AN: I changed the name of this story. It was previously Potters World so you may have already read this. Sorry for the confusion. Some of the chapters after this one will have 'Potters World' still written at the top. Please ignore it until I find the time to change it. Thanks guys and hope you enjoy the story.

SUMMARY: Previously titled 'Potters World.' Could be viewed as slightly AU/OOC. Post Hogwarts. Head Auror Harry is now a husband to the new Hogwarts headmistress Hermione Potter, and father to their daughter, Charlotte. Voldermort has been destroyed leaving evil to rise under a new name, a prophecy has been foretold surrounding a being that is referred to only as the Blue September, and the new Dark Lord will do whatever it takes to get his hands on it...whatever it may be.

The Hunt for Blue September

Meet The Potters


The birds were starting to sing and the sun was starting to rise. The rays streaked through the open window of a country mansion and landed on a four poster bed, where its two occupants were still sleeping peacefully. The silence was broken early when the alarm clock at the side of the bed began to screech loudly. A hand sluggishly appeared from beneath the silk covers, the diamond and platinum bands resting on its fingers caught by the sun, as they extinguished the noise that had caused their owner to wake.

Apart from the tweeting birds outside of the bedroom, the only sound to fill the room was a soft sighing, followed by slow movements in the bed under the covers. Gracefully smoothing aside the wavy brown hair that had fallen across her face in the night, she opened her eyes and slowly let them adjust to the light. Once alert, she glanced at the man beside her. He was flat on his back, his black hair sticking up in every direction and still sleeping like a baby. She smiled to herself as she watched him sleeping, the alarm hadn't woken him, but then again it never did. She knew however, that if a Death Eater dropped a feather from outside of their house, his eyes would shoot open quicker than the speed of a spell.

She turned on her side to face him, and let her fingers slowly glide across his bare chest, an action that made his head twitch towards her slightly. His eyes stubbornly remained closed as she leaned over, and replaced her fingers with her lips, softly trailing featherlike kisses across his chest. She peaked up to look at his face, and saw that his eyes were still closed. A grin crossed her features, as she began to trail her kisses lower. Just as she was about to reach his stomach, she suddenly felt her herself being flipped over onto her back. She hadn't even the chance to let out the laugh she felt rise from her heart, before she felt her arms being pinned above her and her mouth being invaded by a sensual tongue.

He kissed her softly, exploring every inch of her mouth with extreme tenderness, her soft moans managing to send tingles right through to his heart. It was so easy for him to lose himself in her. He gave her a few more open mouthed kisses, lastly pecking her gently against the lips, before hovering above her face to flash her that devilish grin that he knew made her turn to jelly.

She slowly eased her hands down from where he had pinned them, and wrapped them lovingly around his neck. "You don't play fair."

"I do apologise, Mrs Potter," he grinned. "I'm afraid I just can't help myself around you, you know that."

"So, exactly when did you wake up?" she asked, causing him to lean towards her lips.

"The very millisecond your fingers touched me," he whispered, avoiding her lips and heading straight for her neck.

She closed her eyes in bliss as she hugged him tightly to her, his lips working wonders against her silky smooth skin.

"You know its Saturday," he mumbled while devouring her shoulder. "I don't see why you set that damn thing to go off so early."

"You know full well why," she giggled, as she felt him hit a sensitive spot.

Raising his head and kissing along her jaw, he was about to lay his lips against hers once again, when a loud knock disturbed them. She caught her lip between her teeth and mirrored the smile he had on his face, the two adults knew exactly who had interrupted their tender moment and they weren't bothered in the slightest. They both sat up and leant against the headboard of their bed, neither being able to resist another longing look at the other. His broad toned chest making her lips curl and her short white silk gown making his mouth water.

Another knock at the door broke them out of their reverie.

"Who is it?" he asked loudly with a smile.

A little girly giggle came from the other side of the door. "It's me!"

"Who's me?" he teased.

"Daddy!" the voice replied still laughing.

"You can come in, darling," her mother said laughing.

The bedroom door flew open and banged against the wall, as a small girl with brown wavy hair jumped onto her parents bed in delight.

"Morning, Daddy," she squeaked, before leaping onto her father, kissing his cheek and hugging him tightly.

"Good morning, princess," he beamed, kissing her forehead.

The little girl smiled widely at him, then jumped over to her mother using her father's most sensitive of places as a springboard without realising it.

"AHHH!!!" her father shot forward and squealed, grabbing his crotch as he began to go purple. His wife bit her lip hard willing herself not to laugh, as she enveloped their pride and joy in her arms.

"So, darling," she said desperately trying to keep the laughter out of her voice. "Tell me, did you sleep well?"

"A-huh." the little girl nodded emphatically, her green eyes shinning ever so brightly.

"Good," her mother said softly. She then sneaked a peak over to where her husband was still trying to get his breath back, and was now really struggling to keep her laughter within.

"Charlotte," she said stroking her daughters locks. "Why don't you go and choose the toys you're going to want to put in the bath with us, and your father and I will be right with you ok?"

