A/N: I do not own Twilight. I only own Ashley.

Please enjoy!


Bella Cullen was helping her now grown up daughter, Renesmee, put on a black dress identical to her own. Today was a sad day for the Cullens' family.

The non-stop rainy atmosphere matched the mood of today. The vampire coven came to this small town in California. The rain announced their arrival to say the final goodbye to an old and dear friend to them. Some might say a long lost family member.

A lot can happen in seventy-five years, but the coven's love for Ashley Black never faltered. Over the years the Cullens received updates, pictures and video messages. The vampire family got to see Ashley and Jacob's daughter, Jenny, grow up with her two younger brothers. They got to witness Ashley and Jacob become grandparents multiple times over.

Seventy-five years of happy memories came to a close upon hearing the news that Ashley died peacefully in her sleep next to the love of her life. Jacob told them the news a few days ago. With the constant rain, the Cullens were able to attend the funeral for Ashley.

The Cullens stood in the back at the service, listening to the countless stories Ashley's children and grandchildren told about her. They knew this day would come, they hoped it wouldn't come this soon.

After the service, they spoke to Jacob. They could tell he missed her severely, "It won't be long now," he told them, "I'll follow her anywhere."

Bella leaned down to his level in the wheelchair, "I know how much you must miss her," she said, "Go in peace Jake."

"Thanks Bells. Seeing you again is like seeing a ghost," Jacob said.

"Granpop," a little girl came running up to him before climbing into his lap, "I miss Grams."

"I know, Rosie, I do too."

"Who's this?" Rosalie stepped forward before leaning down on the other side.

"This is our great-granddaughter, Rose," Jacob said, "When she was born, Ash had a say in her name."

Rosalie looked at the little girl, "Rose, that's a beautiful name. My name is Rosalie."

"That's pretty. It's just like mine," the girl said.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl," Rosalie said.

"Come on," Jacob said before turning around with the wheelchair, "Let me introduce you to the rest of our family."

A/N: I hope everyone enjoyed this story as much as I liked to write for it. I started this a few years ago, I'm glade a finished it. I wanted to quite so many times but I stuck through because I wanted to know what happens to Ashley and Jacob. I know some might not like how I ended this story. This is the best ending I could come up with to be original as possible. Please feel free to comment/review. Let me know if you are happy or not.

Thanks for staying with it through all the years.

This story will not have any kind of squeal, so please don't ask. I'm over Twilight.

If anyone is interested, I would like to fix the grammar mistakes the story has. So I'm looking for a temporary Beta Reader. Please let me know if you are interested. First come, first serve.