A/N: So this is a Sirius/OC paired story with the whole Lily/James love/hate drama going on as well, just because this story is very Marauder-centric... It begins pretty light and carefree, however, an ominous darkness lurks in the background. So we shall see about that.
Most stories about relationships just show the beauty of two people who seem to click, but in light of recent events in my life, I'll be bringing out some full fledged misfortune and brutally honest truths in this little gem alongside some of the saucy lurveeee. Enjoy.
The weather was strange, a thick mist that rolled off the lake and seemed to swallow up anything in its path. Sirius strained his eyes to make out the vague outline of the Forbidden Forest off in the distance.
"I don't really know why Lily didn't like the chocolate frogs I gave her. You reckon she's allergic or something?" asked James pensively, rumpling his dark, shaggy hair. He was lounged out on his four-poster idly skimming through a Quidditch magazine.
Remus shrugged. "She may still be touchy about when we dumped six gallons of lake water on her head on Monday."
"That so wasn't my fault," James defended, flopping down onto his back. "Snivelly wasn't supposed to let her go first, he's just a slimy prick with no sense of chivalry."
Sirius snorted and turned away from the window. James had overwhelming charm, but very little tact, when it came to girls. "You have to win the ladies over with manners, Potter. When I'm trying to get on a bird's good side, I try not to play embarrassing pranks on her. Often. A bit of trickery every now and then lets her know you're interested."
"You could have at least gave her your robes. She was wearing a white shirt," added Peter, laughing breathily.
"Sod off, you're bonkers!" James sat up again, looking at the other three boys through his wire-framed glasses. He sighed. "I'm bored, I wish it was a full moon."
"Maybe you do," Remus replied darkly, not drawing his attention away from the passage he was annotating. The sandy blonde haired boy sucked on the end of his sugar quill and flipped a page.
"We should go out and do something crazy tonight," said James. "I'm feeling a bit wild."
Sirius glanced over at the clock. "You know, It's only 10 o'clock. We should take a trip to Hogsmeade."
"I could use a butterbeer," agreed James. "Now where the bloody hell did we leave the map?"
"I dunno. Wormy, go look in the wardrobe," ordered Sirius. As soon as Peter lifted himself off the bed, Sirius snagged one of his atomic fireballs.
"What about your essays? We have Potions tomorrow," Remus said, raising his voice over the commotion of James rummaging through a stack of dirty laundry, rubbish, and textbooks. "And no, I won't let you copy mine later," he replied to Sirius' pleading glance.
"Mine is already half done, and I bet I can convince Prewett to finish it. Or at least hex him into it," said James. He triumphantly help up a silky green cloak with floral patterns and a lacy fringe. "Here we are!"
"Prewett has been lippy lately. Maybe we should prank him a bit more," replied Sirius. "Just so he'll do our work out of respect."
Remus chuckled amusedly.
"Oy!" Peter furrowed his brow. "There's the cloak, but I can't find the map!" he whined.
"Then you're on lookout, Wormy," shrugged Sirius, grinning. His hair was smoothed back into a ponytail, exposing the tiny silver hoop in his left ear.
Remus sighed and set his novel aside. "This is probably against all of my better judgment... But try looking in Sirius' nightstand. Top shelf."
"Score! Thanks Moony," James grinned. He glanced fondly at the neatly folded scrap of parchment the four boys had created.
Remus nodded, "You guys have fun. And if you bring be back some licorice that doesn't bite, I'll even think about helping you with your essays."
"No way, you're coming with us. You spend way too much time studying like a good little werewolf," said James, grabbing Remus' forearms and yanking him off the bed. Sirius scooped up the abandoned novel and held it upside down at arms length.
Peter squinted at the small red book. "Charms to Colour Your World. Wow, that's a cheeky pun."
"We should turn Snape's robes pink. People may think he's a girl… Well a hideously unattractive one at that," replied Sirius with a frown. He looked over at Remus. "Think you could do it?"
Remus shrugged, hand slipping into the inside pocket of his robes. "Well I've been meaning to give it a go... Colocultum!"
A jet of white light shot out of Remus' wand, nailing Sirius on the forehead.
"Watch it, you almost took my eye out," grumbled Sirius, rubbing his head. Remus clasped a hand over his mouth, body shaking with silent laughter while James and Peter burst out into hysterics.
"Change him back!" James gasped between fits of laughter, clutching his side.
Remus was beaming. "I don't know, pink is a nice choice of colour for our Padfoot."
"Sod off," Sirius grumbled, glancing over his shoulder at the mirror. His hair was a shade of pink resembling Drooble's bubblegum.
James nicked the book off of the floor, skimming through the pages. "I think Lily used this same charm on me Valentine's day of our third year. I was pink for hours." He couldn't stop chuckling.
Sirius arched his eyebrow. "Moony, you'd better fix this right now!" he exclaimed.
"I haven't read about the countercurse yet," smirked Remus, leaning against the antique wardrobe. "Guess you'll have to go looking like that."
"Better hope Madame Rosmerta isn't working tonight. She only goes for manly men," James added, puffing out his chest.
"Much like Lily's affinity for babbling idiots," Remus commented dryly. With a flick of his wand, Sirius' hair was jet black again.
Peter knelt down to tie his shoelaces. "Do you think we can get the Tuesdays discount on Jelly Slugs if we hang around Honeyduke's past midnight?" he asked.
"I'll get you a five finger discount, Wormy," replied Sirius. He unfolded the map and tapped it with the tip of his wand. "I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good."
Professor Slughorn meandered around the dungeon, peering into various students' cauldrons as he went. His gingery colored mustache bristled in delight as he passed by Lily Evan's table.
