Screen Names:
Bella: SilverBells
Edward: BloodRayne
Alice: FutureGirlfriend
Jasper: SmoothJazz
Emmett: HuggyBear544 / GrizzlyBear544
Rosalie: 2hawt4u
Jacob: Moonwolf379
Emily: WolfGirl609
Tanya: StrawberryMilkshake
Angela: AngelWingz52
Jessica: brunettebombshell980
Lauren: GossipGirl550
Renee: Seashell67
Charlie: CSwan1960
Quil: Lookin4agrrrrrfriend
Embry: VolcanicEmbers
*You have signed on as FanFicLuvr*
*You have entered the Chatroom: The Makings of Randomness
*SilverBells Has Signed On*
SilverBells: Hello?
*FutureGirlfriend Has Signed On*
FutureGirlfriend: Hey Bella!!!
SilverBells: Hey Alice, watsup
FutureGirlfriend: Not much, just chilling
*BloodRayne Has Signed On*
BloodRayne: Bella Love! There you are!
SilverBells: Hey sweet
FutureGirlfriend: *pouts*
SilverBells: Alice what's wrong?
FutureGirlfriend: Ugh, it's nothing, I'll tell you in a minute...without Edward in the room...
BloodRayne:Hey!!! :-(
FutureGirlfriend: LOL Sorry Edward, nothing personal,
*SmoothJazz Has Signed On*
SmoothJazz: Hi
FutureGirlfriend: Ugh, now I really can't tell you...
SmoothJazz: Tell me what, Edward what's going on???
BloodRayne: Honestly Jazz, no idea
SmoothJazz: Ugh Whatever
*HuggyBear544 Has Signed On*
*2hawt4u Has Signed On*
HuggyBear544: Yo my peepz wazuuuuuup
SilverBells: Oh God Emmett...
FutureGirlfriend: *dies laughing*
BloodRayne: *snicker*
SmoothJazz: *winces in comfort*
2hawt4u: Oh sweetie...
HuggyBear544: WHAT!
HuggyBear544: WHAT IS IT!!!
BloodRayne: Manly SN There Emmett *dies laughing*
FutureGirlfriend: lmfao lmfao lmfao
SilverBells: roflmfao
HuggyBear544: *waves fists menacingly and chokes Edward*
SilverBells: EMMETT!
HuggyBear544: Oops, sorry Bells...hehehe
2hawt4u: Sweetie, seriously, change it...like...now...
*HuggyBear544 Went Away*
BloodRayne: *snicker*
SilverBells: Yummy
BloodRayne: ?????
SilverBells: LOL Sorry, was thinking of chocolate bar lol
2hawt4u: There's a human chocolate bar called 'snickers'
SmoothJazz: Well that's just stupid...
SilverBells: HEY! That's like my favorite candy!! Well, that and kisses
BloodRayne: Aww, thanks love *give Bella more kisses*
2hawt4u: There's a candy called 'kisses' too
FutureGirlfriend: OOOH YEAH!!! I've seen them before, they're like like drops of chocolate!!!
SmoothJazz: *headdesk*
BloodRayne: What does that mean???
SmoothJazz: oh, bella taught it to me, it means banging you're head against your desk comically
SilverBells: *headdesk*
FutureGirlfriend: LOL
*GrizzlyBear544 Has Signed On*
2hawt4u: Oh, sweetie, much much better!
GrizzlyBear544: *mumbles incoherently at the fact that his own family would accuse hims of a gay screen name*
SilverBells: Oh get over yourself!
FutureGirlfriend: LOL Nice Bells
2hawt4u: LOL
*Moonwolf379 Has Signed On*
MoonWolf379: Hey Bellz!
BloodRayne: g2g Bella, pup's on, but I love you!!!!
SilverBells: Aww, love you too sweet!
BloodRayne: *kisses*
SilverBells: *kisses*
*BloodRayne Has Signed Off*
MoonWolf379: *vomits*
SilverBells: Be nice!