"Ok," she replied, kissing her mother's cheek then jumping down from the bed. She was almost out of the room before she turned back. "Mummy?"

"Yes, darling," her mother said.

"Its Saturday…can I swim in yours and daddy's bath today?" Charlotte asked in a cute voice.

Her mother smiled at her. "I don't see why not."

Charlotte's eyes lit up, and she happily ran out of the room leaving her parents alone.

Charlotte's father was just about getting his breathing back to normal, by taking very deep breaths.

"Ahh!" he breathed in relief, the pain in his lower region was finally ebbing away. He glanced over to his wife who was simply smiling at him.

"I find it incredible," she started to say obviously amused. "The one person capable of putting Harry Potter, the world's saviour on his arse, would be his very own five year old daughter."

"Her mother, has the ability to knock me on my arse with one look ," Harry grinned. "She must get her powers from her."

His wife crawled over to him, and gazed through the windows of his soul. "I'm glad she got your eyes," she said to him gently.

"Well, I'm glad she's the image of you," Harry said pulling his wife against him. "My, Hermione."


Charlotte, still clad in her pyjamas and dressing gown, sat happily at the island table in the kitchen colouring, while her mother attempted to make breakfast.


"Yes, darling," Hermione said still concentrating on breakfast, being careful not to get any down her silk dressing gown.

"Can I go out flying with daddy today?" Charlotte asked.

One of Charlotte's favourite things to do was go out on a broom with her daddy, something that her mother hated. She knew Harry would never let anything happen to their pride and joy, but her stomach always dropped to her knees when they went out on a broom, and never felt better until their feet were firmly back on the ground.

"We'll have to wait and see," Hermione said trying to avoid the question. "I don't know what your father has planned for today."

"He promised me he would," Charlotte said quietly.

"Then I'm sure he will," Hermione said reassuringly.

On cue, Harry walked into the kitchen with a newspaper in his hand, wearing only pyjama bottoms and slippers. He walked up behind Charlotte, and looked at what she was colouring.

"And what is this fine piece of art that you're creating beautiful?" he asked.

Charlotte looked up towards her dad. "It's a picture of a mandrake Daddy."

"I see that," he smiled. "I've never seen a pink one though."

"I lost my brown crayon," she said innocently.

"I think it looks fantastic," Harry smiled. He kissed her head then walked over to his wife.

Dropping the paper on the table, he wrapped his arms around Hermione's waist and let his chin drop on her shoulder. "That actually smells good…for a change."

"Cheeky," she said, gently swatting the side of his cheek with her hand.

"What are we doing today?" he asked nuzzling her neck.

"Charlotte said that you promised to take her flying," she told him.

"I did," he said. "Does she want to go to today?"

"I think so," Hermione replied.

"Is that ok with you?" he asked, sensing her worry.

"Uh-huh," she smiled falsely.

"Hermione, she will be fine," he assured her.

"I know she will," she said softly. "Doesn't stop me from worrying though."

Harry tightened his hold around her waist and nuzzled even further into her neck. "One day you'll take me up on my offer and come up with me yourself, could be quite romantic."

"You wish," she laughed. "Been there, done that, screamed my head off. I much prefer my feet on the ground thank you very much."

"One day," he said, kissing the side of her face and releasing his hold.

He went over to sit by Charlotte, and put an arm around his daughter. "Looks like me and you are going flying today Pumpkin."

"Really?" Charlotte asked excitedly.

"Really," Harry confirmed.

"Can I steer?" she asked happily.

Hermione spun around to face her daughter and husband. "NO!" she said sharply.


Draco and Ginny were in bed snuggling when Molly Weasleys voice came from the other side of the bedroom door. "Isn't it about time you two dears were getting up? It's a beautiful day and breakfast is on the table."

As soon as the sound of retreating footsteps could be heard, Draco looked at his wife.

"Ginny, I don't know how much longer I can stand this," he whined.

"I know it's difficult for you babe," Ginny sympathised. "But it won't be for much longer. A few more months maximum."

Draco and Ginny had been married five months when they had to move into the burrow with Ginny's parents. When Draco began dating Ginny, his family disowned him leaving him with nothing. Because of how quickly he seemed to change his spots, he was finding it very difficult to find any one who was willing to take a risk and hire him. Ginny was still studying to become a healer which meant she was only bringing home a part time wage until she became certified in the upcoming months, so they couldn't afford the deposit for a house at present. They had tried to rent, but every landlord they come into contact with took one look at Draco, and slammed the door in their faces.

Harry and Hermione had kindly offered to loan them the money for a down payment on an apartment, but Draco was having none of it. It was his job to take care of his wife and didn't want any financial help from anyone, especially their friends.

"Gin, I have know idea what I'm gonna do," Draco said. "No one will hire me, I have no money, I have nothing! And while I appreciate your parents putting us up like this, I don't how much more I can take."

"First of all," Ginny said taking her hand in his. "You have me. Second of all, I know it's not ideal but anything is better than that flee pit inn we were staying in. And third of all, I'll be certified soon and that's when we can start looking for a place to buy."

