Disclaimer – I don't own Twilight.
Summary: I saw her about a five times, I don't know for sure, but just looking at her, I knew that I found what I was looking for. One-shot, cute. BxE
A/N: This time is the POV of Edward's.
Five times for love
To Daddy's Little Cannibal
The first time I saw you, I was in a small coffee house that I really loved.
But that day I was someway sad.
My lovely mom, Esme, was in the hospital.
She always had cancer, but it wasn't such a problem until that day.
I was looking to the ground, thinking about what happened that day.
Suddenly I hear someone calling my name, I raised my head and watch my brother Emmett walk at me.
That's when I saw your brown eyes.
The first time I saw you... You were curious.
The second time I saw you, I was again in the coffee house.
I was in the cell phone. Emmett never do the things right.
He always thinks that everything is funny.
I was very mad at him and I was frowning for sure.
I was concerned because whit my mother in the hospital, Emmett keeps some chores to do, but he always does the opposite.
I really need some vacations from my family.
I looked at the street looking for your bus, but he weren't there.
But there was a motorcycle and you were there, whit the eyes closed a sighing.
I smiled when I came back my attention for my brother again.
I was a little happy for see you.
You seemed to be thinking about something good, I'd like to know what it was.
The second time I saw you... You were dreaming awake.
The third time I saw you it was a hot day.
The sun was shining in the blue sky, without any clouds.
I was going to the cafeteria. I love that place, I can look at you more times.
Bus I was burnin' up so I buy a strawberry ice cream.
I don't know why, but strawberry me remembers you.
I smiled thinking about you and your brown eyes.
Then I saw then... You were in the bus again.
What happened whit your motorcycle? It broke? You sold it?
You have a big smile on the face that day and I whish I could kiss you.
The third time I saw you... You were the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen.
The fourth time I saw you it was raining.
I already knew that my chances to see you were very little, but I still had a tiny bit of hope.
I was inside the cafeteria whit my little sister Alice. We were talking about the recovery of our mom, Esme. She was a lot better then she was days earlier.
I keep looking to the door hopping I could see at least your bus or anything.
I was already missing you, and I'd even know you.
We were leaving the cafeteria, when I saw you, in a cab.
I was hugging my sister and laughing from a joke.
But when I saw your face I stopped.
The fourth time I saw you... You were sad.
And that became painfully.
The fifth time I saw you I was sure that I had fallen in love with you.
That hurts, more than I think about in the past few days, because I didn't see you again.
I was sad about it.
I didn't know you, I didn't even know your name, and I just knew that the coffee house was the place that you pass, probably to go home, every afternoon.
That day I was decided.
I was going to meet you. No matter what.
I see your bus, and you were on it.
I smiled. The truest smiled I've ever done.
When you saw that I was looking at you, your cheeks blushed.
Why? Did you already notice me?
Your eyes were shining on the sun and I fall in love more than I was before.
The bus start moving too soon, but before you went away I waved at you, saying 'goodbye, I'll see you tomorrow'.
The fifth time I saw you... You smiled at me.
A/N:Hey you guys! :D So I wrote the Edward's POV for this history, that end's right here. And I want to say my thank you for all of you who read my first fanfiction in English.
Especial thanks for: xpaigex, OnceMoreGoodbye, iLuvMe21, AkaiOnna, Kate, jules, bodidley09, crazeeria, orionzbelt.
And the most special thanks for Nina. Love you my almost-mother. Kisses for you.
If you liked this chapter, you totally have to review it. :D
Kisses, Kate.