A/N: This is a collection of cross-over fics. Mostly. Lets play "Guess the crossover". Click on review to play.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. Doesn't mean I don't get to play with them.

Summary: Dean's life had a lot of close-calls. Some closer that the others.


Looking into a case in a big city had its advantages. Hanging-out in a high-class night-club was not one of them. The place was a bit too clean, too quiet, too overpriced, too full of suits and too lacking in dumb patrons (hustling-wise) or hot chicks (single-type) for Dean's taste. Still there was a definite chance of his day getting better and that chance was walking towards him in a revealing green dress with piercing green eyes and a head full of luscious red hair.

"Are you him? Are you my mate whom I'm supposed to meet tonight here?"

OK. As punch-lines went that was way too direct. But he could roll with it. Hell, he'd dealt with his fair share of crazy chicks and left them happy and non-homicidal.

"Honey, it feels like I've been waiting for you my whole life. Where in the world have you been? No wait, that's not right. You are out of this world. You must be from some far off beautiful planet."

"It is you. I've been looking for you all over in this wasteland of a city. C'mon lets get out of here."

"Hey, what's the rush? Lets get to know each-other before. You know, what's you're your name and all that?"

"Whatever you say my love. I'm Maxi-."

"Dean. What are you doing?"

I cannot kill him. He's my brother. I don't have anymore souls to sell.

"Sam. Little busy here. Can you come back later?"

Dean turned his attention back to the right place. Who was giving him a confused look.

"You are with this man? You are not alone?"

"Yeah. But don't worry about him. He was just leaving. Aren't you Sam?"

"You are not him."

Giving Dean a last disappointed look, the girl turned around and started walking away. Girls didn't just walk away from Dean Winchester. That just wasn't right. Sudden comprehension dawned on Dean.

"No, no, no, no, no. He's my brother. My soon to be absent brother. He's not with me. Not like that. Really, I'm straight. We're not together. Dammit Sam."

Sam was somewhere between exasperated and amused.

"What the hell Sam? That chick was totally coming on to me. I was so close that this whole thing was practically the morning after. And you blew the whole thing for me.

"Dean, I don't think it's the best idea to hook up with random girls in a city where men are dieing due to sex hormone overdose. C'mon we need to get back to the case. Lets go."

Dean took a last wistful look at the object of his temporary affections who had found her own new object of affection.

"Man, she's with some bow-tie photographer geek now. I'm counting this one as a score."

"You keep score Dean? That's kinda sad."

"Shut up. You ruined my night. No more driving privileges till you find me a new one. Lets get back to the man-killing sex-machine case."
