A/N: Just so everyone knows. I wrote this chapter yesterday, but decided to be difficult and not let me upload until right now. On the upside though, the chapter is up and that's what matters.

I hope everyone likes it, it's a fluffy fun chapter that just makes you feel like you're filled with fluffy smores and rainbows...okay maybe not that good, but it will hopefully at least make you smile.

Kayla aka aka one of my best friends stayed up to edit this chapter until four am so everyone clap for her.

Chapter 17 "Six Weeks"

My eyes fluttered open a slight haze falling over my vision.

A light humming was flowing into my right ear as the sound of dripping came into my left.

It was dark out; I had obviously been sleeping for awhile. The dripping sound that I had heard before I learned was my IV as my eyes surveyed the room.

The distinct smell of overly sterile hospital assaulted my senses and the bright florescent lights above my head buzzed lightly as they shone brightly causing me to squint.

I turned my head to the right and saw the center of my existence being held by the other half of my heart.

He was the culprit of the humming noise. His voice felt like silk flowing over me and I felt my lips unconsciously pull up into a half smile.

I couldn't quite make out the tune he was humming, but it was a beautiful composition that seemed to make the space around me warmer and even inviting for a dull disinfected hospital room.

I watched as his hand moved to her slightly pink cheeks and delicately caressed them. That caused the smile on my face to spread even further into a wide grin.

He turned on his heels as he rocked her slowly back and forth and turned in a perfectly graceful movement to face me, the corner of his lip pulling up into the perfectly crooked grin I adored.

"Look who decided to wake up Lainey." Edward whispered to the small sleeping infant in his arms.

I smiled back at him instantly reaching for the small figure bundled up in his arms.

He, of course, handed her to me laying her gently into my arms. "She's been waiting for you to wake up." He said his voice quiet, barely above a whisper.

"Really?" I asked my voice sounded weak to me, like I needed sleep, though now I wasn't tired at all.

He nodded and turned to start packing the bag Rosalie had brought up when she finally arrived and smiled back at me, a glow about him, as he did so.

The look he had on his face was so familiar.

I lightly rocked the baby who was sleeping peacefully in my arms when I figured out what that look was. He had the glow of a new father.

My heart overflowed with love at the thought that he had already thought of Lainey as his own, that he loved her just as much as I did.

Alice was right, she does look exactly like me, but somehow she was more beautiful, she was perfect.

"We can leave as soon as you are ready love." Edward said pulling me out of my moment of admiration.

I nodded and smiled.

The nurse had come in whilst I was caught up in my train of thoughts and took out my IV quickly and, to my surprise, painlessly.

Edward took Lainey from me and placed her in the carrier Esme had given us at the baby shower the day before, though I doubt she thought we would have needed it this soon.

I was still in shock myself that the tiny miracle in my arms had actually come to meet us already.

She looked so tiny and defenseless compared to the large pink carrier and it made me want to protect her even more, to never leave her side and make sure nothing ever happened to her.

The ride home didn't seem to take as long as I counted her ten fingers and ten toes over and over and traced her features with my finger tip.

Her piercing aqua eyes looked up at me as I did this and I knew she was studying me just as I was studying her.

She was my daughter if nothing else this proved it, according to my mother I was born thirty five years old and just got more middle aged every year. She seemed to be exactly the same way.

I hadn't heard a peep from her since the hospital and she looked as content as she could be as she looked at me her aqua eyes looking over my face.

We arrived home after what seemed like an eternity in the car. Edward actually drove the speed limit on the way home and a part of me found that ridiculously sweet knowing he did it only because Lainey was in the car.

Sarah had decided to give us space and went to a hotel for at least the first night that we were home, and secretly I was thankful, though I'd never tell her that.

The apartment somehow seemed more inviting now that she was home, everything seemed better now that she was there, like she and Edward were the only things I needed in the world to be completely happy.

"Are you happy to be home?" Edward's asked softly in my ear as he held me from behind his hands resting gently on my stomach as we looked down at the tiny figure in the crib below us.

I nodded lightly, "Just a little tired…we should let her sleep." I said taking his hand and pulling him out to the living room, baby monitor in hand, and sat down on the couch my body exhausted by my mind wide awake.

"Bella," He started taking my hand lightly into his. I had never realized exactly how small my hands were next to his at this moment they seemed almost delicate in comparison.

"Yes?" That was my brilliant response, though in hindsight now I would have thought of a much wittier or even more romantic of an answer.

"I have loved you ever since I laid eyes on you that day in mine and Alice's apartment." He said softly as his emerald green eyes burned deeply into mine.

He had always seemed to be able to see straight to my soul and I had never been so mystified or embarrassed about anything in my life, he was the only person on this world who could truly read me.

