Vampire Seductress

Summary: Ms. Bella Swan is a feisty, beautiful girl, who is very conscious of her looks and uses them to her advantage. But from the first moment she sees Edward Cullen, she knows she wants him and knows that he wants her too. In Bella's words, 'this was going to be fun.....'

Disclaimer: Characters taken from Stephanie Meyer's Twilight© and used in this fanfiction do not belong to me.

Author's Note: So i've been a total Harry potter obsessed person, so most of my fanfics are about that but I just recently finished the Twilight series and I'm obsessed with that now. Hope this tantalizes your senses. I wanted to show Bella diferently then how she's portrayed in the books and i wanted to write about what goes on inside Edward's head. Hope u enjoy. REVIEW AND PLEEZ BE HONEST!!!! Thanx *Teddybeargurl*

Chapter 1: New School, New Life


So moving to Forks was really stupid, when I think back on it. But really I wasn't about to be travelling all the time with my Mom and Phil. I needed somewhere I could settle down and cause a little trouble.

I couldn't do that if I was moving all the time, so I went to stay with my Dad. I knew he really didn't know what I would be doing and it would freak him out to have to talk to me about 'girl' stuff, so I was free to do what I wanted.

From the first moment that I drove up on my sleek black motorcycle, I knew I was going to have all the guys drooling over me in no time. I got off the bike and looked around through my helmet. Everyone in the immediate vicinity was starting at me. This was going to be so easy.

I turned and whipped off my helmet, shaking my long dark hair out with fervor. The wind whipped it around perfectly, making it shine and dance in the breeze. I turned to see all the open mouths as I unzipped my leather jacket and slung it on the seat of my bike with my helmet. I grabbed my bag off the back of the bike and turned to walk into school.

I glanced around the parking lot and noticed the only other nice car, a silver Volvo. I looked at the group of beautiful people standing around the car talking. There were five of them, all stunningly beautiful and pale. There was one really big, dark haired guy who had his arm around a stunning blonde, who could have been a model. They were obviously a couple. Next. There was a small pixie like girl with short dark spiky hair, which suited her, and she had her hand clasped in the hand of a tall model looking guy with honey blonde hair. They were obviously a couple. Next.

Finally my eyes fell on the last guy. He was alone and standing a little bit away from the two happy couples. He had reddish brown hair that was swept nicely away from his face. He had a perfect face, which was just as pale as the others but to me, made me want him. He was staring at me intensely as I walked toward the school and I flipped my hair in a nonchalant way to make it seem as if I hadn't seen him, but I had.

It would only be too easy for me to reel him in and make him mine, but I wanted to do this carefully. He was different then other guys and I hadn't ever encountered anyone like that before. I smiled to myself as I got to the front doors of the school, this was going to be fun.


I looked around the parking lot. Everything was just like every other day. I sighed as I looked over at my family. They were all so happy, all in love. That would never be me, ever. And just as I thought this, a new foreign sound hit my ears. It sounded like a motorcycle coming to the school, but no one at this school drove a motorcycle. And that's when she pulled in.

She drove into a spot across the lot and parked. She got off the bike and surveyed the area. She was slender, but curvaceous, wearing dark skinny jeans with tall stiletto leather boots. She had on leather motorcycle gloves and a leather jacket. This was no ordinary girl. She turned and then pulled her hair out of the helmet and I held my breath as I watched.

Her hair flipped around as she shook it out of the helmet. Soft, dark, cascading curls fell down her back in a rush. She unzipped her jacket and then turned as the wind whipped her scent over to me. It shocked me and I went rigid. She smelled so good.......No, I had to control myself. I knew I should have gone hunting with Emmett and Jasper last night, but I had been sure I could wait until the weekend, maybe I had been wrong.

