AN: This is a new story from me and I can promise that I'm going to try to update my other stories but I don't have the inspiration for them.

So I would really appreciate if you would tell me what you think.

I can tell you at this point that it would take awhile before updating this; I want to have more of the story ready before posting.

Disclaimer: Don't own anything related to The O.C.

So just read and leave me a review.

A Year to Remember

Chapter 1 Graduation

Today was the day that was supposed to be the best day of my life but at the same time I knew that it was the last day of the life that I had know as to this moment. This day was the day that I would graduate from High School and after today I was leaving all my friends that I have known and grown to love just so that I could get a fresh start. And if I should be honest with all of you my life has been going downhill ever since that day at the bonfire over a year ago, hours before I went to that fire I was almost the happiest or it was sometime before that but after she left me that day, that had been the day that my life really took a turn to the worse. I know that you don't think that one person can have that of an impact on one life but it appears like she did have that impact in my life.

Since that day I have trouble going down to the beach, and being near a pier is almost impossible, that is something that always reminds me of her and being on the beach when the time turns is absolutely impossible, I have learned that cause I was there onetime and that nearly broke me, after that I didn't go to the beach for over a week. Maybe I just should end this reminiscing and focus on the day ahead of me.

As I said before this is the day of my graduation and I can't wait for it to be over, of course I'm going to miss my friends but at the same time I can't wait to see my dad, I'm going to sail with him. As soon as this whole graduation thing is over I'm flying to Hawaii so that I can spend some time with him before we are going to sail around the world, seeing the Caribbean and some of the Greek islands, that is all that I know at the moment but I can't wait for it.

It's finally time for us to get that diploma that we all have been working or asses off, okay maybe that wasn't true but I know that I have done it at least. So here I'm sitting on one of those incredible uncomfortable chairs that you sit on during your graduation, the only one that I know that sits close by me is Seth, we all sit in alphabetical order by our last name. Why can't our principal just shut his moth and let us all get this over with, I want to leave this hell, that they all call Newport. Oh, I think that I heard a name being called that means that we finally is coming to an end of this.

"… Ryan Atwood… …Seth Cohen…" that means that I'm up soon, "…. Marissa Cooper" okay that is me and that means that I finally can get my diploma and that I can leave, I just wish that she was here to see this happen. I know that she would be proud of me she always told me that I could do this as long as I just put my mind to it, and that is what I've done. I even tried to get a hold of her and let her know that I was graduating and that I wanted her to be here, besides me I pretty sure that Seth would have wanted her to be here, he was almost as sad as I was when she left without a good bye. Maybe I should get up on that stage and take that diploma I'm starting to think that they might wonder where I am and I stand up from my chair and begin that long walk, or it feel like it's a long walk, this is the last time that I'm going to be at this school, so Goodbye to you Harbor High, you have brought me some good memories but the most memories that I've from you is bad. I want to say something cleaver when I have got my diploma, but I don't really know what to say but I promise that I'll have something.

"Congratulations Ms. Cooper, I know that you have been working really hard for this and you truly deserve it." Principal Kim, well she is has a title but we don't use it.

"Thank you, Dr. Kim and you know that it's true." I say to her when I accept my diploma. Just so you know, now no one can do anything to me, it means that I have graduated and the cant expel me or even give me detention, you know what that means, I just need to make a last impression on all of them. "So long suc…" was all I could say before someone had a hand on my mouth, I wonder who has the nerve to do that to me now, as I said before they can't do anything to me. So I just needed to see who is responsible for not letting me let all of them know how I feel at this moment, when I see who it's, both Seth and Ryan. Why can't the understand that I wanted to go out with a bang and being remembered for something other than the girl that shoot someone and got expelled and then back in, but I know that they just want what is best for me but sometimes that isn't what I want for me.

"… Summer Roberts…" that is my best friend and I'm truly going to miss her during the time that I'm gone. "… Taylor Townsend…" Okay so she isn't my favorite at the moment but she has been nice to me and she did help me to get back in to Harbor.

This was my graduation and that means that I'm leaving for the airport so that I can leave this behind me and look at the future and maybe comeback after a year as a new person that is actually what I need. Let's just hope that no one does anything big when I'm gone.

AN: okay just leave me a comment about this. I want to know what you all think so please leave me a review that would mean so much.