Disclaimer: I do not own Tiny Toons or any of it's characters.
It's been roughly half-an-hour since the first announcement to those on board that the ship was going down. Most broke out in panic, while some managed to keep their cool, unfortunately Plucky wasn't one of them. Hamton probably would've panicked as well, but Fifi managed to keep him calm through the whole ordeal. Currently the three of them are still below deck trying to get up to the top level. Shirley heard the news, but unfortunately got stuck on the level just below the deck due to panicking passengers trying to get to the deck floor. She was following Buster, Babs, and Calamity, but lost track of them in the chaos. Buster, Babs, and Calamity were currently on the deck hoping that their friends catch up soon.
"This isn't good. We lost track of Shirl, and we haven't heard from Fifi, Hamton, or Plucky." Buster stated, "I hope they're alright."
"I'm sure they're fine. They still have some time, and the ship seems fairly stable for now." Calamity stated
"I hope you're right about that." Buster agreed, "Hey...did you guys see where Furball went?"
"Furball...? I thought he was following us." Calamity replied
"Guys, do you guys know if Furball is a deep sleeper?" Babs asked
"No, we don't know. Why?" Calamity asked
"Wasn't he asleep in the room we left before the crash?" Babs asked, earning a look of sudden realization from Buster and Calamity.
Furball had awakened from the initial screeching, but was slow to react when Buster, Babs, and Calamity left in a rush to find out what happened. He was at the main hall with Fowlmouth, Dizzy, and Beeper. He was trying to help calm the other passengers, by joining them and playing on his violin.
Meanwhile, down in the lower decks...
"Move, you stoopid piece of furniture!" Fifi said angrily as she tried pushing a wooden dresser that was blocking a door from opening away, "No good, et won't budge."
"We b-b-better find another way. I t-t-think there's a way through the other corridor." Hamton suggested
"But that'd mean we'd have to go back through the area the power died, Hammy. Plus I think that area is already partially flooded." Plucky stated
"Ve must take ze risk. We are not making any progress 'ere, no?" Fifi stated as she started walking, followed by Hamton and then Plucky.
As the three walked, they soon found themselves walking down a hall that the only source of light is the occasional room or over hanging light that some of the connections managed to get out alright, but it was well lit enough to walk through at least.
"Et shouldn't be long now, ze next stairwell should be 'ere." Fifi stated
"Good thing, cause I'm not sure how long till this floor fills up." Plucky stated looking out an available window, taking note on the fact the water level was just a bit above the level of the floor at the current moment and closing.
"Hey, someone open the door!" they heard a voice.
"Did you hear that?" Hamton asked
"Someone, help!"
"Oui, be'ind zhis door." Fifi replied and walked over to said door, "Someone's trapped, we moost 'elp zhem." she adds as they try finding a way to open it
"The door's stuck, you gotta find some way to break the lock." the voice mentioned.
"Hey, d-d-doesn't that voice sound f-f-familiar?" Hamton asked
Plucky stops to think about it for a moment before saying, "Hey, yeah, you're right, Hammy. In fact I'd say that sounded like...Gogo."
"Gogo...?" Fifi asked, "Monseiur Gogo, iz zhat vous?"
"Yeah, that's the name, don't wear it out." the voice replies
"How on earth did you got on the ship?" Plucky asked.
"I dunno, last thing I remember was running on the pier, running from Arnold. The I hit him with 100 pounds of brick, then pie, then silly string, then I was here." he replied.
"That doesn't make much sense."
"Vhen 'as it evair made sense with 'ow we appear in a show." Fifi stated, "Gogo, we 'ave notzing to break ze door from our side. 'Ow about vous?"
"Let me see." Gogo stated followed by various sounds of objects ranging from a bike horn to a safe hitting the floor, "Yep got one right here. Might wanna step back."
The three just looked at each other before running away from the door, before an almost dull explosion was heard and the door fell backwards, into the room, followed by a cloud of steam. They just looked at each other before looking back at the now open door and walked towards it. Gogo just walked out, as if nothing had happened, and the door was never stuck to begin with.
"Hello." he greeted as he looked at them.
"Come on, ve still must reach ze deck before zhis level floods." Fifi stated, earning a nod from the three guys.
Back with the others, Shirley managed to rejoin with them, and was currently trying to get a lock-on to the others locations.
"Okay, like, I think managed to find Plucky and the others." she stated
"Where are they?" Buster asked.
"They're still, like, way below deck or some junk." Shirley stated, "There's like a fourth person with them right now."
"A fourth? Who is it?"
"I don't know... there's too much interference with so many here."
"Good enough." Babs stated, "What about Furball? Where's he?"
"Oh, like, he's in the main hall." Shirley stated with a smile and pointed towards the location, "Seems he's helping Fowlmouth, Dizzy, and Beeper."
"Well, at least he got out fine, but we still gotta find the others though." Buster said
"What are you suggesting?" Calamity asked
"I suggest we go find them." he simply replied, "They're our friends after all."
"I think it might be a bit suicidal to do so."
"I'm not interested in getting wet either, Buster." Babs added
"Well, we gotta do something." he stated before running off to the stairwell.
The three just looked at each other before proceeding to follow Buster, either to stop him or at the very least make sure he doesn't do anything way over his head.
The worsening storm didn't help much for the gang or the other passengers, as the winds created waves that made the boat creak and groan as it tried to stay as stable as possible. The boat did rock slightly, but it wasn't as bad as to make it difficult to walk or run on the way up to the deck.
Up on deck, most of the crew had already begun boarding passengers into lifeboats and launching them, while others were trying to get into contact with other nearby boats and launching flares.