The girl was gorgeous. She had beautiful chocolate brown eyes, which was complemented by her pale skin. She had a slender face with a cute straight nose. Her lips were curvaceous and full and her hair.....oh that hair. It was long and dark lightly curled and had been tousled by the wind in a becoming way. She had long bangs that almost hid her right eye, and a long red streak that went through the bangs. Underneath her leather jacket, which she had put on her bike, she was wearing a form fitting scarlet sweater. It was the colour of blood, her deliciously scented blood......No, I had to control myself.

As I began to focus, I could hear the flurry of thoughts from everyone in the area. They were all thinking about that new girl.

'Wow she's hot. I wonder who she is?' I heard someone think. I looked around as the murmur of thoughts swirled around me.

'Who is that sexy mama?'

'Great, another hottie to take all the boys. I hate my life.'

'Wow!!! Lo que es una chica muy caliente!!! (translated: What a very hot girl!!!)


'Wow she's gorgeous. I wonder if she's in any of my classes?'

'Hmm.....I wonder if that's Chief Swan's daughter Isabella?' This final thought made me remember something I had heard a couple of weeks ago. Yes it was true that Chief Swan's daughter was coming to live with him, and it seemed that this was her.

I tried to read her mind to see if she was who I suspected her to be, but as I focused on her, all I heard was silence. I shook my head and tried again, staring at her intensely as she looked around and her eyes found mine. She stared at me for a millisecond before she looked away and continued to walk to the school. I couldn't hear her thoughts even as she flipped her hair and sent her overwhelming scent to me again. I shut my eyes as tight as I could as she walked into the school. I couldn't hear her thoughts and she smelled so delicious it was making my head spin.

At that moment, I realized that school was about to start and that my name was being called. I had been so wound up in myself that I hadn't heard the others calling my name. I opened my eyes to see Alice staring at me.

"Edward c'mon, we're going to be late." She said. She looked at me a little closer.

"Are you alright? You don't look so good." I stared into her face of concern and heard her think, 'I wonder if it had anything to do with that girl?' I shook my head and smiled a little.

"I'm fine. Let's go." I said. She looked at me sceptically before she walked toward school as the bell rung.

I went into my first class and began to think about the new girl Isabella. She was obviously gorgeous, something that I usually didn't notice in mortal girls. This was strange, what was it that I was feeling? Maybe it was her scent that had really caught my attention. But I knew that I had seen her before I had smelled her, and she had had my attention before her scent had wreaked havoc with my self control.

But there was also something strange about her. She was obviously mortal but I couldn't hear her thoughts. I had never encountered someone, at least a mortal, whose thoughts I couldn't hear. This was frustrating. The one person whose thoughts and actions I'd want to know about the most and I couldn't hear her thoughts to save my life. I had to find out about her, but how?


It was lunchtime and I slowly made my way toward the cafeteria. As I did everyone looked at me, as usual but I didn't really care. Suddenly a tall, baby face cute blond boy came up to me.

"Hey, you're Isabella Swan aren't you?" He asked. He looked kind of embarrassed and he smiled lightly as I looked at him. I smiled.

"Yeah, but everyone calls me Bella. I was just going to have lunch." I said. I grinned at him and I saw his eyes light up.

"I'm Mike Newton. Do you want to have lunch with me and my friends? I could show you around and I might even have some classes with you." I nodded.

"That'd be great. I don't really know what I'm doing around here." He smiled and nodded.

"Let me see your schedule." I handed it to him as we slowly made our way to the cafeteria. His eyes lit up as he scanned it.

"I have biology and gym with you."Mike said. His hands shook slightly as he handed the paper back to me. I took it without showing that I'd noticed.

"Cool. At least I'll know someone in those classes. But I'm horrible at gym, so beware." I said with a smirk.

"I can't believe that someone like you could be bad at anything."He looked at me and then blushed. I smiled and didn't say anything again. I walked into the caf with Mike next to me and followed him to his table of friends. There were two guys, and two girls sitting there already. They looked up as Mike brought me over for introductions.