"You are the only person I could ever picture myself spending the rest of my life with," he continued, his thumb rubbing soothing circles into my hand as he held it, "Will you marry me?" That same crooked smile pulled up on the corner of his mouth and my heart skipped a beat.

My eyes instantly brimmed with tears and my mind went void of all thought except for the fact that this mortal imbodyment of Adonis wanted me to spend the rest of forever with him.

He looked at me almost afraid now as I sat in my own silent world as visions of him standing at the end of an aisle with a tux on floated through my mind making me feel all warm and tingly inside.

"Yes, I will." I squeaked out and before I could blink I was in his arms and his warm inviting lips pressed against mine. It had seemed like an eternity since I had felt his lips and to my complete embarrassment my lips move too eagerly against his and my arms snaked around his neck and pulled him to me removing all the space that was once separating our bodies.

"You have no idea how much I want this love, but the doctor said six weeks and you like to test my will power a little too much for us to be doing this." He said with a light uptight chuckle as he found a way to gently pry my hands from around his neck and my body from pressing into his.

My cheeks instantly flushed, "Sorry." I apologized looking away from his eyes so not to be pulled into another fit of lust.

These would be the most difficult six weeks of my life, I'm sure of it.

Edward slipped the oval shaped ring onto my left hand and I smiled at how perfectly it seemed to fit my slender pale finger.

Diamonds covered the surface and were held in place by tiny bands of gold around the small shining rocks. It was beautiful, perfect, and had an air of old fashioned feeling to it just like him. I would cherish this ring not only because he had given it to me as a sign of his commitment to me, but also because it reminded me of him.

After a night of waking up multiple times from the tiny cries that came from the room across the apartment I made the executive decision to have Lainey sleep in bed with us.

She woke up one final time around seven in the morning and I sat up, running my hand through my hair I knew was nothing less than a haystack of a mess.

Edward woke up that time with her tiny cries as well as threw my legs over the side of the bed to change and feed her has I had done countless times that night already.

I didn't mind doing any of this though, she was my daughter and I would do anything for her. What I wanted, like sleep, didn't matter anymore.

Edward yawned and watched me his head still on the pillow as I picked up Lainey and placed her gently against my chest.

"She's certainly a night owl." Edward mused, his voice horse with sleep. "I would have gotten up and helped, but right as I would start to get up you were already in the room." He said his voice playful and returning to its normal velvet sound.

"I guess I was just worried, I don't like her to cry for very long." I said quietly and knew my cheeks were turning pink again and I internally damned them for blushing so easily.

I heard the sheets ruffle as he got up, but didn't actually see them as I was walking back to Lainey's room and began changing her once I arrived.

Surprisingly being a mother was easier than I had imagined it to be. All the knowledge you'd think someone would have to tell you before actually performing it, like how to change a diaper or feed a bottle just came naturally to me and I was immensely grateful to whatever god decided to give me that wisdom.

After changing her I dressed her in a pink onesie covered in elephants and pink pants and matching socks I had picked out myself earlier in my pregnancy. "Let's go see what Daddy has for breakfast." I said and hoped he hadn't heard me.

Though Edward had seemed more than happy to be seen as Lainey's father it still made me nervous to assume this.

I walked into the kitchen still in my pajamas and sporting my haystack hair I hadn't yet had time to try and tame yet.

Edward was flipping a pancake and had already warmed up a bottle for me and had it sitting on the counter.

I reached forward to grab the bottle and smiled the sweetest 'thank you' smile I could manage, "Thank you." I added just to make sure he got the message.

"Anything for my two favorite girls." He said smiling that smile that always seemed to make my heart haywire.

His slightly tousled hair and pajama pants only seemed to make that smile affect me even more. Did he really have to not wear a shirt? This is just torturous, six weeks? I'd like to see research.

The temperature in the room seemed to rise as my eyes traced over every muscle in his back as he continued to flip the pancakes and place them on two plates.

Desperately my mind searched for anything else to think about besides how dangerously low his pants were hanging on his hips or the way the muscles in his forearms looked as he moved the pan over the fire.

Lainey moved in my arms lightly and that was enough to pull me out of my day dreaming for my fiancée.

First I tested the temperature of the bottle on my arm then began feeding her. She really was perfectly content with everything I gave her and that made me smile with pride to myself. It meant I was doing this right.

Edward placed a plate of pancakes in front of me where I had perched at the kitchen table and for the second time that morning I smiled in thanks.

"Would you mind going out today? I understand if you're too tired, but I'd like to tell my mother and everyone about our engagement as soon as possible." He said smiling sweetly as he took a bite of pancake into his mouth.

"I'm not too tired," I assured him, though I was exhausted, I wanted him to be happy.