Draco closed his eyes and sighed. "You shouldn't have to take care of me Gin, it should be the other way around."

"We take care of each other, that's why we got married," Ginny reminded him. "We're partners, and you'll find out where you future lies Draco, hell it took me a while after I left school to realise I wanted to be a healer, so I know exactly how you feel."

Draco gazed into his wife's eyes. "I don't what I did to deserve you."

"You love me," Ginny said simply. "That's enough."


"Ron, you keep doing that and you'll make her sick," Luna warned her husband.

Ron Weasley was currently lifting their thirteen month old daughter up and down in the air, then blowing raspberries on her belly.

"Don't be silly she loves this," Ron told his wife.

Luna grinned, their daughter was giggling like mad and certainly seemed like she was having fun, but Luna knew what was going to happen. "I'm not disputing that dear, just don't say I didn't warn you."

Ron brought his daughter closer to his face. "We're not worried about that, are we Ashlee?

Ashlee smiled widely, oblivious to what her dad was saying to her.

"No," Ron grinned. "That's right, we're not."

Ron lifted Ashlee up one more time and administered another raspberry on his daughter's belly. He froze when he heard Ashlee burp, before he felt something wet land on top of his head.

Luna giggled. "You might want to wash that baby spew out of your hair before we go to Harry and Hermione's."

Ron grimaced and closed his eyes in disgust.


Charlotte tried her best to find her toys under the mass amount of bubbles that filled her parent's huge bathtub. She loved lots of bubbles when she bathed, as she enjoyed trying to cover her entire body with them. Hermione smiled as she watched her daughter from the side of the bath. She was amazed at how Charlotte could be so wrapped up in something as simple as bubble bath. She and Harry's daughter constantly surprised her. She burst with pride every time she looked at Charlotte, still flabbergasted by the knowledge that she and Harry had actually created her, simply by loving each other.

Harry and Hermione got married virtually straight away after they had finished school. They knew they were young but both had felt like they'd already lived a lifetime, therefore, they saw no valid reason in putting the wedding off.

They had only been married a year when they had decided to become a family of three. Hermione knew how desperate Harry was to start family, and she would never forget the look on his face when she told him there was no point in waiting, that they should try for a baby sooner rather than later. Five years later and Harry and Hermione still saw their little girl as their greatest achievement.

Hermione hadn't said anything to Harry, but lately she had been feeling extremely broody. Every time she saw a newborn baby she'd start welling up, just like she did when she saw tender moments between Harry and Charlotte. She and Harry had recently become godparents to Ron and Luna's thirteen month old baby, Ashlee, so everything was pointing towards the word, baby. But she wasn't sure whether it would be wise to let her husband know how she felt just yet, seeing as she wasn't completely sure herself. There were so many things to consider, the main thing being both had jobs that were hectic at times to say the least. Hermione needed to be one hundred percent sure it was something that she wanted, not just a phase she was going through, before talking to Harry about it. She was certain of what his reaction would be and giggled at the image of him throwing her over his shoulders and taking her to the bedroom. It was always Harry who brought up the baby conversations, although he hadn't tried to discuss it with her for a while. Harry never made his desire to have a big family a secret. If he had things his way, Hermione would be pregnant for most of her life.

Hermione was suddenly brought out of her thoughts when there was a knock at the bathroom door. She looked at Charlotte and opened her mouth playfully. "Who's that?" she mouthed to her daughter.

"Who is it?" Charlotte asked loudly.

"It's me."

Charlotte giggled when she heard her father's voice from the other side of the door. "Who's me?" she asked, remembering her daddy playing the same game earlier.

"It's daddy!" Harry said playing along.

"Do you think we should let him in mummy?" Charlotte asked cutely.

"I think we should," Hermione said, melting again at the interaction between her husband and their daughter.

"Come in!" Charlotte cried happily.

Harry slowly appeared and smiled at the sight before him. His wife sitting on the floor leaning against their huge bathtub, watching their daughter splash around without a care in the world.

"Are you still in that bath?!" Harry asked in mock surprise while walking towards them. "You'll end up looking like a raisin," he joked. He dropped a kiss on his Hermione's head and sat down beside her.

"She still loves her bath time," Hermione said thoughtfully, seeing Charlotte splash around some more. "Do you remember how terrified we were at the prospect of bathing her for the first time?"

"As if it were yesterday," Harry said with a smile. "Both so terrified at the thought we would drop and drown our little miracle that we opted for the kitchen sink basin!"

"It was shallow, compact, practical and boy did she look cute," Hermione reminisced happily.

"We were told that they didn't come with a handbook darling," Harry said. "But I think we're doing fine as parents. However, I do reserve the right to act like a complete git when she gets older and the boys start sniffing around."

"I might let off with that one," Hermione grinned, then leaned in to kiss her husband. What was meant to be a small peck on the lips started to get a little heated, and then all of a sudden they were being splashed with water making them break apart. They turned their heads and saw Charlotte guilty laughing at them.

"You're always doing that," Charlotte said in a sing along voice.
