Howdy everyone! Here's the last chapter for this fic, I hope it doesn't come out too cheesy/hokey/cliche... I just wrote it to have a little fun with Bolivia, cuz God knows when that's gonna happen on the show! :)

So enjoy chappie 4 (no episode spoilers... it's just kinda 'out there', haha). And I don't own Fringe, so to JJ and crew: please more Bolivia in this new year!!!

Knock, knock, knock.

"Morning Astrid," Olivia greeted her young assistant at the door later that morning. She only opened the door a crack to hide the fact that Peter was scrambling out of her bed and into his to make it look like someone had actually slept in it for the duration of the previous night.

"Good morning, Agent Dunham," Astrid replied cautiously, noting the dark circles under Olivia's eyes and the energetic kick in her voice, considering that she was as tired as she looked.

Peter appeared at the door behind her in his boxers (which came as a surprise to Astrid, as she was never the one to go wake up the Bishops for those early-morning cases), smiling sleepily and also sporting some dark circles beneath his eyes. Now that the door was open wide enough to give the junior agent a decent view of the room, she saw how messy one bed was, and the poor job someone had done on the other to make it look as messy as the first. She also noted that Olivia was wearing her slacks, which were still nicely pressed and wrinkle-free. What's more, she knew all too well that Olivia (much less anyone else) wouldn't willingly opt to sleep in her work slacks. Astrid wasn't on the team for nothing – she could put two and two together. She eyed the two of them suspiciously.

"Sleep well?" Astrid asked casually.

"Yes," Olivia and Peter replied in unison, perhaps a little too quickly.

"Um, are you sure?" Astrid asked warily, "Because Walter mentioned –"

"Of course he did!" Peter exploded, smacking himself in the forehead in exasperation.

"Astrid –" Olivia addressed her hurriedly, words tumbling out of her mouth in a rush, "– we didn't want people to know about, um… 'us' through Walter, so please don't spread it around yet, don't even tell Charlie, but he'll probably figure it out himself before Walter proclaims it to the whole world – "

"Olivia!" Astrid cut her off, raising her hands innocently. "I was going to say that Walter mentioned to me that he was a bit cold last night and I was just wondering if your beds were warm enough…" Her face broke into a small but highly amused grin, "but never mind that now."

Olivia's jaw dropped open when she realized what they'd just done, but she regained her composure hastily. Peter's mouth, however, continued to hang open as he stared at Astrid, horror-struck.

On the other hand, Astrid was enjoying grinning at the red-faced 'couple' facing her a little too much, and she knew it – but this was just priceless.

"You would've found out from Walter in a minute or so anyways, so I guess the cat just got out of the bag a bit early," Peter said, now sounding as tired as he looked.

Astrid's grin widened. "I think I always knew that you two were gonna hook up eventually. Even your father thought so, Peter."

Before Peter or Olivia could comment on the latest piece of news, Walter came out of his room and, upon seeing the rest of the group already up and about, he frowned. Then his eyes were suddenly filled with mirth as they fell on Peter and Olivia's embarrassed faces. "Astronomia, I can't believe I forgot to tell you! Peter and Olivia are lovers! How exciting is this?"

"Thank you, Walter, and now I believe that not only Astrid –" Peter put emphasis on her actual name, "– knows, but every single person within a mile radius of us."

"Was I really that loud?" Walter asked meekly, glancing up and down the empty hallway.

"Yes, Dr. Bishop, I believe so," Astrid confessed, suppressing a giggle.

The hallway fell into an awkward silence. That is, Olivia felt that it was awkward for her and Peter, the ones who were squirming uncomfortably under the gazes of Astrid and Walter.

Suddenly, the scientist perked up and began bouncing on his toes excitedly. "Who wants to join me in a celebratory breakfast for my son –" he clapped a disgruntled Peter on the shoulder, "– and his soul mate?"

Olivia's eyes went wide at the same time as Peter's eyebrows shot up. "Walter, do you know what 'soul mates' really means?" he asked, not expecting to get a coherent answer.

In spite of his son's belief, Walter turned to face him with the most solemn expression on his face that Peter and Olivia had ever seen.

"Why, of course I do son," the scientist said, laying a hand on his son's shoulder in a very fatherly-like manner and leaving the younger Bishop stunned, "To be soul mates, to be betrothed, to marry, be wed, to one day walk down the aisle to take part in a ceremony of unity that will forever solidify the bonds of your love for one another." Walter smiled affectionately at his son and Olivia with a blissful, almost teary air about him before turning and joining Astrid a little further down the hall in search of a vending machine.

A speechless Peter was left in his wake. "You and I, I mean, us… you don't think…?" he began slowly, still staring down the hallway after his father. He glanced over at Olivia. A mischievous glint danced about in her eyes and in the radiant smile she shot him. Totally mesmerized by her beauty, Peter's hand slipped around her waist and slowly drew her to him. When he kissed her, he did it slowly and passionately, and Olivia kissed him back fervently, snaking her arms up around his neck. When air became an issue, they broke apart, but only enough to be able to breathe.

"Well…" Olivia began softly, "I guess you never know how things are going to turn out until they do," she smiled shyly and kissed Peter again, allowing herself to get lost in his caress. In a matter of seconds, the passion intensified and the kiss morphed into something much deeper and more intimate. Before they got too carried away, Peter pried his lips away from hers and whispered throatily, "I think I'll cash in on that rain check now."

Olivia grinned, blushing deeply. "Are we sure that Walter isn't going to…?"

"I'm dead-bolting the door this time," Peter assured her. Olivia smiled and shook her head, blushing madly, as he placed two hands on her shoulders and guided her back into their room. They got as far as the doorway when Peter stopped and did a sweep of the hallway.

"What is it?" Olivia asked, her eyebrow cocked.

Peter did one last scan and closed the door. Smiling a handsome, boyish smile and taking Olivia in his arms, he winked. "Just checking."

The End!

A big huge thank you to you all for following this fic and for the wonderful reviews (feel like leaving one last one?), even though the updates haven't been as timely as I'd have liked them to be... lol!

But really, you guys are awesome, and I mean that. And before I forget...

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009!!!! (aka.... only 20 mare days 'till ep111 'Bound'!!!)