Author Notes: Eh. Second chapter. It's sort of a real obscure AkuZeku fic...
Anyway, explanation:I was surfing somewhere, ages ago, and I came across something where someone had challenged someone else to write a story where it was completely dialogue. I thought it was interesting. So I tried it out.
I actually started writing this ages ago, and just remembered it while looking through my un-finished one-shots folder. So, I decided to finish it.
I tried to keep the characters as In-Character as possible, but I'm not too sure if I did it very well... Eheh.
Disclaimer: I can't really think of anything witty to put in this disclaimer, so I'll keep it simple. I don't own Kingdom Hearts in its entirety and Godliness. And... I didn't put anything else in here, did I? ...Good.
Argh. Fanfic is swallowing my layout...
"You're Zexi, right?"
"I am Zexion, yes. Who are you?"
It was the first question I ever asked him. Since then, a multitude of questions had been asked, but this one seemed to mark something. Maybe, if I had just ignored him, it wouldn't have turned out the way it did.
"I'm Axel. Got it memorized?"
But I didn't ignore him, things turned out the worst they possibly could have, and there wasn't anything I could do about it.
.l.i.n.e. .b.r.e.a.k.
"Zex! Oi! What does defenestration mean?"
"It means to throw something or someone out a window, Axel. Why, pray tell, do you want to know?"
"Oh, no reason, really. Dem made it his Word of the Week and made it his duty to scale the castle and tell everyone."
"That's very interesting, Axel. Now leave me alone. Vexen wants help with an experiment of his, and I highly doubt he wants you around."
"'Kay. See ya 'round, Zexi!"
.l.i.n.e. .b.r.e.a.k.
"Zex, have you seen Mansex around? I got a bone to pick with him."
"No, Axel, and I believe his name is Xemnas. The Superior would not be very happy if he knew what his Organization members called him."
"Xemnas, Mansex, it's all the same to me. 'Sides, I coulda sworn that he's spelt it 'Mansex' a coupla times. Not that far off the truth, anyway, is it?"
"I refuse to comment on The Superior's sexual orientation, Axel. Now why don't you go and make yourself useful for once and pass that vial over. Carefully, though. It can burn your hands off if you spill just one drip."
"But I know all about burning things!"
"Just pass it over, VIII."
"Catch, Zex!"
"Axel, no-!"
.l.i.n.e. .b.r.e.a.k.
"How're ya doin', Zex?"
"Axel, I hope you know the destruction you created the other day left a big hole in the room and is now unusable until further notice."
"Aw, Zexi, don't tell me you didn't have fun!"
"No, Axel, I didn't. Because of you, the experiment has been postponed until the lab is fixed properly."
"Well, it's not exactly like we're stretched for time, is it? Now that we don't exist and all, we basically have all the time in the world."
"What world?"
.l.i.n.e. .b.r.e.a.k.
"Zexion, Mansex wants to see you in that meeting room place thing for an emergency meeting."
"Good God, Axel, you know my name! Wait- What about you?"
"He said it was only for the ears of he Original Six. Something about Neophytes being possibly traitorous and therefore taking no chances. But you're not going, are ya, Zexi?"
"Of course I'm going. Why wouldn't I?"
"Well, you wouldn't want to leave poor Axey alone, wouldja?"
"Poor Axey can deal with his own problems. Now, I really do have to go."
"Aw, Zex, you really are no fun."
.l.i.n.e. .b.r.e.a.k.
"Why is the castle so boring?"
"We don't have hearts. No one cares to make The Castle That Never Was entertaining."
"Speak for yourself. I can hear Demyx play that stupid sitar every night when I'm trying to concentrate."
"Oh dear. Axel trying to concentrate -- now there's something you don't hear very often. And by the way, technically we don't have night, seeing as how we're not really anywhere at all."
"Whatever, Zex. You know what I mean."
"Regrettably. Also, I think you may be pleased to know that half of us are moving to Castle Oblivion shortly, including you and I."
"The other white castle? The one that's green and yellow on the outside? What for?
"The Superior will no doubt inform you some time soon. Although, it seems that Number XI will be the "King of the Castle", so to speak."
"Pinky? Ugh. Wanna bet how long it'll take for Castle Oblivion to go to the dogs?"
"I'm not one to bet, Axel."
"And now, I dub thee: Sir Joy-de-Killius."
.l.i.n.e. .b.r.e.a.k.
"Hey, Zex, how ya doing?"
"I was enjoying being down here, alone, until you showed up."
"Aw, I know you missed me."
"Axel, I cannot "miss" you, nor would I want to if I could."
"Heh. You've got no problem existing without a heart, don't you?"
"I would appreciate it if you would please leave. Vexen and Lexaeus will be returning soon, and I highly doubt they wish to be greeted by your face."
"Tch. Does my face displease you, Zexion?"
"I guess Vexen's face would be more pleasing to look at? Or maybe Lex's?"
"Yeah, yeah."
.l.i.n.e. .b.r.e.a.k.
"Hey, Zexion."
"We... can't love, right?"
"No, Axel. We have lost our hearts, therefore we have also lost the privilege to feel emotions of any form, including love."
"Heh. Speak for yourself."
"Yeah, yeah. Don't let my face displease you any more than it has to, Zexion. I'm going."
.l.i.n.e. .b.r.e.a.k.
"Zexion, tell me, are you really creating a clone?"
"Now why would I tell you that?"
"Ugh. Everybody's been getting on my nerves lately, especially that old coot, Vexen. And Marluxia, come to think of it."
"That's wonderful, Axel. Now how does this have anything to do with your conversation starter?"
"It doesn't."
"...Great. Did you want something?"
"Yeah, I-- Never mind. Doesn't matter."
"Alright then."
"I'll see you around, Zex. And... be careful, yeah? Got it memorized?"
.l.i.n.e. .b.r.e.a.k.
"Zex, does that clone of yours have any defects in it?"
"It's not my clone, it's Vexen's. You should be asking him."
"I don't want to ask Vexen. He's creepy."
"Well, I can't help you."
"Oh well. Doesn't matter, I suppose."
.l.i.n.e. .b.r.e.a.k.
"Hey, Zex, aren't you lonely down here all on your own?"
"Loneliness isn't anything I'm not used to, Axel."
"Well, aren't you at least sad that Vexen and Lexaeus are gone?"
"I can't feel sorrow, Axel. Besides, you killed Vexen."
"Well, yeah, but that's not the point!"
"Axel, I assure you, I'm completely fine being alone."
"...If you say so..."
.l.i.n.e. .b.r.e.a.k.
"Tell me, I'm curious. Are you afraid of death, Zexion?"
"Axel, what are you talking about? I told you--"
"We can't feel anything, right? So I won't feel regret?"
"I'm sorry, Zexion."
"Axel-- Axel, what're you doing?! No-- no! Don't! "
"I'm not doing anything, Zexion."
"Stop him, Axel! Please! I can't-- guh."
.l.i.n.e. .b.r.e.a.k.
"Zexion, you lied. How could you lie to me?"
.l.i.n.e. .b.r.e.a.k.
"I'm sorry... I thought I loved you..."
"Well, you were wrong."
.l.i.n.e. .b.r.e.a.k.
End Notes: Not much to do with apprentices, hm? Orz.
Well, totally not what I was planning at all... But my first attempt completely flomped, and the second did as well... The third wasn't so bad, but it was hard to get it out. That, and it had drawings to go with it that I wanted to finish... Don't know if I'll finish that or not...
Anyway, this one was really awkward for me. Wasn't what I wanted at all. So, thoughts and criticism would be much appreciated 8D