"Hey guys. This is Bella. She's Chief Swan's daughter. I told her she could sit with us." Mike said. They all smiled at me as I sat down. Mike introduced everyone to me.

"This is Jessica, Angela, Ben and Tyler." Mike pointed to the blonde girl sitting closest to me, then the dark haired girl with glasses, then a nerdy looking boy with black hair and finally the brown skinned boy with black hair. I smiled at all of them as I sat down. The girl named Jessica began to speak to me almost immediately.

"So, you're from Phoenix right?" I nodded. She smiled. But I could see that her smile was strained, almost as if she didn't want to have to talk to someone who looked like me.

"How was it there? I heard it is always sunny and stuff. I wish it would be sunny like that here. But you know it's always wet and rainy and cold. But yeah why would you go from that to this? It makes no sense." She looked at me expectantly. I sighed.

"It's complicated. I just wanted to go somewhere quiet and I guess this was my answer. Does that make sense?" I asked. She looked at me and then nodded.

"Yeah I get that." And just at that moment, they walked in. The five inhumanly beautiful people I had seen outside. All in succession, first the model blond and her big dark haired boyfriend, then the pixie like girl and her honey blond boyfriend, and finally the sexiest one, the reddish brown haired one walking behind them.

I followed them with my eyes for a few seconds before I noticed Jessica watching me. She smiled as I turned toward her.

"Who are they?"I asked in a whispered tone. Jessica hunkered down, loving that she was getting to dish the gossip about these people.

"That's the Cullens and the Hales. They all live together with Dr. And Mrs. Cullen. The big brown haired guy, who's draped around that gorgeous blond, that's Emmett Cullen. Oh and that small pixie like girl with the spiky hair, that's Alice Cullen and finally," I heard her sigh, "that's Edward Cullen. The two blonds are the Hale twins. The guy is Jasper and the girl is Rosalie." Jessica stopped for a second so she could catch her breath.

"Yeah, they're like always keeping to themselves and are obviously gorgeous, but they are all like together. I mean Alice and Jasper and Rosalie and Emmett are. It's weird, you know and they live together. They were all like adopted by Dr. And Mrs. Cullen. But the Hale twins are supposed to be her like niece and nephew or something. They always only hang out with each other and no one else. And," she saw me looking over Edward, "Edward doesn't date. I guess the girls here aren't pretty enough for him." I heard the sour note in her voice as she said that. Obviously he'd turned her down and she was still mad about it. I looked over at them again, to assess what Jessica had said. As I did, Edward looked over at me. We stared at each other for a long time. I wasn't about to be afraid to meet his gaze. I wasn't afraid of anything.

Finally when he looked away, I smiled. He was obviously thinking about me, and the way he had just stared at me, proved that. I smiled as I listened to Mike talk about some stuff that happened at his Mom's store, which I gleaned, was in town. I made sure that this time, I would purposely ignore Edward. Guys loved girls who were hard to get and I could tell it was working, because I could see from the corner of my eye, his eyes kept flickering to me. This was gonna be a piece of cake.


I sat at our table at lunch, absent-mindedly listening to people's conversations, when I suddenly heard my name. I looked over and saw that it was Jessica and the new girl Bella. They were talking about me. I listened carefully.

"Edward doesn't date. I guess the girls here aren't pretty enough for him." I heard Jessica say. I listened hard to hear Bella's answer but she didn't say anything, so I looked over to see if she was still there. She was and she was staring at me. I looked at her and she didn't shy away from my stare. I just kept looking at her until finally I had to look away. I thought I saw her smile at my defeat, as if it had been a staring contest and she had won.

As I turned back to my family, they were all staring at me. I was shocked. I hadn't realized I had been so focused on Bella that I hadn't noticed there questioning thoughts about me.

"What?" I asked, even though I knew.

"Why were you staring at that girl?" Alice asked. I looked at her for a second before I spoke.

