DISCLAIMER: I don't own SVU or any of the characters therein (sad face). If I did, you know Casey and Elliot would be getting it on….
A/N: WARNING: This story has a very mature, and slightly obscure theme. It will have a rape scene in it. I honest to god don't know where this idea came from, but it wouldn't go until I wrote it down, so here it is! This is my first fanfic, so please don't be too mean (happy face). Olivia is quite OOC, I do love her, but you aren't going to in this story!
Chapter One
It was 9am and the Bullpen of the Manhattan Special Victims Unit was already alive with activity, most of the detectives having been called in the night before on a case which had exploded overnight.
Luckily for ADA Casey Novak, the crime had taken place in the street, a raped woman, who was also the unfortunate victim of a hit and run, where the car was abandoned at the scene, and as such, her services of securing search warrants and compelling DNA samples hadn't been needed right away, so she'd managed a good eight hours. She breezed through the hall, bright eyed and well rested, eliciting many an angry, bloodshot, caffeine glazed glare from her co-workers, all except Olivia Benson, who greeted her warmly, scooting out from behind her desk and pressing a Starbucks cup into her hands,
"Just in time, it's still warm, we're gonna need a search warrant for…"
Sometimes a good morning would be nice, Casey thought to herself wryly as the Detective followed her into her office, rattling off the details of the new case.
Elliot Stabler had thought about it, and he decided that it was cute.
Sure, Olivia's school girl crush on the young, tall, copper haired Prosecutor was a little childish, and had become the focus of their after hours conversations lately, but it made a nice change from discussing his rapidly deteriorating marriage, and he hadn't seen that shine in her eyes since Alex Cabot. He chuckled to himself as he watched Olivia glance back at him with a grin, and place her hand on the small of Casey's back as they walked, the most likely Heterosexual ADA nodding along to Olivia's monologue wholly oblivious to the gesture.
As it turned out, the warrant was easy to secure, they detectives needed it to search the home of the owner of the abandoned vehicle. Wasn't hard to convince a judge that the person might have had something to do with it. Casey got so bored, by late afternoon she decided to pop over to the Special Victim Unit bull pen, and see if she couldn't find herself some work. Only Elliot and Munch remained. Casey, not a fan of biting constant sarcasm, leant on Elliot's desk instead.
"Hey Elliot, what's happening with the Alyssa Daniels hit and run case?" She asked.
Elliot glanced up at her, with a lopsided grin. She had trouble not melting when she looked into his sky coloured eyes. She had to remind herself over and over that he was married, and even if he was technically separated, he clearly had a thing for Olivia. That pretty much made Casey the opposite of his type, the only similarity the two women shared was height.
"Not much, you can catch up with Liv if you're that bored though." He said, jovially. It was rare that Casey was chasing the detectives for work. Normally it was the reverse and she was bitching that they were running her ragged with precious little evidence as back up.
Casey sighed, "I am that bored, where can I find her?"
"She's at a bar downtown, it's called Sugar. She and Fin were the first to arrive on scene, so they get to go first."
"Alright, I'll see if she needs anything." Casey smiled, walking away purposefully, grabbing her jacket and beret from the coat-rack.
As soon as she was out of earshot, Munch began to laugh.
"I can't believe you've just done that to our poor, innocent ADA." He said, shaking his head, pushing his displaced tinted glasses back up his nose.
"Come on John, we need a laugh after an early call out. Plus, it'll make Liv's day!"
The Bar hadn't been hard to find, it was only minutes from the precinct, and the sign was bright pink. Casey chained her bike to the very convenient bike rack outside and walked in.
It wasn't the worst bar she'd been in, but was strangely devoid of men. Casey stuffed her beret in her coat pocket and surveyed the rest of the room, quickly spotting Olivia sitting alone in a booth, nursing a tall, frothy beer. She made her way over and took a seat.