"Then we'll go after you get ready, I'm sure everyone is desperate to see Lainey for longer than a few minutes."

A part of me internally cringed, though they were our family the thought of her being passed around to where I couldn't protect her or watch her made me nervous and as usual it showed clearly on my face.

"Don't worry love, we can leave as soon as you like," He said reassuringly as soon as he caught a glimpse of my expression.

I nodded and took a deep breath, "Everyone has to wash their hands before they hold her." I said quietly, "And if she cries she comes right back to me."

"Of course." He said in a way that showed he understood exactly how serious I was about my demands.

After breakfast I handed Lainey over to Edward as I showered quickly and threw on a pair of jeans and a nicer black tshirt not wanting to look like a total slob and simply blow dried and brushed my hair until it looked decent enough to go out into the real world.

"You look beautiful." He said a look on his face that made it look like I was the prize to be won here, when in fact it was he who was the epitome of perfection.

Blood rushed to my cheeks, "I just had a baby I doubt beautiful was the first adjective to come into anyone's mind when they think of that." I joked trying to push back my embarrassment and took Lainey so he could shower.

He chuckled and kissed my cheek delicately, "You are beautiful though." He said and walked to the bathroom before I could argue further.

Edward was dressed and ready in about half the time it took me and his hair fell into its perfect disheveled look without him having to touch it.

The ride to Esme and Carlisle's house seemed longer than normal, possibly because I was dreading having anyone touch my baby girl besides Edward or myself or because I knew that Jasper was most likely going to be there.

"What if…he's there?" I asked nervously playing with my fingers in my lap.

"Then he will be nothing but respectful or we will leave." Edward said gripping the steering wheel a little tighter; Jasper was still a difficult subject for both of us to talk about.

I nodded relieved I wasn't the only one of us who thought that way.

We had been dancing around the custody issue with Jasper for awhile now, but today was not the day to deal with this.

Esme answered the door of course and pulled me into a huge warm hug instantly then she hugged Edward next carefully avoiding the carrier in his right hand.

"Look at my granddaughter." She said her voice beaming with pride and so sweet it made a smile come to my face as she admired Lainey who was sleeping peacefully. "She's so gorgeous." She said in awe as we walked in to the house full of our family.

"Bells!" Alice's high pitched voice rang across the room as she waddled up to me, her baby bump already as big as mine was the day I gave birth.

"Hey Alice." I said hugging her gently careful to not hurt her, "You three look great." I complimented moving my hand to rest on top of her stomach and smiled.

"Thank you." An excited smile spread across her face. "I'm going to be bigger around than I am tall soon." She joked. I had forgotten how much I missed her bubbly attitude and just her all around and made a mental note to make plans with her soon.

"Is it alright if I hold her?" Esme asked from where Edward had placed the carrier on the couch.

"Yeah…that's fine." I said biting back my want to say no. I would have to get used to other people holding my baby and I'm sure soon I'd be grateful for others wanting to help, though I couldn't see that happening in the near future.

Edward smiled appreciatively to me for allowing this and walked over to stand beside me as I talked for a little more with Alice about everything I had missed.

After a while he looked to me running his hand lightly up and down my back causing tingles burst under my skin wherever his fingers touched. "Are you ready to tell them?" He asked quietly in my ear.

Right as I was about to nod Alice grabbed my left hand. "Oh my lanta please tell me this is what I think it is! Are you two engaged!?" She squealed loud enough to where I knew everyone could hear.

I sighed, "Well looks like we didn't have to announce it."

"Yes Alice we are engaged." Edward said his voice just as smooth and calm as it normally was even when he was obviously disappointed that he couldn't share the news himself.

Alice squealed again and hugged me tightly practically jumping up and down, "Oh please let me plan the wedding Bella please!" She begged after she pulled away.

"Nothing to extravagant." I warned lightly, but I could tell she knew I wouldn't object even if I wanted to.

"I swear it will be small and perfect for you." Alice said holding my hand lightly as if I would object if she let go.

"Fine then I suppose it's alright with me if it's alright with Edward."

Edward nodded laughing with an amused smile on his lips.

"You're crazy if you think we aren't helping." Rosalie's voice came from behind me and pointed between herself and Esme who was holding Lainey safely in her arms with the skill of a seasoned mother.

"I only have one more stipulation." I added my cheeks burning and I knew they would soon be turning the light pink they normally did when I was embarrassed, "It has to be in six weeks."

Edward caught my inside joke and chuckled lightly pulling me a little closer at his side, "Right it has to be in six weeks." He agreed with a single nod to Alice.

"Well that's oddly specific, but I think I can work with that." She said her face twisted slightly in confusion at our small inside joke.

Tell me what you think! Review if you love it! Review if you hate it! I can only make the story better if you tell me what you think! :]