"She was discussing me, so I looked at her. Is there a problem?" Alice thought about how much she should say before she said it.

"Well, you were looking at her strangely this morning too. Is there something going on here that I can't see?" Her words had a double meaning to them, because we all knew that Alice could see into the future.

"No. She's...." I faltered on my words not knowing what to say about her. I couldn't say how she had mesmerized me, how beautiful she was, how strangely intriguing at the same time and how delicious she smelled. These were all things that I could not let anyone know. This was when Emmett broke into my thoughts.

"Oh, do you mean that cutie on the motorcycle?" I heard Emmett laugh as Rosalie hit him in the chest. "I'm just joking Rose. I like the motorcycle more than her." She glared at him for one second before she relaxed. She turned to me.

"We all saw you staring at her Edward. It was quite obvious, even to her. She was very smug about the fact that you were looking at her. So tell us, what is going on?"Rosalie said, her eyes gazing at me intently.

"Nothing is going on. Why must I explain myself just because I was showing the normal human curiosity toward a new student? Nothing ever happens around here and I was just curious, that's all. So everybody stop the interrogation please." They all dropped the subject at once but I saw Alice give me another strange look before she went back to speaking to Jasper.

As soon as the lunch bell rang, I got up, threw out my tray and went to biology. This was one of the few classes I had alone, so I thought I'd be safe here. How wrong I was as I saw, Bella, come through the door.

I watched as she handed her schedule to our teacher, Mr. Banner and was directed toward the only empty seat in class, which was beside me. I struggled with myself as I watched this beautiful enchanting creature walk toward me. Her scent was getting stronger as she made her way to my seat. I held my nose, and as I met her gaze, I saw her question my look. I know it was probably because I was gripping the table very hard and I was stiff as she sat beside me. I couldn't help it, she smelled so good and if I didn't try to control myself, I surely would have killed her for her blood. The smell of it was intoxicating, filling my head with ideas of different ways that I could lure her to me.

I stared at her the whole class, knowing that she could feel my eyes on her. She never faltered from looking forward, but once met my gaze and saw, I assume, the anger and fear nestled there. After this, she continued to stare forward, but I could tell she was angry. She had her hands on the desk in tight fists and she had her teeth clenched.

Three quarters through the class, she raised her hand. I continued to watch her as Mr. Banner called on her. Her voice was like a siren call.

"Sir, I'd like to change seats." This shocked me. I had not expected her to say this.

"Well there are no other seats available, so you'll have to stay where you are." Mr. Banner said. She glanced over at me and then clenched her teeth even tighter.

"Sir, I don't particularly feel comfortable in this seat. Could I possibly trade with someone?" She picked up her bag, as if someone was going to trade with her right that second. Mr. Banner sighed and looked at her.

"Ms. Swan, we can discuss this after class. If there is a problem with your seat, we will handle it then. Now please don't interrupt me again." She heard the finality in his tone and I thought that she had been defeated, but I was wrong. She gave me one very angry glance before she got up and walked out of the class.

Shocked murmurs went through the class as Bella walked out. I was shocked that she had gone to such extremes to get away from me. I felt slightly relieved because I could breathe again, but also saddened because I had made her feel uncomfortable.

Mr. Banner looked just as shocked as everyone else, but quickly snapped out of it and followed Bella out of the class. He stopped her and she turned her anger on him. You didn't need super hearing to hear what she was saying.

"Ms. Swan you can't just leave my class like that. I'm in the middle of a lesson and you need permission to leave." Mr. Banner said in an authoritative way. But this didn't seem to deter Bella.

"I'm not staying in that class if I don't get a better seat. My seat partner is glaring at me and holding his nose as if I smell. And I know I don't smell. He's being very rude and I can't be near someone who carries so much hostility." She said. I could hear people murmuring in the class and some people even glanced at me. But they continued to listen.