"Miss Evans really has mastered the smooth texture, billowing smoke, and sunshine yellow color that a perfect Euphoria Elixir should be. Nice work," he beamed. Lily grinned back, cheeks flushing slightly pink.
"She's so perfect," sighed James. "She's got brains, sweet knockers, a fiery attitude... The one thing that's missing in her life is me."
Slughorn passed by the Marauder's table, making a face at the orange potion brewing in Sirius' cauldron. It was emitting a very sour smell.
"Yours seems to be acceptable as well, Mr. Potter," Slughorn nodded.
"Thank you sir." James arched an eyebrow, studying the fizzy concoction in his own cauldron. He had attended way too many Slug Club meetings to expect anything less.
Making his way to the front of the dungeon, Slughorn leaned against his desk. "We have a minute or so left, would anybody like to try theirs?"
Lily appeared to be conferring with the fair-skinned girl sitting next to her as to whether or not to give it a shot. Sirius checked out Elladora Stark's flowing chestnut hair and the way her uniform shirt stretched tight across her chest, smirking.
He slyly flicked his wand under the table, causing the hand of the Slytherin boy at the next cauldron to shoot up in response.
"You git," he muttered darkly at Sirius, peering uncertainly into his cauldron.
Slughorn rocked back onto his heels, grinning. "Oho, since you've kindly volunteered Mr. Rookwood, then maybe you'd like to give your potion a try as well?" he asked.
Sirius stopped sniggering.
A high pitched bell rang off in the distance and the murmur of conversations filled the air as everybody moved to clean up. Sirius smirked and nudged Remus with his elbow, proudly scooping up a flask full of his sub-par potion. "That was close, huh?"
"Cheeky," Remus replied, shaking his head.
"You got lucky, Black," said Elladora. One hand on her hip, she smirked at Sirius. "I hear when you forget the ginger roots, elixirs can cause terrible sinus problems."
"Well Stark, our dorm happens to be full of tissues," Sirius replied. "So I think I'm covered."
James stood chuckling by his best mate's side, rumpling his hair to make it look messy. Lily scowled, collecting her battered copy of Advanced Potion Making and resisting the overwhelming urge to smack James' arm away.
"One day I'm going to put a sticking charm on Potter's hand while he's doing that," Ella commented dryly to Lily.
"Yeah? Make it sooner than later," the red-head chuckled, hitching her overstuffed book bag higher up on her shoulder as they headed out of the classroom.
Sirius shook his head. "We should put itching powder in her bra for saying that," he replied, loud enough for Ella to hear.
She just whispered something to Lily, and the two of them giggled as they began to ascend the stone staircase.
"I did just nick some last night at Zonko's, convenient!" James replied, turning to face his mates. "Maybe the house elves in the kitchen have ins with the ones who do the laundry."
"I'm sure they do all the chores around here," shrugged Remus.
An awkwardly thin, pallid boy with greasy hair shoved by Peter in his haste to exit the dungeon.
"Watch where you're going, Snivelly! You walk like you have your head up your arse," called out Sirius. "Should we do the pink thing now?" he asked the other three. Peter nodded enthusiastically in a manner that much resembled a scary bobble-head doll.
"Let's wait until dinner," replied James. "More people will be around."
"Because of course there needs to be an audience to appreciate our mockery," Remus said sarcastically. Severus Snape skitted up the stairs, hunched over so that a greasy curtain of black hair covered his face.
James clapped his on the shoulder. "Good thinking, mate."
Remus pulled a few squares of milk chocolate out of his pocket, popping them into his mouth one by one. He brushed strands of sandy blonde hair out of his eyes as he trudged up the stairs.
"Full moon's creeping up on you, eh?" Peter asked quietly.
"I'm pretty sure it's sometime this weekend. Prongs?"
Reaching into his small stack of books, James pulled out a half-completed Astronomy assignment. While it was extremely convenient for planning out some of their midnight escapades, James only struggled through the class to catch extra glimpses of Lily each day.
Remus chewed his chocolate, glancing at the chart. "Wow, Friday, huh?"
"Friday night? Damn," Sirius swore, frowning. "I'm supposed to go bird watching by the lake with Cirra."
"I thought you wanted to shag Tegan?" said Peter. "Her and Cirra are like... mates."
"And what happened to that skinny Hufflepuff from the party last weekend?" asked Remus.
Sirius smirked. "The spindly one? Thinks my true name is Ashton. Tegan? Disappointment. Cirra? promising. She does this flirty little thing with her tongue where she-"
"-You go through girls more often than Prewett changes his socks," interrupted Remus.
"Good for you!" James slapped Sirius on the back. "You're living life Marauder-style. Which is brill since nobody else here is."
"Well, that's been true ever since Prongs here confessed his undying love for Lily," replied Remus. "The only time you might settle is once you go through the cycle of girls until there's no one new left."
Sirius made a face. "Girls are so clingy once you give them something to hold onto."
"Like when Prongs dated Kate and she wouldn't leave us the bloody hell alone?" replied Peter. "But she always left the top buttons of her shirt open..."
"Or when I was with that chick Allie. I mean she was cute, just a tad boring in the long run," said Sirius. "She was always lurking outside my classrooms."
"Allie was so short, you had to pick her up to snog her. Bloody hilarious!" laughed James.
Sunlight from the open windows flooded the corridor that led from the dungeons. The boys trekked down the hallway immersed in anecdotes from James and Sirius' impressive repertoire of one night stands and shaky relationships.
"But you are coming Friday... right?" Remus asked Sirius quietly as a throng of students filed into the classroom.
Sirius winked. "Of course I am, Moony."
Reviews and concrit are much appreciated, I heart feedback.