
It's…been a while hasn't it? D:

I apologize for disappearing for so long. I can't believe it's actually been a year since I've updated this. Err…a year and two months. -sob- I'm sorry.

Looking back on this, I'm realize how horribly written this story is. Well, to me anyway.

And despite that, you guys still gave me so many reviews and love. Thank you so much.

So this chapter is dedicated to all of you people who read this and all who have reviewed. Hope you guys are still reading this~ This is kind of a filler while I figure out some things. xD

I love guys.

Amu's eyes snapped open at the sound of Kiseki hitting the floor. A blush began to creep up her face as she sat up and realized their situation. "Oh no. What if he tells? Oh god. He really will. Tadase would kill you."

Ikuto was amused by the obvious panic in Amu's voice. He reached out and pulled her close, ruffling her hair a little. "You, are so cute when you're worried."

She was suddenly all too aware of the warm embrace that Ikuto engulfed her in. She could smell his light cologne and his soft voice sent a shiver up her spine. Amu also noticed her lack of clothing and lightly pushed him away, quickly shrugging her shirt back on.

"Oh? Dressing so soon? I was enjoying the view." Amu shoved him lightly and grumbled something inaudible at him. Standing up, she began to pacing, trying to think of some way to convince Kiseki not to tell Tadase of the events that had just happened. She began mumbling to herself, running a hand through her pink hair every once in a while.

Ikuto merely yawned and leaned back, watching the girl pace. A few times she seemed to think of something, but then something stopped her from executing her plan.

A few minutes passed when the two heard a small groan. Amu froze and Ikuto tilted his head a little to side. Kiseki seemed to be waking. The little male steadied himself and rubbed his eyes a few times.

"That was quite strange. Must…have been a dream." he said loudly to himself and flew upwards. Then he stopped when Ikuto and Amu came into view. His eyes widened comically and he screeched before flying out of the room screaming Tadase's name.

"No, no, no, no. This is not happening. Not happening." Amu buried her face into her hands and began to pace even faster. Ikuto on the other hand rolled his eyes and got up, hugging her again. "Aww. Don't worry your little head about it, Amu-chan. If he tries to do something, I'll protect you." The amusement in his voice and the smirk on his face told her he wasn't taking this seriously at all.

"Ikuto! This is serious." she burst out angrily. Her heart rate picked up by half a million when she heard footsteps nearing the hallway they were standing in and Tadase's voice sleepily asking Kiseki if he had been dreaming or not. Kuukai was laughing, wondering why Kiseki would have such a lewd dream.

Kiseki could be heard blabbering about exactly what they had been doing on the floor.


Tadase and Kiseki rounded the corner to see Amu, whose cheeks were a light pink, holding a cat.

Kiseki's mouth dropped. "W-w-what? But he was…he was right there! And they were doing inappropriate things and…" His voice trailed off, leaving him wondering if he really had imagined the whole thing.

Kuukai burst into peals of laughter, which made Amu's heart jump. "Sheesh. Kiseki, what kind of naughty things have you been thinking of involving Ikuto and Amu?"

Ikuto, who was leaning against Amu's chest, could feel her entire body relaxing as she breathed a sigh of relief. Obviously, the others didn't believe Kiseki.

Tadase gave her a gentle smile. (At which Ikuto emitted a low growl. Amu stroked his ears.) "Hinamori-san, why don't we go back. It's the middle of the night and I'm sure you're tired." Kuukai gave a yawn to second the suggestion.

Amu gave him a weak smile and nodded and started to walk back . "Alright."

Ikuto, now a cat again, gave Kiseki a kitty smirk as they walked by. The poor guy still seemed to be in utter confusion and muttering to himself.

Ikuto pawed at an ear and yawned. He would have to ask Yoru why he had turned back so quickly in the morning.

Amu climbed into her sleeping bag, putting an arm around Ikuto who slinked in beside her. "Good night Ikuto." He rubbed his head against her chin before resting his head on his paws and closing his eyes, promptly falling asleep. Their little 'romp' from before tired him out good.

