man blush in embarrassment.

"Kaka-" Iruka tried to start but was interrupted when the taller man encased their lips in a heated kiss. Iruka's legs slacked and hesitantly leaned on the counter for support not expecting the sudden intimate reaction from him. He moaned slightly making the man above him pin him to the counter top forcefully deepening the kiss as if he were fearfully trying to claim his possession. The heated battle continued until a cough was heard from the entrance.

"I know you both have every right to be in our home but I would advise that you two reframe from such acts in the kitchen where anyone could happen to wander in unannounced." Itachi said walking swiftly to the door connected to the garden. "Mother or father could have stumbled in on you and you both would have been- well you see my point." he said smirking opening the door, pausing as he glanced back to see the embarrassed reaction from Iruka and the impassive stare from the other man. "Incase you were wondering how long Sasuke would be… sensei… it might take awhile since he's preoccupied." Itachi said closing the door carefully.

Iruka quickly straightened his shirt and glared at the displeased man and grumbled. "I cant believe you Kakashi. Why would you do something like that in the open." he mumbled.

The taller man shrugged and glanced at the comical brunette. "Well, you cant say you didn't like it." he said playfully smacking Iruka's ass making him jump. "And since Sasuke wont be down for awhile, lets take this somewhere else love." Kakashi said dragging the protesting brunette into one of the quests room not far from the kitchen.

"So much for meeting Sasuke…"

"…Naruto…" Sasuke whispered as he straddled the blond. He gazed at Naruto through clenched teeth, and tried to look away. He couldn't tear his eyes from the restless blond that laid beneath him, shuddering from his sensual touches. He slowly brought his hand to a tan cheek and gracefully stoked small circles.

"Sasuke.." Naruto panted as he squirmed under the longing gaze. "I-I need you in me." he pleaded- no begged the raven, edging him on. Sasuke smiled lightly and kissed the blond on the forehead lovingly and pulled back hesitantly. Naruto quickly got up on his elbows and questionably stared at the raven who ran his hand through his hair exhaustedly.

"Sasuke? W-why did you pull away?" Naruto asked fearing the worst possible answer. He bit his lip harshly as he waited for the raven to answer. While Sasuke pulled his discarded boxers from the floor and quickly put them on.

"Naruto… I don't want to do this…" he paused gazing into those deep cerulean blue eyes longingly. "While your under a lot of stress and you cant think clearly. I want your first time to be passionate and special. I want you to remember it without any doubts." Sasuke whispered picking up the discarded clothes off the ground. Naruto watched him through watery eyes, knowing exactly what he meant.

Sasuke walked to the bed on Naruto's side and kneeled on the carpet taking the blonds hand in his own. He drew small hearts on the top of Naruto's palm and smiled sadly at the blond. "Naruto… I love you so much and I want you to know that but I just cant bear to see you like this." he said nuzzling at the blonds hand.

"Although I know you have a problem down there." Sasuke said glancing at the hard cock in front of him. "I will take care of that. But rest assured, that I will always take care of you Naruto." he whispered closely near the blonds crotch.

Naruto gasped as the tears fell relentlessly down his cheeks. He nodded slightly when small hiccups escaped his lips and gently embraced the ravens head as it engulfed his member fully. He panted and moaned at the steady rhythm the raven had on him and shivered whenever Sasuke's teeth lightly scraped his throbbing cock.

"Sasuke!" Naruto cried grabbing at the dark locks entwined in his fingers. He gripped the ravens hair tighter in his hands, knowing that his climax was nearing. Sasuke reluctantly held his own erection and pumped the same tempo as he did with the blonds. He moaned sending vibrating waves of pleasure throughout Naruto's being and found its way back towards to Naruto's stomach, bubbling the enriching emotions deep within him.

"Mhmm… Na-ru" Sasuke panted in between breaths as he felt his own orgasm arising. He quickened the pace he had on both cocks and leaned closer onto the bed for support. His knees were becoming numb and he couldn't feel anything from the hips down. Naruto had fallen back onto his elbows because he couldn't endure the pleasuring sensation for so long. He bucked his hips sending his cock further down the ravens mouth, gaining a grunt from the other. He hiccupped and sheepishly took his hardened nipples in his hands and teased them harshly.

"Sasuke.. I need.. I-I'm go-" Naruto panted. He couldn't last much longer and he knew that Sasuke couldn't either. The raven sucked and swallowed the blonds member relentlessly and stifled back a gasp as the blond arched his back and released deep with in his mouth. He felt the hot fluid shoot all the way back inside of his throat and greedily drank every last drop.

He released Naruto's lip cock and concentrated on his needed orgasm. He viciously stroked his dick rubbing and pulling until he cried out in pleasure releasing his seed on the sheets.

