Author's Note: This is the last chapter and before you cry and tell me I'm a horrible person, here's a my reasoning. First off I have a personal rule of not having more than two ongoing fics at once and I would like to be moving onto another fic. Secondly I'm running out of inspiration for these and I don't want the quality of fic to drop off. Third off I don't want to be writing another 20 chapters or so of fic, so I am stopping at the designated stopping place I set for myself when I originally decided to expand the fic. On a personal note, I know I haven't covered all the helpers, but they are such minor characters that I can't see Hiruma having a personal moment with any of them (he blackmailed the basketball boys and I don't know how the hell they recruited the sumo guy).

To My Readers: Thank you for sticking around and reading this to the very end. I really appreciate your attention and I hope you've enjoyed this story and will continue to enjoy this last chapter.

To My Reviewers: Thank you for encouraging me, complementing me, making requests, and reminding me that you are there and you want to see what happens next! I hope you continue to keep reviewing not just my story, but other stories you read.

I encourage both my readers and reviewers to look at other stories, my own included.

Thank you.

Summary: For Suzuna, big brothers don't have to be related by blood….

A New Understanding

By: Bar-Ohki

Taki Suzuna was a popular girl, her charisma and happy personality made her easily loved by everyone. Of course being popular meant that she was often the object of several people's conversations, including some of the more slimy characters. There was a small group of bitter girls at Deimon that resented Suzuna for her popularity. Usually all they did was bitch about how annoying Suzuna was and leave it at that.

Recently they had chosen to start attacking her, in the subtitle ways of social warfare. Casually they began planting the seeds in the minds of others that Suzuna was sleeping with the members of the football team. They spread words that discredited her morals and intelligence. They always remarked that no one really knew what Suzuna did over at Deimon High School, because she was doing drugs.

At first there was no reaction, but rumor mills are what they are and within a month all the initial seeds and thoughts had discredited Suzuna so much that several of her friends had left her. A new-found depression fell over Suzuna, it showed in the almost smiles she now wore and the lack of enthusiasm in her day to day activities.

Hiruma Youichi was a very observant person, unlike several other people on the football team, and he had noticed the change in Suzuna. After practice one day, Suzuna was dragging her feet a little bit.

"Fucking skates," Hiruma called from behind her, "cheerleaders are supposed to boost morale, not spread depression. What the fuck is eating you?"

"It's nothing." Suzuan answered robotically. She was startled by the gun barrel in her face.

"This is not 'nothing' fucking skates." Hiruma looked down the gun at her.

"It is nothing!" Suzuna smacked his gun away in an unexpected fit of violence. "And if it was anything you'd never understand!" With that she ran off, crying.

Hiruma sighed and ran a hand through his hair, Suzuna's problems were already out of hand. He pulled out his infamous threat notebook and a cell phone. After making a few calls to his slaves, he shut his phone with a frown. Apparently Suzuna had her reputation trashed back at her high school and no longer had many friends.

"That's unacceptable." Hiruma commented to no one in particular.

The next day at school Suzuna was not actively hated, but not actively liked either. Her ego was boosted a little by the fact that no one was actively hating her. By the end of the week everything had mostly returned to normal. Her friends had come back to her pleading forgiveness for believing in rumors and not in Suzuna. Once again Suzuna was in high sprits and bouncing around with all of her usual enthusiasm.

"Fucking skates!" Hiruma stopped her before she could meet up and work with the other cheerleaders. "Last week was not 'nothing'."

"Eh?" Suzuna blinked.

"You're smarter than your brother," Hiruma gave an impatient look, "last week your school was hating you and today everyone was liking you, why is that?"

"…I don't know." Suzuna answered. Now that she thought about it, it did seem strange.

"…Fucking skates, I know for a fact that what happened to you over this last month was anything but 'nothing', got it?" Hiruma told her. "If you have a fucking problem, deal with it before it gets out of hand."

"You-nii?" Suzuna blinked. That's when she realized that she had had a problem this last month and that Hiruma had personally dealt with it, because she hadn't done anything about it.

"Just focus on cheering." Hiruma told her and walked off.

Suzuna realized then that she had another big brother, a smart one who went out of his way to make sure his family was taken care of.


Evil social warfare is something I have been a victim of more than once. Thank you for reading this!