This is something I wrote during Spanish class today and I figured I'd post it. Just a short drabble type thing.

Disclaimer - I own nothing except for the ideas

Rated T

I hope you enjoy!

Sara's POV

Putting the pen to paper I begin to write not knowing what will come out.


Day by day
Hour by hour
Second by second
The days go by and I struggle to make it through
World blurred
Faces left to be forgotten
Everyone is the same
Yet everyone is different
Rare moments when
I fall back into reality
An unwelcoming world
Retreating back into fantasies
Dreams never to be discovered
Beautiful faces
Untouched places
The world loses its importance
Or gains an air of mystery

Questioning myself,
Where my heart lies,
The person I've become,
Where my thoughts wander,
And where my eyes linger
What I should be
What is expected of me
I can't be what they want
Consequences of actions
The things I've seen
Tangled in thoughts and lost memories
All in this invisible world
That has trapped me within

Thanks for Reading!

Now I have to seriously get started on my update for When Everything Changed or I will never update my other stories.