Disclaimer: I still do not own them.

Rating: PG-13-esque. There is some swearing.

Author's Note: So, this update took me a ridiculously long time to sit down and write. In fact, I'm not sure if anyone is still reading this anymore. But today, I woke up and wrote this entire chapter. So, in case anyone is still reading this, I apologize for it taking me so ridiculously long to write this, but I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Also, just an fyi, the flashbacks are going in sequential order for the most part, starting from when Spencer first meets the girls and going back toward present-day time. The only flashback that is out of order is the one that Spencer didn't see the end of it, because she was busy complaining to Raife, but we'll come back to that one anyway, so it'll end up in order And remember, the sections that are bolded are the memory and the parts that are not bolded are going to be Present Day Spencer and Raife and their observations.

Spencer felt the ground beneath her feet harden, and Spencer saw the buildings around her begin to materialize. She was starting to get the hang of this whole time-traveling thing. Well, kinda anyway. Raife was next to her, seemingly not fazed about the appearance of random buildings as the past world shaped itself. Apparently he had done this more than she had. Well, of course he had. That made sense. He was the spirit in this situation after all; she had never been concussed before. Though, this probably didn't happen every time that someone was knocked on unconscious. Raife whistled and tilted his head toward one of the buildings; this knocked Spencer out of her stupor, and it made her curious as to where they were this time.

She spotted herself standing outside of Ashley's and Kyla's house. She was knocking, but no one was answering. She remembered that she was supposed to be hanging out with Kyla that particular day. It was spring, and the birds seemed to be chirping especially loud that day. Spencer saw her past self noticed the loud chirping and look toward the telephone wire where the birds were sitting as well. Past-Spencer knocked again.

Kyla had a date with a mystery man that Friday, and it, for once, really was a mystery. She refused to tell Ashley and Spencer where she was going and who she was going with. It was nice to see Kyla that excited about someone, so Spencer didn't think too much about who the guy was, but Ashley was pissed, to say the least. That's right. That's why Spencer was at the apartment that day, she had agreed to go shopping with Kyla for a new outfit for her date on Friday. But Ashley wasn't home. Ashley, being Ashley, was avoiding the apartment in hopes of Kyla's realizing that she was angry about not knowing about who the mystery man was. The birds chirped loudly again, and now Spencer wondered if that was supposed to be some kind of omen. "You ready?" Raife asked, and Spencer nodded. Together, they walked toward the house, and just as they arrived at the house, the door flew open.

For the Spencer of the past, the door flew open after what seemed like an eternity (but was really only a few minutes) and revealed Kyla clad in a towel. "Hey Spence," Kyla greeted, "Sorry that it took me so long to answer the door; I was in the shower. I kinda lost track of time this morning, but now that I'm done showering, I just need a few more minutes to get ready." She moved to the side, so that Spencer could go inside, but she shut the door before Raife and Spencer could also enter.

Spencer tried to open the door, but her hand went through the doorknob. "Now what?" she asked Raife while she was still trying to find a way to make her hand connect with the door knob. She gave up after a few more seconds, but Raife still hadn't replied, so she looked over at him. He was gone. "Seriously, dude, you're just gonna leave me out here?" She kicked at the door, but her foot just avoided the door anyway, as though there was a force-field around it.

Raife poked his out through the middle of the door, "Did you just call me dude?" Spencer's eyes widened as they stared at his lack of body. "Okay, I'll ignore the name-calling, because you're missing your own memories here. Hurry up." Spencer tried the doorknob again to no avail, and then Raife poked his head back out of the middle of the door a few seconds later. "What's up, slow poke?" Spencer showed him that she couldn't open the door. "Oh that," Raife muttered, "think about walking through the door, and then you'll be able to. You already exist in this world, so now, long story short, you don't need to open the door. Just walk through it."

"Can't I just think myself there?"

"This is faster." Spencer tried to walk through the door, but she reverberated off of it. "Okay, well, this should be faster anyway. Think about walking through the door."

"I am."