"Ms. Swan, your seat partner, Mr. Cullen is a very intelligent and polite boy. I think you may be incorrect in your judgement of...." But Mr. Banner was cut off by Bella's voice.

"I am not incorrect in my judgement of Mr. Cullen. If you weren't blind you'd see the way he was looking at me. It was freaking me out." She said. I looked down a little in shame. It hadn't been on purpose.

"MS. SWAN! Do not use that tone with me. It seems you are the one who is rude, and I am sending you to the office right this instant." He said in a heated voice.

"Fine, anything to get out of that class is welcome." Then I heard her turn and walk down the hall. Everyone scrambled back into their seats as they heard Mr. Banner walk toward the room. He sighed and came in, continuing with his lesson and not mentioning the little outburst that had just happened. But as the class continued, everyone was thinking about what I had done to make Bella leave class in such a way.


I went to the office in a huff. I was so mad that I had gotten in trouble, when it was that Edward who deserved it. He was obviously a jerk or a pig, or both. I mean he acted as if I was scum or something and that's not cool. He freaked me out the way he stared at me with those black eyes of his.

I went to the office, but luckily there was only 15 minutes left of third period so I got off with a warning. They didn't call my dad Charlie, so I was okay.

I went to gym and didn't even try to talk to Mike, who I knew would ask too many questions about what happened between me and Edward. I really wasn't in the mood to talk about it, especially not to talk about it calmly. But unfortunately Mike caught up with me after class as I was making my way to my bike.

"Bella! Bella! Wait up." He called. I stopped and sighed. I turned toward him. I was standing outside at the edge of the parking lot. Mike smiled at me.

"Hey I wanted to talk to you. What happened in biology today?" I pursed my lips. He obviously didn't beat around the bush.

"I didn't want to sit in my seat ok." I said in a slightly rude voice. I could tell Mike picked up on it but his curiosity was stronger than his fear of my anger.

"But why? What did Edward do to you?" I liked the way that Mike said Edward in a slightly disgusted way, as if he didn't like him for bugging me. I sighed, Mike was just trying to be a good friend, so I answered him.

"When I sat down, he was holding his nose and staring at me really rudely. I thought for a second that I smelled bad, but tell me do I smell bad?" Mike shook his head. I continued.

"So when I asked for my new seat and it wasn't given to me, I knew I couldn't wait for the end of class so I left. I didn't really care if I was disrupting the class. I felt really weird sitting there and I was raised to always feel comfortable in my surroundings and if I didn't I should walk away. I couldn't confront him in class so I left. I'll deal with Edward tomorrow." I said. As I said this, I saw one of his brothers, the blond Hale twin Jasper, look at me and then walk to the silver Volvo. I shook my head.

"Anyway, I gotta go. I have to make my dad dinner before he gets home, or he'll burn the house down. I'll see you tomorrow okay?" Mike smiled.

"Okay. Bye Bella." He said.

"Bye." And I watched as he walked to his car. I turned and began to walk to my bike. As I shuffled through my bag for my keys, I dropped one of my leather driving gloves. As I was about to pick it up, a big burly hand picked it up and handed it to me. I looked up and saw the golden eyes of Emmett Cullen. He smiled a half smile at me as I took the glove.

"Thanks." I said, a little confused as to why he had helped me.

"You're welcome. So um, you're Bella right?" He said in a deep almost songlike voice. His voice and the fact that he knew who I was, caught me off guard.

"Yeah. And you are?" I looked at him. He smiled as I began to walk to my bike. He followed.

"Emmett. So is that the new Suzuki 2500?" He asked. So that's why he wanted to talk to me. I looked over his shoulder and saw his girlfriend, Rosalie glaring at me. Oh this was funny. I smiled up at Emmett.

"Yeah. I got it custom built for me, a going-away present from my Mom. It's great, isn't it?" I said as we made it to my bike. He smiled as his eyes scanned the bike.