The next few days passed by agonizingly slowly for Ikuto. He hadn't turned back into a human since that night. Which meant he couldn't do lewd things to Amu. Tadase's fail attempts at flirting with her also irked him. He told himself that when he was back to human, he would think up the best way to torture Tadase. Maybe let him catch them kissing. Something like that.

He was more than joyful when the day finally came when it was time to leave. Tadase had generously offered to walk Amu home. To the delight of Ikuto, Amu had politely rejected his offer.

After a few greetings from her parents and sister, Amu trudged up the stairs into her room, flopping down onto the bed.

"Aaaahhh. It feels great to be home."

Ikuto crawled onto her bed, and nuzzled her gently. Amu smiled a little and scratched behind his ears. "Next time you turn back, you have to tell me why in the world you were turned into a ca-"

She was cut off by a puff of smoke. Before she could comprehend what was happening, Ikuto had already gathered her in his arm, burying his human nose into her hair.

The whole thing was just bad for her heart. Amu squeaked and stuttered something that had no meaning and pointed at him.

Smirking, he lightly he took her finger and pressed his lips to it, trailing up her hand and arm until they reached her neck.

She gave an exasperated sigh and pushed him away. "Put me down! I need to unpack. And you're not …doing anything else until you give a proper explanation of why you were a cat and why you-"

His lips pressed against her, silencing Amu once again. His hand grasped her hair lightly and pressed her against his mouth. When she tried to say something, his tongue pushed in, lightly stroking hers. He enjoyed the way her cheeks were almost immediately stained a bright red.

Amu on the other hand, was trying to resist the tongue that was invading her space. Her hands pushed roughly against his shoulders, causing their lips to part and Ikuto to drop her on the floor.

"My, my. Look what you've done. Yoru told me this whole thing has something to do with Easter." Ikuto knelt down and leaned over her, the knowing smirk never leaving his face. "Turning back…seems to leave certain effects on my body. And right now, I think I'm in need of the same someone who was whimpering so delightfully that night…"

That did it.

Amu's leg came up and connected with a rather sensitive place.

Ikuto gave a small whine as he doubled over and clutched at his crotch.

"Amuu-chaan. That….was brutal."

She wrinkled her nose at him and got up to unpack, ignoring the poor boy who was now rolling around on the floor, waiting for the pain to subdue.

Thank god Ran, Miki and Su had gone with some others to play. It would be hard to explain to them why Ikuto was there and why he..

She decided it would be the best to keep it from them.

As Amu folded up her clothes, she felt an arm snake around her waist and pull her against a rather muscular chest. "That wasn't very nice Amu-chan." She could feel his warm breath hovering just about her ear. A tongue darted out and ran along the shell.

She jumped and a shiver ran down her back. "Ikuto…please, I have to…unpack." She suppressed a soft groan as his canines grazed her earlobe.

"Unpack, unshmack. That can wait. I can't."

He pushed her down onto the bed, continuing to assault her ear before moving onto her neck. He tongue ran along her pulse before sucking lightly at the skin.

Amu buried her face into the blanket to prevent her whimpers from escaping.

"I swear, I'm going to find some way to turn you back permanently if it's the last thing I do, so I don't have to go through your horny phases." She groaned as his fingers began to hike up her shirt.

"Then I'll be able to do this to you everyday, won't I, Amu-chan?"

She would've kicked him again if he hadn't pinned her down to the bed.

Wow. I actually had to go back and reread my own story to remember everything. I am such a horribly sad person. . I mean what?

So I have decided to add several more chapters to this story that will include more Tadase bashing, smut and turning Ikuto back to human 100% of the time. :D Sounds good?

I'll probably update soon too. 8D

I won't be all up in your butts about reviews. Not that I love them any less than I did last year, but it is pretty immature I realize. Derp. So I'll say it once.

Would you kindly give me a minute or two of your life and click this beautiful button below and review?

Thank yoou.

Hope you enjoyed the update. Till next time!~