"Think harder," Raife paused, then he had a new idea. "Close your eyes and walk forward." Spencer obeyed.

"It didn't work," she complained, but then she opened her eyes and realized that it had worked as she was suddenly inside the Davies girls' house. "How'd that happen?"

"You were thinking too much about it, but that's okay. I don't think we missed any of the good stuff anyway.

Kyla was straightening her hair in the bathroom, but the door was open, so she was able to talk to Spencer, who was leaning against the door frame. "So, I'm thinking that I already know what dress I want, but I want a second opinion, so that I know it's a good choice. Thank you again for agreeing to come with me today."

"Look at you being all nervous about a date," Spencer grinned, "It's so different than usual. I have to admit that I'm pretty curious about who this guy is…"

Kyla blushed, "Don't worry about it, Spencer." She quickly changed the subject, "Do you want to go to the kitchen? I was making tea for us to drink on the way there; the water should be ready."

"Sure," Spencer agreed, and she went downstairs. Raife and Spencer followed, and they all started to walk toward the kitchen, but there was some rustling from down the hall. Despite the fact that it was her own memory, both Spencers turned their heads toward the sound. She quietly called out, "Kyla?" But there was no response. There was some more rustling and a strange zipping noise. Someone had broken into the apartment!

Spencer grabbed the umbrella that was leaning against the wall and snuck down the hallway. She thought that she was being quiet, but then the floor creaked beneath her feet and the sound suddenly stopped. She heard a quiet, "Kyla?" She knew that voice…She gripped the umbrella tighter but still threw the door to Kyla's room open.

"Spencer!" Aiden was standing inside the room. He was wearing only his jeans. And the bed was a mess. So was his hair. And he looked scared shitless.

Click, click, click, went the wheels in Spencer's brain, and her eyes widened, "Holy shit."

"Spence, did you get the tea?" Kyla walked over and saw the situation. "You were supposed to be gone by now," she hissed at Aiden.

Aiden fumbled with his shirt and pulled it over his head, "I fell back asleep. I woke up when I heard you talking to Spencer; I was hoping I'd be able to leave while you were both upstairs."

They both suddenly seemed to remember that Spencer was standing there. At the same time, they both insisted, "It's not what it looks like."

Spencer took a deep breath and asked, "Aiden's your date on Friday, isn't he?" No one answered, and that was all the answer that the blonde needed. Kyla was busy rambling, and Aiden was completely silent, but Spencer wasn't listening anyway. She was thinking.

This was bad. Really bad. Kyla should not have gone about it this way. Aiden should not have gone about it this way. Ashley was going to flip. In a way, though, Aiden and Kyla made sense. Spencer had to admit that they made more sense than Ashley and Aiden did. And honestly, Spencer always kinda wondered if Kyla was in love with Aiden. She always took care of his puppy for him, and she was so protective of him, and she always hung out with him, as friends, even when he and Ashley weren't dating at the time. But, Ashley and Aiden had been dating on-and-off for years. In the time that Spencer knew them all, she never thought that Ashley and Aiden were meant for one another, as it always seemed a bit off when they were together as more than friends. Spencer wondered if it was mostly a physical thing and a remembrance thing, as they'd been dating on-and-off for awhile now.

It was always weird to see them cuddle, though, and now it made sense why Kyla was around less whenever Aiden and Ashley were together. But still, it was an accepted fact in their group that Ashley and Aiden would hook up, and they would date sometimes. They would date other people, and then they would be together. When they were younger, perhaps they were good for one another, but as far as Spencer had ever seen, they seemed just as lonely when together as they did when apart. They would fight and bicker, and at least one of them often ended up speeding off in their car before the end of the date. They would be upset and not right for one another, and they would seek out the people that made them feel better. Spencer was not sure how many times she had opened her door to find an upset Ashley outside of her dorm room. Spencer had not really wondered where Aiden went after the fights, but now, she realized that he probably went to Kyla. It was a lot to process, and honestly, Spencer wasn't sure if there was anyone to blame or not. What if it was love? And maybe, just maybe, that is why Spencer still hadn't said anything yet. Maybe that's why the three of them were still just standing there stupefied and unsure of what to say when Ashley came home.