2hawt4u: g2g Bella, dog's online, but luv ya *wink*
*2hawt4u Has Signed Off*
GrizzlyBear544: Yeah, better go check on her Bellz, layta!
SilverBells: LOL Bye Emmett
SmoothJazz: Oh God, the dog, I'll be um, avoiding him now, bye bella!!!!
*SmoothJazz Has Signed Off*
*GrizzlyBear544 Has Signed Off*
FutureGirlfriend: OOH Bella, g2g 2, have to plan big stuff for the wedding, you know, your wedding in which you will legally bind yourself to the only one ou've ever loved you whole life, EDWARD
SilverBells: Kay Bye Alice!!!
FutureGirlfriend: LOL Love You!!! *kisses*
*FutureGirlfriend Has Signed Off*
MoonWolf379: Yeah, sure, rub it in...
SilverBells: Aww, Jaaaaaake!
MoonWolf379: w/e she's right, It's probably inappropriate for me to be talkin to you now n e way...
SilverBells: Ugh, get real! Ur my bff!!!
MoonWolf379: *says sarcastically* Yay, bff, that title totally doesn't interfere with my feelings for you
SilverBells: *sighs* Jake, if ur gonna b immature about this, I'll sign off right now, and give Edward a huge kiss in spite of you!
MoonWolf379: NO WAIT!
SilverBells: Thought So
MoonWolf379: So hows life with the leech
MoonWolf379: I Mean Bloodsucker
MoonWolf379: I Mean parasite
MoonWolf379: I Mean Edward
SilverBells: un freakin believable, you really are a dog, I give you leash and you choke me with it!
MoonWolf379: ...
*VolcanicEmbers Has Signed On*
*Lookin4agrrrrrfriend Has Signed On*
Lookin4agrrrrrfriend: Yo Bellz, wassup Jake!
VolcanicEmbers: Your screenname is stupid Quil
Lookin4agrrrrrfriend: lol look who's talking!
MoonWolf379: ...
SilverBellz: Umm... nice screen names guys *stifles laugh*
Lookin4agrrrrrfriend: HA!
VolcanicEmbers: She meant you too!!!
*WolfGirl609 Has Signed On*
WolfGirl609: Hey guys, whats up
SilverBells: Oh Emily thank god!
WolfGril609: LOL I see you're trapped in a chat with quil and embry...are you sure you're still conscious?LOL
VolcanicEmbers: shut up Emily!
WolfGirl609: Sam heard that
Lookin4agrrrrrfriend: lol ur screwed
VolcanicEmbers: Damn it! he wants to talk to me!!!
Lookin4agrrrrrfriend: hahahahahahahahaha!!!
*VolcanicEmbers Has Signed Off*
WolfGirl609: LOL So Bella how've you been?
SilverBells: Good, and you? how's sam?
WolfGirl609: He's great, and so am I, thanks for asking lol
WolfGirl609: Oh, hey Jake, I didn't know u were online, why so quiet?
MoonWolf379: ...
*MoonWolf379 Has Signed Off*
WolfGirl609: Jeez, what's with him?
SilverBells: I really don't know, but I might have a hunch
*Lookin4agrrrrrfriend Has Signed Off*
SilverBells: Awww, everyone signed off *pouts*
WolfGirl609: Oh Well, i g2g n e way, see you around!!!
SilverBells: k, by Emily!!
WolfGirl609: Bye Bella!
*WolfGirl609 Has Signed Off*
SilverBells: *sighs* my life is perfect
*SilverBells Has Signed Off*
*BloodRayne Has Signed On*
BloodRayne: Bella?
BloodRayne: Bella, are the dogs signed out yet?
BloodRayne: Damn I missed you by two seconds!
BloodRayne: Oh Well, I just wanted to tell you that I love you
*BloodRayne Has Signed Off*