
This fic was dedicated one "Brandon Bruce Lee"

Born: February 1, 1965

Died: March 31, 1993

Shot and killed on the original set of "The Crow" He originally stared in the move as Eric Draven.

Fox McCloud ...... originally Eric Draven

Krystal ...... originally Shelly Webster

Panther Caruso ...... originally Officer Albrecht

Katt Monroe ...... originally Sarah

Bill Gray ...... originally Mickey the Hot dog guy

Arlex Stone ...... originally Top Dollar

Wolf O'Donnell ...... originally Detective Torres

Garex Stancen ...... originally Gideon the pawnbroker

Drayvn Dark ...... originally Tin Tin

Falco Lombardi ...... originally T-bird

Silver ...... originally Skank

Xander Cramm ...... originally Funboy

Roxsanne "Roxy" Porter ...... originally Officer Rose

Creed Tasser ...... originally Grange

Rose ...... Mika "Top Dollar's Sister"

Author Notes: Well it took long enough but, this was just to clear up some confusion with the parts in the story...as well as give credit to a great actor cut down before he could ever reach his prime. Thanks again to all you who followed the Fic and I hope it inspired some that haven't seen it to watch the movie. Thanks again, you're all the greatest...C'ya next time all.

The Footsteps in the Darkness - SkullFox