"What's up?" She asked, and they all jumped. No one heard her come in.

"I should go," Aiden muttered and bolted. Present Day Spencer briefly wondered if she could flee from this memory, but she knew that she should watch it. There was a reason why Raife was showing it to her, so both Spencers stayed. "See you guys later," he stammered as he ran out the door.

Spencer heard Kyla sigh quietly, but neither of them said anything. Maybe it was best to at least let Aiden leave the situation. Let one of them avoid what was about to happen.

"What's up with him? That was weird." Ashley smiled at them, still not realizing what was going on.

"Um, Ash, about that…" Kyla began. "There's something I should tell you."

Kyla was acting strange. Ashley was going to notice. And Ashley's noticing before Kyla told her was going to make it even worse. Present Day Spencer tried to warn Kyla. She tried to stop Kyla, but there was nothing to be done.

"What? Are you sleeping with Aiden or something? That makes guys act weird sometimes." And Ashley laughed. But she was alone in laughing. The silence was overwhelming. Outside, the birds chirped, and the sun shone, but inside, the room suddenly felt cold. Spencer noticed Ashley's eyes go toward Kyla's usually-neat bed. Ashley was the messy one that never made her bed; Kyla wasn't the type to do that. She believed that it messed up the flow of energy in the room.

"Ash," Kyla began, but Ashley was already backing out of the room.

"You really are fucking him, aren't you?"

A tear rolled down Kyla's cheek, but none of that mattered right now. Ashley was not currently seeing Aiden, but still, this was not the way for Ashley to find out. Kyla knew that. "It's more than that, Ashley."

"More than what I have with him? I've been seeing him for the past five years, Kyla!"

"And within that time, you've only been actually dating him for how long, Ash? A year? Maybe two? And within those years, when were you actually happy with him? You're always happier when you two only hang out as friends, Ash, you know that."

"Fuck you."

"Ashley, please believe me when I say that I didn't mean for you to find out like this. I didn't mean to hurt you, and I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I think I love him. I think that I have for a long time, but I've been ignoring it. And this," Kyla motioned toward the bed and its messiness, "hasn't been happening for long. I mean, we don't usually…We just…once. He came over to watch a movie, as friends, last week. Remember that? You were out with Spencer. But then, we ended up talking…and planning a date for Friday…We thought it might be worth a try to have a date. And we didn't mean for last night to happen, but we ended up at the same club last night, and…he ended up coming back with me…"

"Just stop. I don't need to hear any more of your excuses." Ashley could be cold when she was angry, "Fuck both of you. Oh wait, you're already doing that. Together. Silly me."

Spencer, who had been standing off to the side, knowing that this was not her fight, knew that that was when she needed someone the most. And despite her best judgment, she just couldn't take the two sisters arguing anymore, so she interjected, "Ash…"

But Ashley interrupted her, "Don't, Spence. I thought that you were different. I thought that I could trust you, but I guess I'm just surrounded by liars. Lucky me." And before it could be explained that Spencer didn't know about Kyla and Aiden until a few minutes prior to Ashley's coming home, and before Kyla could attempt a better explanation and apology, Ashley flew out the front door.

Present Day Spencer watched the memory of herself run out the front door after Ashley. She didn't have to follow to see what would happen; she knew that Ashley was already in a taxi and that there were no other taxis in sight. Spencer knew that she had gone back inside the apartment a few moments later, and that Kyla was crying. She knew that she had been too shocked to cry. And most importantly, she knew that there was no fixing the situation. She knew that she just had to watch it play out, so she wasn't really surprised when the floor began to spin again. She knew what she would be shown next. She didn't even flinch when she felt Raife's hand fall heavily onto her shoulder and then lightly squeeze it, "Come on, Kid. Let this memory go for now. We gotta get going."