Well, this IS the end. I'd like to thank everyone very, very, VERY MUCH for the reviews and the encouragement! This was my first Bones fic and I really wasn't expecting such a great reaction! I try to keep everyone in character, and hopefully I created an interesting story.

Again, thanks so much! You are all amazing!

CHAPTER 11 – Truth

And suddenly, Booth cracked.

"Hey Bones, you want to grab some Thai and celebrate?"

Why now? Why not during that terrible, tense month? Or why not before, when he was still trying to deny what had been going on?

The words rushed out of him and he realised that he'd just passed that famous point of no return everyone seemed so fond of mentioning.

"Yeah, sure." She looked surprised.

As they emerged from the building, he opened the door for her, and then put his hand on the small of her back. He didn't see her inadvertent smile as she felt his touch.


"Thanks for dinner, Booth."

Was it possible? Maybe they would be all right after all. The worst thing that had happened during the entire meal had been his complete inability to look anywhere but at her lips, which suddenly fascinated him. But if he could learn to live like this… if he could learn to work with her knowing what he felt and without trying to avoid it…

Maybe that was enough. Maybe feeling for her was enough.


He snapped back to attention. He'd parked the car in front of her building (neither of them remembered, but they had gone into the Hoover building in separate cars. Tomorrow Brennan would realise hers was still there) and she unbuckled and opened the door.

"Yeah. You're welcome, no problem."

"I'll see you tomorrow at work." He couldn't resist flashing her his brightest grin. This was a sentence he was happy to say.

She managed to nod shakily in return, and began walking away, thinking how incredible it was that she positioned one foot in front of the other after that smile.

"Hey Bones!"

She turned around.

And this time, her legs locked and she stumbled. Because otherwise, the usually graceful and composed (and balanced) anthropologist would have dropped to the ground. The look of intensity in Booth's face was one she'd never seen before. Or perhaps never recognised.

"Did you mean it?"

"Mean what?"
"We're… friendly? That's all we are?"

He was honestly asking. He didn't know, didn't see.

"We're partners, Booth." Right? That was the correct answer, wasn't it? It was the one she always used, the perfect escape-goat.

"Yes, partners."

She nodded again, and turned to open the door.

"Just partners." His voice caught her off guard. He had gotten out of the car and stood on the pavement.

"Booth, are you okay?" he didn't look okay. He looked… possessed.

"Bones, I'm really good at knowing when someone is lying."

She froze.

"Yes, I've always praised your ability to-"

"I'm even unusually good at it. I can feel it, when they aren't telling the truth. I can almost… taste it."

He began walking to her, slowly, like a predator. She stiffened. Something was happening and she didn't understand it. Something was changing right before her eyes.

"Did you lie to Edwards?"


"No, of course not. Did you?"

"You're lying." He didn't speak very loud, but she heard his furious whisper.

"I'm… no I'm not."

"Answer me with the truth, Bones. Did you lie to Edwards?"


He stepped even closer. They were three feet apart.


"I didn't!"

"Answer the truth, Bones! Did you lie that day!"


He stepped right into her space and grabbed her arm, putting two fingers at her wrist. They seconds passed in a blur of nearness. His breath… oh god, she could taste his breath. But he didn't even look at her. He was looking at her wrist.

"Your pulse says otherwise."

He let go, as if disgusted.

Well, it was his turn to be humiliated like that. Temperance Brennan didn't like being made a quivering fool of.

So she stepped right with him and put two fingers on his neck.

Booth gasped.

"What are you doing?" his voice, so low, was like rolling thunder. She could sense the explosion coming soon.

"Something is making your pulse rocket, too." How dare he?

But this was too close, and his thoughts seemed to disperse with every breath she expelled. He was beginning to forget his anger, his fury at her for being so damn strong and smart and beautiful. And perfect.

"You haven't answered me yet, Bones." He reminded her, and she felt him swallowing. Her fingers still rested at his neck.

"Your pulse isn't slowing."

"Neither is yours." When had he taken her wrist again?

They were interlocked, too close. Both feeling the other's heartbeat.

"Answer me." He pleaded, moving his face even closer. His dark eyes scorched reason away from her mind. It was incredible, how easily he seemed to do this.

"I… didn't…" but her voice was feeble, defeated.

"Liar." He breathed again, and it was too much. Everything was too much, his body, his breath, his lips were an inch away, his eyes searched and searched and it was… too… much!

He saw it. The moment when her eyes, always shining, always filled with passion or dedication or concern, when her eyes seemed to glaze. He sensed it. Felt it as he began to lose her, because it had happened once before.

There was no way he was going to lose her.

No way.

So he greedily overcame the little space daring to come between their lips and in a rush, he brought her back again.

She dug her foot into his toe and twisted her body so he slammed into the light post.

Dizzy and drunk from the kiss, he collided with it and couldn't help a slight smile creep up on him. He looked at her, still dazed. And suddenly he came back to earth as he saw the same expression on her face.

It couldn't be…

But it was. All the markers where there, in those beautiful features. The dilated pupils, the stunned look, the shallow breathing…

And joyfully, amazed, he took the step and kissed her again, stronger, more passionately.

And this time she responded, again taking him by surprise with her strength, like she always did.


Right before they crashed into her apartment, devouring each other, she put her hands on his shoulders and pushed away.

"What is it? What's wrong?" he asked quickly, panting.

"Nothing. I just wanted to tell you… I lied."

He smiled.

"You lied." He smiled wider.


"I love you." His voice was soft, for once. Not rough and raw (that would come) but sweet, simple.

She nodded. She had accepted her part a month ago.

"I love you too."






Now it's time for your review! Hopefully you forgive the cliché ending, but I had to have an "I love you" end, just for this first fic, pleeeease? ;)

Hey, this song worked for Double Trouble, so it may be (VERY) sad that I'm reusing it… but, if I may say so myself, the lyrics do fit pretty well…

Do you know the song "If you're happy and you know it"?

Well then, sing along!

"If you've just finished this chapter please review!

If it made you roar with laughter please review!

If it made you bored and sad,

Either way I'll just be glad

That you took the time and that,

You'll review!"