The Legend of Zelda - The Eternal Ark


Hyrule was in the grip of winter. A thick blanket of snow had descended upon the land, from Death Mountain to Kokiri Forest, transforming everything into a white, powdery wonderland. There was a person, however, who didn't have time to admire the tiny icicles hanging from the trees and grass, or the tiny snowflakes that spiralled endlessly out of the sky. The person was a boy, with a thick cloak drawn tightly about his shoulders and a peculiar staff clutched in one hand. He slogged through the snow under the canopy in a remote part of the woods, his breathing becoming laboured as he cast quick, furtive glances behind him as if he were being pursued by something. He stopped briefly, leaning against a tree to catch his breath as it came out in short, ragged gasps. The snap of a twig brought his head up quickly and he redoubled his efforts and powered through the thick snow, his untamed grey hair lashing at his eyes.
"I need…to find," he whispered breathlessly to himself. "I have to give…the key." His sodden boots had long since numbed his feet and he could barely feel his fingers as he held onto the staff as if it were his only lifeline. He tripped, falling face-down in the snow. Teeth chattering, he brought his head up and shook it free of snow. He licked his freezing blue lips and struggled to his feet, leaning heavily on his staff.
"Feeling the chill?" a gravelly voice sounded from over his shoulder. His eyes widened in terror and he began to tremble. "You're too weak to get away in these conditions…too pathetic." He turned suddenly to face his tormentor, the person who had been following him for weeks on end. He had never actually seen them, as they were always very careful to remain hidden and today was no exception. All he knew was that the person was male, he could tell that much by his voice, but he knew nothing else other than the fact that he wanted him dead.
"What…do you want?" he called into the silent forest. "Leave me alone!" No reply. The boy stood warily, scanning the ghostly woods for a shape, a figure, anything, but there was nothing. He began to back away, holding his staff out in a protective manner.
"No escape!" the voice spat, more harshly this time. The boy heard a rustling overhead and jerked his head up in time to see a shape descending on him. With no time to think he raised his staff and poured all of his strength into it, closing his eyes as tightly as possible. A moment later there was a flash of lightning followed by a thunderous, domed explosion. Snow, dirt and woodchips were sprayed in all directions along with the boy, who was hurled away from the blast and into the base of an unyielding tree. He slammed into the tree with a grunt, knocking his head solidly and he half-lay there with his staff still clutched in one hand. He heard the faint sound of feet crunching through snow towards him and garbled shouts that he, in his current state, couldn't comprehend. Unconsciousness claimed him as a fuzzy shape appeared in front of him and reached out with a blurry, ghostly hand…