"Are they any lower?" Buster asked Shirley, who was acting as a radar.
"Yes, almost, like, 5 more levels lower." she simply replied, before Buster gave a nod and the four of them headed down. It was somewhat easier now that there were less passengers to try getting by.
"We're almost to them, their energies are very strong now."
Before anymore could be said or done, Buster ran right into Fifi as he tried turning a corner at the level. Both fell over and onto the floor.
"Sucre bleu...who'd be running down ze stairs at a time like zhis?" she stated as Hamton tried helping her up.
"I think our rescue." Plucky stated, as Babs tried helping Buster back to his feet.
"Good to see you guys are managing well." Calamity stated
"What are you g-g-guys doing here?" Hamton asked.
"We were trying to find you guys." Buster stated before he noticed Gogo, "Gogo?"
"Gogo?" the others asked simultaniously.
"That's me." he stated.
"We found 'im while trying to escape." Fifi stated
"But how'd he get on board?" Calamity asked
"Trust us, your guess is as good as ours." Plucky replied.
"Right. Now lets get going. I may be wearing shoes, but I think I can guess that water is starting to flood this level."
"Yeah, come on, it shouldn't be too hard getting back up." Buster stated as the eight of them made their way back up the stairs. At least until they noticed something that had changed about the ship. The ship was already partially tilted and got some furniture partially blocking the way, and to top it off, all the windows indicated a light drizzle had begun.
"Great, I hate these kind of changes in stories like this." Babs stated
"At least it's just that for now." Calamity stated, "We better hurry, the ship tilting might mean it's probably gonna sink a bit faster now that more water is starting to perpetuate the other levels."
As they proceeded, the ship continued to creak and groan as the storm continued to make things worse. They also had to try going over several bits of debris, service carts, chairs, etc. as they went on their way. Unfortunately close to their destination, the deck, the more things seemed to be in the way, now including people.
"What's going on?" Buster asked someone about what was holding them up.
"No one's moving, we're assuming it has something to do about the deck being packed." he guy answered
"It's no good guys, this is as far as we go until things start progressing." Buster stated as he looked back at the others.
"We can try the other way, it's just down the hall." Calamity suggested
"Great, another detour." Plucky complained as the group headed down the hallway to hopefully a less packed way up.
As they went, they certainly did bump into a few others along the way, some headed where they were, and a few in the direction they were headed, which was good news, it meant there was a way up ahead.
Eventually though bumped into a familiar face, Sylvester.
"Sylvester? What are you doing here?" Buster asked
"Working on this ship of course. I'm making sure everyone is out." he simply stated, "What are you kids doing here, you should be up on deck."
"We had to look for our friends."
Sylvester just kinda nodded, "Alright, just get back up on deck. If anyone's down here just leave it to us." then he ran off to do just that.
"I think I can relate with Furball now." Calamity stated as he wiped the spital off himself.
"That's the only reason why I regretted taking his classes." Plucky stated as he tried doing the same.
"Let's just try getting back on deck, if it's raining, spital is the least of our concerns." Buster stated as he walked on, followed by the rest of them.
Once on deck, Buster and the others were given life vests, though Babs had mostly opted to use it as an umbrella, until Buster managed to talk her into putting it on. As they waited to get on a lifeboat, Calamity left to go find Furball, once it reached their turn Calamity hadn't returned yet.
"Room for six." a crewman shouted out
"Six...? T-t-that means there's not enough room." Hamton stated
"Correction, it is. You six go, I'll wait for Calamity and Furball." Gogo rang in
"What about you?" Buster asked
"Don't worry about me, I'll be alright."
"Alright, if you got on without boarding, I'll trust you know how to get off." Buster stated, earning a nod from Gogo. "Alright, lets get off this ride."
The others gave a nod, just before Babs was going to get on. As she was readying to board a rogue wave hit the side of the boat.
"Whoa...!" she was able to get out before she lost balance and fell over the side of the boat, "Ahhhhh!"
"Babs!" Buster shouted as he and the others looked down the side.
Babs hit the water, but not disoriented, as she struggled against the modestly good sized waves, someone on the lower decks actually saw her fall and had opened a door on the side of the ship to try pulling her out.
"Hey, bunny girl! Here, give me your hand." he shouted out as Babs reached out for him, "You're almost there...gotcha!" and then pulled her back on board.
As the crewmember got to work closing and securing the door, another tried giving Babs a blanket. In the meanwhile, Buster was already shoving his way back towards the stairs.
"Buster, where are you going?" Plucky shouted
"I'm gonna go find, Babs." he shouted back before opting to run on the shoulders of others on the way back down the stairs.
Plucky just gave a sigh, before feeling a hand touch his shoulder, he looked over at it's owner, Shirley.
"Trust me, like, there's nothing we could've said to have convinced him otherwise." she stated, as Plucky nodded in agreement.
"Should ve follow 'im?" Fifi asked
"It's probably not the best idea, or some junk, but I have a feeling we're not going to listen."
After a moment of silence between them, Fifi said something, "I t'ink vous and Plucky stay here, moi will go down and find zhem."
"Are you sure?" Plucky asked
"Moi iz a skoonk wit an American a' French spirit." Fifi stated, "I'll be okay." then began her way towards the stairs
"I'll follow." Plucky stated, "I'm a waterfowl, a little water isn't going to hold me back. Hammy, why don't you and Shirl stay up here. Keep an eye out for the others."
Hamton gave a nod, as Shirley gave Plucky a quick hug, before he ran after Fifi to catch up with her.
A/N: Well, hopefully that's good for now.