Great, I hate being the new girl again.

I hate moving and I hate being a demon.

Being a demon is not easy either. You see I am an original demon.

Daughter of the devil himself. I was created for severally reasons. My father was lonely, and to judge those who came through hell' gates.

But I wanted to know what happened to my soul. So I did something I thought never in my life I thought I would do.

I prayed to God.

I asked him why my soul was damned and why I was sent her to hell to suffer.

God answered saying that I was the most pure soul in heaven and this was my challenge in life. But I was damned for eternity right, I live forever.

God said that I have to prove top him and he would grant me the greatest thing in the world: someone to love me for whom I am. Which is what I want. I asked God about how I can prove to him and he said that all I have to do is use my powers wisely.

So ever since then I have been trying my hardest to prove to God my worthiness for love. That was over 10,000 years since that conversation with God and the only one at that. My dad found and kicked me out of Hell. Good.

I had a feeling that was a closer to step to getting my goal or whatever you want to call it.

You are probably thinking, how old is this chick. Well I have been alive since humans were around. My dad thought it would be funny to watch humans chase after me so after humans gained intelligence I was sent up there to tempt men, so they would go to Hell when they died.

The sad thing is I could never do it. And I am still a virgin. Let's just say I have a lot of pent up sexual frustration built up.

So anyway….what you get to hear more of this later. I promise.
