1--Just walking by

They pass each other in the hall. And Azula tips her head in a mock greeting to the older man as he stops to speak with her. "Princess," he starts, his hand resting upon his hip and a smirk curling the corners of his mouth, "You are aware that it is rather dangerous for you to be roaming about these halls alone."

Azula feigns a smile and adjusts the files she carries. "Are you suggesting that I need an escort?" she asks, returning his mocking grin with one of her own.

"I will alert your father." He moves to pass her and continue on his way, but stops when he hears her call for him.

"No need. You are here already, are you not?" Her fire red lips curl into a seductive smirk and he turns back around to follow her.

2--Shh!...It's a secret

Zhao presses Azula into a wall, wrapping her legs about his waist before fumbling with the buttons of her shirt. She could hear clamouring outside and she takes the opportunity to gently tug at the red band tying his hair into a topknot on his head. "People are coming," she whispers in his ear.

He smirks and trails his hands along her thighs. "Do you wish for me to stop then?" His question is answered with a soft gasp and the temperature of the room rises. "I will take that as a 'no'."

Kissing her throat gently, he whispers, "I suppose we will just have to keep it a secret then, won't we?"

3--Listen carefully

"Stay away from her."

Ozai sits behind his ornate desk, his hands clasped together. Zhao stands before him while Azula remains stationed behind her father's chair, out of his sight but in clear view of Zhao.

"I understand sir..." Zhao begins but stops because of the fiery glare he recieves from Azula. Ozai glances over his shoulder before fixing his gaze firmly upon Zhao. "Listen carefully to what I am saying, Zhao. Do not cross me. Stay away from my daughter."

Zhao swallows and nods before turning away and beginning a slow march toward the door. Azula scowls as her father's chair swivels around and he faces her. "You will stay away from him."

"Yes Father," she replies like an obedient servant before pursing her lips and plotting a way to see him that very night.

4--Mama said

"You're late," Ursa says one evening when Azula returns and drops her school books on the floor.

She sinks down into the couch and smoothes out the wrinkles in her skirt, "I called, Mother. I did inform you that I would be at Ty Lee's late tonight. Did you not get my message?" The lie was crafted quickly and Azula smirks to herself when she notices how her mother's expression changes.

"No I did not."

"I suppose you will have to scold the servants then, won't you?" Azula stands and passes her mother's seat. Ursa sniffs at the curious scent of fire cologne and sighs as she looks at her daughter.

"Azula, your skirt is crooked."

5--It's wrong

Zhao smirks at Sparky before curling his hand into a fist and firing a blast of fire at the target. "It's wrong, Zhao." Sparky's voice is low and he glances around the gym to ensure no one else heard before returning his attention to the firebender.

"And that's half the reason she is so attractive," Zhao responds before grabbing his water bottle and taking a long drink.

Sparky sighs. "She's only sixteen. And if Ozai were to find out..."

He is cut off by Zhao's laughter and Sparky looks at the other man with a curious expression.

"That is a possibility, I suppose. And that makes it all the more exciting, don't you think?" Zhao takes another bending stance before tossing a glance in Sparky's direction, "Besides, how will Ozai find out? I have no intentions of telling him."