He fell limp onto the bed as he watched the blond pant tiredly. Sasuke smiled lightly and crawled near the distracted blond and wrapped his arms around Naruto's thin waist. He nuzzled at the sunny mop of hair and pulled the blanket over the both of them. He heard a displeased groan from the boy beside him and chuckled softly when his hand ghosted over a patch of cum. He wiped the substance off his hand onto a dry area on the blanket and kissed the blonds forehead.

"I love you Naruto." Sasuke whispered happily into the blonds ear. He let his head drop onto pillow tiredly and closed his eyes, ready to sleep. Naruto clenched at the sheets harshly as the pain in his chest returned. He stared sacredly at the wall with a pained expression.

'Why has this feeling returned? What does this mean?' Naruto thought over and over as he laid wide awake next to Sasuke. He felt the soft locks from raven brush against his back and stiffened at the touch. He heard the soft moan escape from those luscious lips. He could hear the soft snores fill the area around him. He could feel the heat radiating off from the raven sleeping soundly. But why did his chest fell so terribly broken. He stopped the tears that he wanted to desperately to shed and curled into a tight ball.

He held his breath trying to calm himself but couldn't as the pain multiplied. He shuddered and stared helplessly at the wall and whimpered softly. He feelings deep within himself were forcing their way back to the surface….

And there was nothing…

He could do….

To stop it.

Later that day the Uchiha mansion was busy as food and other necessities were being brought in and out of the house. Sasuke sat unenthusiastically on one of the expensive leather couches in the main living room. He sat awkward, fidgeting with his shirt collar and cuffs, trying to feel comfortable. But it just wasn't working when the stiffness kept nagging him to no end.

'Damn, I had completely forgot about the party today.' he thought getting up and scanning the room. Maids and other people scurried about trying to fix and order things, trying to meet the designated time that they paid no heed to the wandering raven. He passed many workers and became impatient when his search ended empty handed.

He turned abruptly and came face to face with his older brother smirking mischievously. He grunted and attempted to get loose, but his brother had successively captured his arm, jerking him around.

"My Sasuke. What's the hurry?" Itachi said caressing his cheek. The younger male scoffed and slapped the hand away impatiently. "I have something to tell- better yet show you." he said dragging the protesting raven towards his room.

"The hell? Itachi let me go damn it!" Sasuke yelled trying to break free from the grasp.


"Well?" Itachi asked completely amused to say the least. He crossed his legs and leaned against his door smirking lightly. Sasuke glanced over his shoulder and glared hatefully at his brother when he realized the purpose of his brothers peculiar behavior. He 'tsk'd' annoyed when he returned his attention to the other male occupying the space on the bed.

"I see no reason why you have to bring me here. This is getting on my nerves and I need to find Naruto to make sure he wore his clothes correctly." Sasuke said through clenched teeth. He balled his hands into fists and glared pointedly at his unfazed brother.

"My, my Sasuke. I only wanted to introduce you to my friend Sai." Itachi said gesturing to the slimmer male laying relaxed on the bed, twirling a strand of hair. Itachi moved away from the door and sat on the bed next to his younger friend and nudged the boy softly. Sai looked up at the younger Uchiha and grinned strangely. He scratched his stomach tiredly pulling the fabric up and revealing the pale skin to Sasuke.

He scoffed unsatisfied and glared at the duo and tuned to make his leave. "I have no interests other than Naruto thank you. And besides…" he said glancing over his shoulder at his brother. "I prefer blonds." he muttered opening the door and stepping out into the dim lit hall.

Itachi sighed and fell back onto his comfortable bed and stretched lazily. "Sorry bout that Sai. But now that you have met my cute little brother… I would advise you telling me your purpose here. It's not everyday that I meet you and I know about your reputation." Itachi said turning his head toward the raven staring at the ceiling. Sai shrugged his shoulders slightly and turned on his side making his back face the Uchiha. "I don't need to remind you twice Sai. Don't you dare quarrel with Sasuke and his relationship with Naruto, or you'll regret it." he warned getting up to leave his room. He watched as he reached his door and frowned at the raven still laying in the exact spot as before and shook his head, as he exited the room.

Sai frowned deeply and traced small circles onto the sheet. "This is going to be harder than I expected."


Sasuke meandered throughout the house like a lost puppy looking for his owner until he heard the excited shriek from his mothers room. Intrigued, he opened the door slowly and smiled when he heard the two familiar voices cooing one another.

"Oh Naruto you look extremely handsome when you wear this outfit." Mikoto said sweetly as she patted the lapels of his suit. He smiled softly when she noticed Sasuke standing near the door observing quietly.

