15 years later

"Laura! Julian! Get up or you are going to be late for school!" Clark yelled up the stairs. He heard thumping, then a young red haired girl came running down the stairs.

Laura Lillian Luthor was fifteen and the most beautiful girl in Smallville. She had long long red hair that seemed to curl naturally into ringlets. Of course, in an attempt to rebel she had tipped her hair with black dye, but it still looked good. Her eyes were bright green and seemed to stare straight into your soul when she looked at you. She was clothed in a tight purple shirt and a purple skirt with striped leggings. Combat boots clad her feet and a big black bag swung off her shoulder. She hit the bottom of the stairs and kissed her dad on the cheek.

"Morning dad," she said sweetly before making her way into the kitchen. Lex Luthor looked up as his daughter and husband walked into the kitchen. He set down his newspaper with a smile and stood up, kissing his daughter on her forehead.

"Good morning pumpkin. Where's your brother?"

"Morning papa. And you can kind of guess where he is," she said, her eyes rolling. Lex looked over at Clark with a grin.

"The boy still in bed?"

"Of course. Its your turn," Clark said with a smile. Lex rolled his eyes and made his way up the stairs into his sons' room. He pushed open the door and grimaced as the smell of teen boy hit his nose. He pushed whatever was on the ground out of his way and made his way to the bed. He carefully slid the pillow out from underneath the boys head, then proceeded to beat him senselessly over the head.

Julian started yelling and cursing as Lex beat him with the pillow. Lex laughed, threw the pillow down one last time, and then booked it out of the room. A few moments later Julian showed up in the kitchen. Clark glanced at him and rolled his eyes.

Julian once had dark brown hair like Clark's, but recently he had died it all black with bleached tips. His favorite style was to spike up the back and sweep it in front of his eyes in the front. He ringed his eyes in dark black eyeliner, and always wore a tight black shirt and tight black jeans. Clark hoped it was just a phase he was going through.

"You guys don't have to do that every damn morning!" he yelled as he stomped into the kitchen.

"Well if you woke up when your dad told you too…." Lex said softly. Julian glared at him, but he just smiled and sipped his coffee. Julian threw himself into a chair and proceeded to wolf the bacon and eggs that Clark set in front of him. Clark rolled his eyes and walked up behind Lex and proceeded to kiss his bald head.

"I remember when we were teenagers, but I don't remember eating that much," he muttered. Julian, who has inherited their dads hearing power, glared. Laura ran a hand through her hair and laughed, standing up and grabbing her bag.

"Bus is here Julian!" she yelled before speeding outside. Julian yelled and grabbed another handful of bacon before booking after his twin. The two males followed their children outside, chuckling as Julian tripped as he got on the bus. He had also inherited his dad's clumsiness.

"God…I hope this one is going to be a girl," Clark muttered, cupping his belly slightly. Lex smiled slightly, nodding, when a look of realization dawned on his face.

"Excuse me?"

Clark smiled, before turning around and walking inside, Lex mumbling and following him.