"Yeah it's a beauty. Maybe one day I could ride it......" He trailed off, obviously waiting for my answer. I saw Rosalie push out a little puff of air with a murderous look on her face. I just lifted one eyebrow then laughed.

"I don't know if that would cool with your girlfriend. She looks more dangerous than the bike."Emmett laughed again and then nodded.

"You're probably right. But yeah I better be going. But I'll see you 'round. Later Bella." He said as he turned around and made his way toward his family who were all watching him curiously, except for Rosalie. I laughed to myself as I put on my jacket, gloves and helmet and started my bike. I revved the engine a bit for effect and then burned rubber. I didn't even glance back to see if Edward had noticed, but I was pretty sure he had.


I watched as Emmett helped Bella and spoke to her at her motorcycle. We all had a wary ear on the conversation, wondering what Emmett would possibly want to talk to her about. Obviously it had to do with her motorcycle. I rolled my eyes at this and then just watched Bella's reaction to him. She was quite kind, very polite and funny. She was observant too, noticing Rosalie's anger toward her almost immediately.

After she said her goodbye, she zoomed out of the parking lot and I felt like I wanted to follow her. She may have been strong willed, but she could get hurt and I didn't know why but I felt very protective of her. As Emmett made his way to us, with a smirk on his face, he raised an eyebrow at me.

"That wasn't hard at all. She's so nice and cute." I heard Rosalie hiss at those words. Emmett went to her and put his arm around her.

"Chill babe, I'm kidding. No one is more beautiful then you. Anyway Edward, why were you harassing her?" At this I turned and got into the car. They all followed quickly and waited for my answer. Emmett wasn't going to let this go, I could tell.

"Thanks so much Jasper. What did you tell him?" I asked as I sped down the road. Jasper shrugged.

"Why don't you tell all of us what happened and clear this up. I'd rather like to hear your side of the story." He said very calmly.

"What story? What's going on? I definitely know it has something to do with that girl Bella, but I want to know what it is. Edward, spill." I sighed, I could hear all their thoughts pushing me to speak, so finally I did.

"Well, when I first saw her, I was physically attracted to her. It was strange, I've never seen anyone like her before. And she intrigued me, because as hard as I tried, I couldn't read her mind." I heard the sharp intakes of breath.

"You couldn't read her mind? But that's......." Alice's voice trailed off in thought. I nodded.

"I know, and so for that, she had piqued my interest. But then.....I caught her scent." I waited for that to sink in.

"What was wrong with her scent? I smelled her and she smelled fine to me. Delicious as always, but fine. Nothing out of the ordinary." Emmett said. Then he took in a breath as he realized something.

"Wait Edward, did she smell different to you? Even more tantalizing then the average human?" I nodded ever so slightly and Emmett gasped. They all looked at Emmett.

"I've encountered that, only once though, but I wasn't strong enough to resist. Its like the ultimate bloodlust. It makes you crazy and you can't resist. It drags you in and makes everything you've ever known disappear. How did you resist it Edward?" Emmett asked. I shrugged.

"I fought very hard. It was difficult. She could see my hostility and I made her uncomfortable. She even asked the teacher to trade seats, but she was not granted this request, so she left. She yelled at the teacher for not seeing how I was staring at her and was sent to the office for it. I felt awful afterwards." The entire car was silent as I pulled up to our home. Then finally Rosalie spoke.

"Well Edward, I suggest you go hunting tonight, if you even want a chance to survive going back to school tomorrow. You know what this would mean for all of us...if you slipped." She said. I nodded.

"Yes. I will make sure that I am prepared next time." They all nodded and went into the house. I just sat there for a moment and thought. Tomorrow I would rectify this, defintely.

Good, Bad, so, so? What do you guys think? I know that alot of it is based on the actual book, but from a different perspeective of Bella. She's more confident and this draws people to her. I hope this is good, it took forever to write it so perfectly. Give me ur feedback. LUVES *Teddybeargurl*