"Yes! I cant believe I'm wearing something like this. It feels really different than regular clothes." he said excitedly pulling his shirt down far enough to take out the crinkles. "I wonder how Sasuke will look when I see him." Naruto cheered grasping her hands gently. "Although you look so beautiful Mikoto-san compared to me. Fugaku-san must be the luckiest man in the world!" he grinned as she blushed.

"Oh Naruto, how many time do have to tell you to just call me Mikoto. You makes me think that you don't see yourself on the same level as us." she murmured sadly clasping his hands.

"Yes Naruto, you might as well just call her mom. Your part of the family." Sasuke said getting off the wall as he slowly made his way near the two sitting on the comfortable couch near the newly furnish table. Sasuke sat next to the blond and playfully tugged at his hair, twirling a bit around his finger. "Wow Naruto, I never thought you could look any more gorgeous than you do now."

Naruto blushed and flinched from the contact. He warily glanced at the raven and then at his mother trying to send him traces of embarrassment.

Mikoto chuckled and patted the blond on the shoulder. "Oh Naruto. It's completely fine. I know you two have a bond that no one can break. It's fine if you act like you usually do, even if my presence is here." she smiled and got up.

Naruto gasped and held his hands to his face as his cheeks tinted a bright red color. "S-Sasuke!" Naruto squealed when the raven placed a chaste kiss on him. Mikoto laughed as she left the room and closed the door quietly.

"Dobe. I don't see why you have to act all innocent in front of her. She has known about our relationship for awhile now." Sasuke said pulling back and relaxing on the seat comfortably. He sighed and stretched, making a few joints pop. Naruto grunted but smiled contently, getting up abruptly.

Sasuke quirked a brow at the action figuring the blond had a purpose.

"Don't call me names like that Sasuke. I don't go around and call you names do I?" Naruto said angry fixing his clothes. "Besides, I have to leave to congratulate Itachi on his inheritance from Fugaku-san." Naruto purred seductively, slipping out of the room knowing full well that the raven was fuming in rage and jealousy.

Naruto chuckled as he reached the dinning room of guests and wandered around until he ran into a rather peculiar figure leaning against one of the walls near the stairs. He tried to pay no mind to the boy but every time he glanced back, he couldn't help but notice the stares sent his way. He huffed and trudged to where the boy was idly standing and crossed his arms when he positioned himself in front of him.

Sai smirked and clicked his tongue. "So your Naruto I presume?" he asked simply. Naruto frowned but nevertheless nodded. Sai smiled and patted the blond on the shoulder as he got off the wall and turned to leave. "Your going to be seeing more of me…" he said waving to the blond over his shoulder.

Naruto stood their puzzled and flinched when he had forgotten to ask his name. "Hey! What's you name?!" Naruto shouted over the people. Said turned around abruptly and pondered if he should answer his question. He shrugged and smiled. "The names Sai!" he yelled and continued his walk disappearing out of sight. Though he noticed the blond had began speaking to Kakashi and Iruka.

The raven sighed as he walked into the large room filled with even more guests. He scanned the room and found the Hyuga talking to his cousin and walked over. He coughed gently making Neji turned his head to see him smiling.

"I'm sorry Hinata but I need to speak with Sai for a moment ok?" he said sweetly. She nodded and squeezed her eyes shut and bowed respectively.

"It's alright Neji, take as l-long as you need." she said scurrying off into the crowd of people. Neji watched her leave and sighed in frustration. He turned to the raven who had begun picking at his nails and scoffed.

"So have you already begun?" Neji asked curiously. Sai nodded and shrugged his shoulders. "And?" he asked impatiently.

"Just that Sasuke is extremely over protective of the blond and his family is too." he said impassively. Neji, upon hearing the news, smiled sadly and nodded his head. "although it seems that Naruto has something he's hiding from Sasuke." Sai said either purposely or not. He had a look on his face as if he were thinking about the issue with a lot of concentration. Whether it was supposed to be heard or not, Neji didn't nudge him further.

"I think we need to create a situation with the red head though… to see what happens." Sai murmured tapping his chin. Neji groaned but nodded in acceptance. "I haven't seen the two interact yet and I'm rather curious to see what happens." he said turning around and tried to search the crowd.

"Oh there he- wait…" he said stepping back a bit arousing Neji's curiosity. "It seems that fate has wounded them together…" he pointed to where the Naruto and Gaara had been began talking in a secluded area of the room.

Neji closed his eyes and exhaled. "Yes, seems the fates are with them…"

Okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! How'd you like them apples? I will be making Naruto and Gaara come together in the next few chapters creating bonds since this is a GaaNaru of course. Hope you all will review! Makes me happy and thanks to all that have reviewed so far!

Until next time