Olivia groaned as she felt a presence next to her. Every time she just wanted a quiet drink, when she found a secluded corner booth to hole away in, it seemed every woman in Manhattan tried to pick her up. Normally, that would be a good thing, but she was shattered. She just wanted to hunch over her beer in peace.
She turned around to bark out a harsh 'not interested' when she was dumbstruck to find herself staring straight into the emerald green eyes of Casey Novak.
"Casey?" She said, in surprise.
"Liv?" The attorney replied, mockingly.
"I was not expecting to see you here," Olivia stammered out. She wasn't expecting it, but she was definitely glad. She'd dropped subtle hints about her sexuality to the ADA, none of which had seemed to sink in. The chance of Casey also just happening to be a lesbian seemed too good to be true, but there she was, in the flesh, in one of the most popular lesbian bars in Manhattan.
"Actually, I was looking for you," Casey said. Was it just her, or did Casey smile a little seductively as she said it?
"Really?" Olivia leant one elbow on the table. "So, what are you drinking?"
"On the clock," Casey shrugged "mind if I smoke though?"
"I didn't know you did." Olivia said, sliding the ashtray across the table.
"Bad habit, I know." Casey said, but Olivia was barely listening. She was too busy focusing on Casey's mouth as she placed a cigarette between her delicate glossed lips, lighting it, drawing in a first breath and letting out a satisfied sigh. Olivia wasn't a big fan of cigarettes, but that was what gave Casey that sexy edge to her voice, she could get used to them.
"We all have our vices." Olivia smiled, draining the rest of her beer, and getting up to go to the bar. She squeezed Casey's shoulder gently. "Just a Diet Coke for you then teetotaller."
Casey nodded. "I'm afraid I'm still in my official capacity as your ADA for, oh," She tapped her wristwatch, "another two hours or so."
"All right counsellor, but the minute it turns six o'clock, I fully expect you to make up for it."
"Sure thing." Casey said, gifting Olivia with another one of her adorable smiles. It was hard to walk away.
Casey enjoyed the rest of her cigarette, it was only her second of the day and it tasted like heaven. She had originally sought Olivia out to try to rustle up some work, but she found the tipsy behaviour of the detective so entertaining, she was quite happy to just sit and chat. Olivia was almost being flirtatious, Casey swore Liv had winked at her as she was swaggering to the bar. She would rib Olivia about this at the precinct in the morning.
"Whose the knockout strawberry blonde?" The Barkeeper, Leah, asked when Olivia arrived at the bar.
"That's the lawyer I was telling you about last week!" Olivia exclaimed, in hushed excitement.
"Damn." Leah said, looking Casey up and down. "I thought you said she was straight?"Olivia grinned, wide and catlike. "So I thought. Then she shows up here, looking for me. Guess my radars on the blink."
"Damn girl, you close that deal." Leah said, handing Olivia her beer and a Diet Coke.
"Wish me luck." Olivia winked as she headed back to the booth.
Olivia slid back into the booth, close enough that their legs were touching. Casey thought about shuffling away, but decided not to. Perception of others peoples personal space was one of the first things to go when people were drunk.
"Here you go." Olivia said, placing Casey's drink down in front of her.
It was an hour and a half, and three drinks later. Casey had stuck to soda, while Olivia had gone with a couple of different ales and whisky chasers at the bar. Sufficiently filled with Dutch courage, Olivia decided to make her move.
"So, why have you never come out before now?" Olivia asked, just to make sure she hadn't misread the situation.
"What are you talking about?" Casey frowned. She'd been out with the detectives many a time after a successful, or not so successful case. "I know I've missed the last few bar trips, but I've just been tired."
Now Olivia was confused. Maybe it was the drink. She decided to move to plan B. The direct approach. She leaned in and pressed her mouth against Casey's. The young blondes lips were as soft and plump as they looked and she tasted slightly of smoke, but Olivia was surprised to find it wasn't unpleasant.